Ye CuO said in a cold voice, "I have no money. Get out of the way."

That woman's charming smile, face as delicate as a blooming peach: "little brother, you can beat East brother, it seems that is not an ordinary person. But you can't get out of here without losing money. "

Ye CuO laughed: "is that right? What if I want to try? "

Several employees nearby looked at the landlady“ What shall we do, sister Tang? "

As a woman who dares to open a bar, Tang Moqiu naturally has seen a lot of storms. He smiles and says to Ye Cuo, "if the police know that you are fighting here, they will be fined, and they will inform your school."

Ye CuO looked at her and said, "what if you let the police know that your bar is open to minors?"

Tang Mo Qiu choked for a while, a pair of beautiful big eyes couldn't help looking up and down at the young man in front of him.

When the door of the box next door opened, a handsome man shook his glass and looked at the people outside with great interest. Tang Mo Qiu toward him smile: "Nangong young master, a little thing, let you laugh."

The man, who is called Nangong master, smiles and looks up and down at Ye Cuo. His eyes are slightly narrowed. He doesn't know what he is trying to write. Ye Cuo, as a killer, is very sensitive. At the moment of seeing this man, his sweat pores all seem to burst open, and a sense of serious danger invades him.

Ye CuO looks at the man and doesn't hear what Tang Moqiu says.

The man looks at Ye Cuo, stares at him and raises his glass to him. The super strong sense of crisis disappears slowly. Ye CuO could feel that he was not hostile, so he nodded his head and didn't look at him any more.

However, just a moment ago, it was enough for ye CuO to judge that he must be a terrible master.


In a luxurious antique architecture garden in Yunhai City, two old people sit in the garden playing chess.

They live in a garden where you can't see the edge at a glance. There are many antique buildings and wooden corridors, just like Suzhou gardens, such as pavilions, pavilions, rockery ponds, luxuriant forests and bamboo, goldfish and lotus, and Lake Gardens.

Such a large garden, in Yunhai City, even if you have money, you can't buy it. It is conceivable that those who can live here have a noble status.

The two old men were sitting in the pavilion in the garden. On one side, the lake was rippling with microwaves, and on the other side, the courtyard was fresh and elegant.

Breeze, an old hand dry fingers twist a white chess piece, hesitant, the other hand stroking his goatee, looked at the chessboard for a long time, can not help but sigh a angry: "Lao Qin, your chess is still such a domineering, step by step attack, step by step press."

The old man, whom he called Lao Qin, has a three-dimensional face and features like a knife. We can see that he must be very heroic when he was young. But at this time, he was wearing loose clothes and crutches, and looked a little gray, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

He said with a smile: "Laohe, you don't know my style. Otherwise, do you still call me?"

"Ha ha ha, that's true." The old man, who was called Laohe, put down his chess pieces and said, "you've never given up to anyone in your life."

"Don't you, too? Last time in the hospital, the boy named Ye CuO cured me. I heard that you went back to read medical books all night. My illness has been cured. If you still study like this, you will not admit defeat. Do you want to cure my illness in a different way? "

It turns out that these two elders are the grandfather of yunyehe and Qin Fusu, whom ye CuO met at Yunhai central hospital.

Cloud wild crane listened to Qin Lao's words, a little dejected nodded: "yes, I feel I'm not old, I don't want to admit defeat. However, after this incident, I understand that young people, after all, the world belongs to them, just as we snatched the great rivers and mountains from the older generation. "

Qin Lao's eyes are full of feelings: "yes, I think at the beginning, your medical skills, my shooting skills, together, go all over the world, who dares to provoke?" In the eyes of Mr. Qin, the spirit of killing and cutting emerged again.

Qin Fusu came over with a teatray and a pot of tea: "grandfather, grandfather Yun, have a rest and have some tea."

Yunyehe looked at Qin Fusu with a smile and exclaimed, "the world belongs to young people."

Mr. Qin picked up the tea bowl and took a sip. Suddenly, he said strangely, "where's Ni'er? Isn't this girl always clinging to you? Why can't she be seen today? "

Qin Fusu said with a smile: "it seems that she doesn't know how to fight with Ye CuO during the day. Now she is sulking in the room."

Cloud wild crane and Qin Lao looked at each other and said with a smile: "this boy surnamed Ye is quite capable of tossing! Lao Qin, I think he looks like you when you were young. Everyone dares to provoke you. "

Lao Qin waved his hand: "don't put gold on my face. When I was his age and faced with so many machine guns, I was scared to pee my pants."

Yunyehe remembered that in the hospital, ye CuO was facing dozens of machine guns that could break his head at any time. His face didn't change, he was talking and laughing, and he couldn't help nodding: "yes, young people are really amazing now. Fu Su, the successor of your four families, is gentle and elegant, and has a king's mind and magnanimity in dealing with people; The boy of the white family is as sharp as a knife and cruel as a knife. He is not easy to be provoked; The young man of Yan family is very clever and strange, and his thinking is different from that of ordinary people; The boy of the wind family is unrestrained and unrestrained. He comes and goes as he pleases. He is definitely not the one who lives under others; I'm really looking forward to watching them grow up. "

Old Qin knocked on the table with his fingers: "old crane, you forgot the most powerful one."

Cloud wild crane frowns: "who? Ye Cuo, that boy? "

Qin said: "that boy is too murderous. Generally, children of this age are not fully mature. If they have this kind of evil spirit, they will be crazy for a long time. He can control his murderous spirit. In the future, there must be a place for him. But I'm not talking about him. Have you forgotten the little girl of the Su family? "

Yunyehe patted his head: "yes, the little girl of the Su family! Ah, this girl... This girl... "

Yunyehe said a few words, but he couldn't give a comment.

Qin said: "I've never seen this girl's intelligence before. Although she is a girl, if our four families don't work hard in the future, it's estimated that she will be steadily suppressed by the Su family."

Yun Yehe twists his goatee with his dry fingers and ponders: "even if the girl is clever, she is a girl after all. She always wants to get married. Fu Su's family and character are all worthy of her. If we can be together in the future, who can look down on the Qin family? "

Qin Fusu shook his hand beside him: "ah, grandfather Yun, I have no idea about sister Suya."

Cloud wild crane strange way: "what? You don't like that girl? That girl's appearance, character and wisdom, no one can compare it? You don't like her. Who do you like? "

Qin Fusu hesitated and couldn't speak. Suddenly, his mobile phone rang.

Qin Fusu took out a look, saw the caller ID is writing Su Ya two words.

Qin Fusu was puzzled that she did have Suya's phone number, but she never contacted her. Why did she call her?

Cloud wild crane in the side to see the caller ID, said with a smile: "are chatting, also sorry."

Qin took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Fusu is not interested in Su's little girl."

Cloud wild crane strange way: "that he likes who?"

Old Qin didn't speak and looked at him with a smile.

Cloud wild crane Leng for a while, suddenly wake up: "Ni son?"

Before he had time to ask, Qin Fusu suddenly called out: "grandfather, Suya said that ye CuO broke into a bar in order to save his sister. It may be dangerous."

Old Qin frowned, but the first thought was not to save Ye Cuo. Instead, he asked, "why does this girl want to call you?"

Qin Fusu road“ She said that according to several details outside the bar, she guessed that the bar Ye CuO entered was opened by sister Mo Qiu. "

"Mo Qiu?" Qin Lao frowned, "when did this crazy girl open a bar?"

Qin Fu Su suddenly let out his mouth, covered his mouth and didn't dare to speak. Qin Lao Qi leaned his crutch on the ground: "this crazy girl is never obedient, because I'm sick, no one is in charge of it, it's going to turn the world upside down! Call her back at once

Qin Fusu shrunk for a moment and said in a low voice, "OK."

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