
It's Ye CuO's consistent style not to talk nonsense about the dead. He grabs scar face's arm and twists it in the direction of his elbow. With a click, the small arm of scar face is twisted and bent outward to 90 degrees. This kind of skill is very skillful.

At the same time, ye CuO did not stop, a punch like a meteor in the face of scar face.


This punch almost collapsed the whole face of scar face. The arm of scar face was directly interrupted by Ye Cuo. Originally, he was about to howl, but he was directly and forcefully beaten by this punch. He could not even scream out. He opened his mouth and spat out a lot of blood, as well as a dozen broken teeth.

"Well --" just like the throat was pinched, scar face wailed, and the whole person fell to the ground like a pool of rotten meat. His whole body kept twitching, and his nose, tears and blood mixed all over the ground.

"Damn it There were two boys passing by. One was so scared that he sat on the ground with his legs softened. The other screamed and immediately covered his mouth with his hands.

It's like looking at the scene in front of me in disbelief, and it's like being afraid of being discovered by Ye Cuo, even beating myself.

And this side leaf mistakenly jilted to jilt slightly numb right hand, in the heart is also can't help but sigh, if is the former body, deal with this kind of small hunk level, directly kick fly, which still use to hit the other side a punch, oneself hand also ache half a day.

It seems that it's urgent to exercise and restore the previous Kung Fu.

Back to Ye Qianqian, ye CuO said to Ye Qianqian: "close your eyes and cover your ears."

Ye Qianqian just stayed, but obediently closed his eyes and covered his ears.

Zhang tianzhe's face was still a little complacent. At this time, there was only surprise and fear.

Looking at the terrible scar face, he suddenly felt as if a hand had grasped his stomach and squeezed it. He could not help feeling like vomiting.

In his heart, a trace of regret suddenly appeared.

Ye CuO walks towards several people in the opposite direction step by step. Zhang tianzhe has countless thoughts in his mind at this time. The first one is to turn around and run away, but he finds that his legs are as soft as noodles and he can't run at all.

He trembled: "Ye Cuo, what do you want to do? You've been publicly criticized and have a big demerit. If you hit me, you'll be fired. "

"Is it?" Ye CuO rubbed his hands, and his knuckles crackled, but he didn't stop at all.

Zhang tianzhe trembled all over his body, and suddenly pushed several sports students around him like crazy: "beat me, kill him, kill me, find someone to jail for you, my father is the director of public security, you don't have to jail for killing him."

Those sports students took a look at the scarred face on the ground. There was fear in their eyes, and no one dared to go up. Ye CuO sneered: "they dare not go up. If they want to hit me, I can only take the initiative to send them over!"

Ye CuO said and suddenly rushed to several people on the opposite side.

As a killer, the first thing to learn is not to kill people, but to be familiar with the human body.

As a high-level killer, there are innumerable ways to kill his opponent with the least effort, because of their understanding of human body.

Ye CuO is such a killer who knows the structure of human body. He knows where it hurts most.

Under the ribs, throat, lower body, armpit

Almost all of the students felt a deep pain in some part of their body. The whole body seemed to be drained of its strength in an instant. Then one of their arms or leg was snapped and dislocated from the joint.

At this time, ye CuO seems to be a tiger into a sheep, lying down where he walked. He is like a skilled worker, dismantling the parts of the machine.

In just a few seconds, there was no one standing on the opposite side except Zhang tianzhe. Everyone has an arm or a leg, soft drooping, as if it does not belong to themselves.

These a few people originally still want to be able to go up together to knock down leaf wrong, but didn't expect in the twinkling of an eye, they all were put down.

Ye Qianqian closed her eyes and covered her ears, but she could still hear a wail. She was worried that ye CuO was being beaten. She could not help but open her eyes to see. However, she found that Zhang tianzhe was standing on the opposite side, not far from ye Cuo, and the people he brought were lying around Ye Cuo.

What's the situation? Ye Qianqian covered her small mouth, and she was silly in an instant.

Not only she was stupid, but also the bystanders around her. In the past, we all saw that ye CuO was bullied and never dared to fight back. I didn't expect that ye CuO not only fought back today, but also directly knocked down a lot of sports students.

These sports are all kinds of arrogance in the school. They jump in the queue when they are eating and occupy the stadium when they are playing sports. Many students have long been dissatisfied, but no one dares to fight against them.

I didn't expect them to have such a miserable time today. Many people secretly applaud Ye Cuo.

Zhang tianzhe is like chaff. After shaking for a long time, he suddenly wants to turn around and run.

But before he took a step, ye CuO suddenly said, "run? Do you want to take a step today? If you step out with your left leg first, I'll take off your left leg. If you step out with your right leg first, I'll take off your right leg. If you dare to take the third step, you'll cut the thin leg in the middle. "

Zhang tianzhe's whole body was soft. His left leg, which had been lifted up, did not dare to fall to the ground. It was a step to fall to the ground.

Ye CuO coldly looks at the scum whose family has been destroyed in the previous world, and slowly walks to him. Zhang tianzhe trembles all over: "don't hit me, I'll... I'll give you money, and I'll give you how much you want."

There was a trace of contempt in Ye CuO's eyes: "don't think that everyone takes money so seriously as you do. Your family's little money is only enough to make money in this campus. Go back and tell your father not to be too arrogant, otherwise his corruption will be exposed at any time. "

Zhang tianzhe's face was blue and white: "you... You fart."

Ye CuO slapped his hand back directly, and Zhang tianzhe fell on the ground. His whole face swelled instantly. Ye CuO said coldly, "say it again."

Zhang tianzhe opens his mouth, but ye CuO is not ready to let him go.

However, when ye CuO took a step forward, everyone smelled a stench in his nose at the same time. When he looked at it carefully, it turned out that Zhang tianzhe was scared to make excrement and urine flow and pulled a crotch.

Ye CuO hit someone just now. He was very fierce. Zhang tianzhe was just a junior high school student. Where did he see such a scene?

"Disgusting Many onlookers nearby covered their noses and spread out. They could not help whispering and secretly looked down on Zhang tianzhe.

Zhang tianzhe wants to cry at this time. He wants to spell with Ye mistakenly, but when he thinks of the fate of those sports students, he doesn't dare to stand up.

Ye CuO originally wanted to beat him, but at this time he pulled a pants, ye CuO really afraid of dirty his hands. Looking at him coldly: "want to stand up?"

Ye CuO pointed to a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, "this is what you spit. Before it's dry, licking it clean will make you stand up!"

Zhang tianzhe's face was blue and white. He knelt on the ground and trembled. Suddenly he could not help crying.

He is just an ordinary person, relying on a good Lao Tzu, he can cross the campus. However, when he met Ye Cuo, he couldn't fight, and he was so scared that he pulled his pants. There were countless people watching him, and he cried.

"What a shame At this time, all the people nearby could not help but burst out such a word. Some of these people had been bullied by Zhang tianzhe. At this time, they could not help cheering for ye CuO and began to look down on Zhang tianzhe.

People are called by you. You are ready to beat people. Now you haven't been beaten. You are scared to cry. It's useless.

Ye CuO wanted to beat Zhang tianzhe, but at this time, Zhang tianzhe's excrement and urine flow together. Ye CuO also felt sick and didn't want to get close. But he does not intend to let Zhang tianzhe go.

Ye CuO turned and walked to a PE student beside him.

That sports student was removed a leg, knee dislocation, want to run but can't run, can only climb on the ground hard, see once over, eyes full of fear: "don't hit me, big brother, I'm wrong, it's this boy let us come."

Ye CuO gave a faint smile: "do you hate him? You see, you are so miserable now, it's all because of him. I'm offering you a chance of revenge for free now. Do you want it? "

The boy stayed for a while and looked at Zhang tianzhe.

Zhang tianzhe saw that his face was not good, and he was immediately flustered: "dare you! Do you know who my father is? You dare to touch me, I'll let you finish your life

There was a trace of hatred in the eyes of those sports students. He didn't dare to offend Ye Cuo, but he was not afraid of Zhang tianzhe: "Damn, it's you who hurt me so badly. I have to let you have a taste of broken leg today."

Although a few sports students are half disabled, but play a Zhang tianzhe or no problem.

Zhang tianzhe used to be afraid that junior high school students would hit Ye Cuo. He didn't start hard enough, so he called a few senior high school sports students. Now these sports students hit him with hatred.

Ye CuO's faint smile: "give me a call until he licks up the sputum."

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