Ye CuO leads Ye Qianqian out of the bar. Ye Qianqian is a little afraid to look up at Ye Cuo. His little hand is held by Ye Cuo. He feels the temperature of Ye CuO's palm. He remembers the spirit of "although thousands of people are going to die" when he saved himself just now. Ye Qianqian can't help but feel a burst of sweetness in his heart.

She can feel Ye CuO's worry about herself, and the thought of this makes her heart sweet.

Ye CuO didn't care about his sister's expression, speechless way: "silly girl, how can you believe your classmates say I owe money in the bar? Am I the kind of person who drinks casually? "

Ye Qianqian Du with a small mouth: "then you didn't go home last night, full of wine gas, who knows which woman you ran to hang out with."

Ye CuO is speechless.

Ye Qianqian see ye Qianqian eat shriveled, giggle Jiaoxiao, ye mistakenly patted her head: "don't talk nonsense."

Ye Qianqian mischievous toward his tongue: "brother, you are so powerful today, if I can marry a boy like you in the future."

Ye CuO said, "I'll help you in the future. Your boyfriend needs to compare with me first. I can't get close to you until I approve."

Ye Qianqian pursed her lips: "but people don't want a boyfriend. It's good to have a brother." Finish saying, her face is red of stealthily peep leaf wrong.

Ye CuO didn't understand at all and said, "then you can't get married."

What a fool! Ye Qianqian chuckles in her heart, but she doesn't say anything. But she is proud, suddenly saw a beautiful girl came.


Ye Qianqian was surprised. He didn't know why. After his brother confessed to Su ya, ye Qianqian liked this schoolsister very much, but gradually became a nuisance. The last time I saw my brother and she became a table mate, it made Ye Qianqian very upset.

Su Ya looks at Ye CuO and walks out with Ye Qianqian intact. She can't help casting a glance of admiration. Meanwhile, her doubts are even more serious.

She felt that she could see through everyone's self all the time. When she faced Ye Cuo, it was like watching a fog, and she could never guess. This feeling made her wonder as well as curious.

Su Ya suddenly saw Ye Qianqian's expression, and found that she was facing herself with a trace of vigilance. She frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

Ye CuO saw Su Ya and immediately said with a smile, "thank you. If it wasn't for you today, Qianqian would be in real trouble."

Ye Qianqian immediately said: "brother, you saved me. Why do you want to thank her instead?"

Ye CuO said, "if it wasn't for her, how could I know you were here? You should thank her, too."

Su Ya looked at Ye Qianqian a little reluctant, a little smile, looked at Ye CuO and ye Qianqian's appearance, said: "you're welcome, I didn't do anything. Ye Cuo, your sister is very beautiful. She looks much better than you. "

Ye CuO wrinkled his nose: "it's just as good-looking. There's something wrong with your eyes. I'm so handsome. Haven't you noticed?"

Suya laughed: "no, I think your sister is much more beautiful than you. She doesn't look like a parent."

Leaf wrong complexion a change, hastily toward Su Ya make eye color, signal she don't go on to say.

He thought Su Ya with what details, and see ye Qianqian is not his parents, but he does not know is, ye Qianqian himself already know the secret.

Suya deliberately tries to find out the truth. At this moment, she realizes that her guess is right. If she is her own sister, how can she have such hostility when her brother is picking up girls?

Suya at this time also know why Ye Qianqian looking at himself, with a trace of vigilance.

Her face also cold down, heart: before there was a cloud, now it is your sister, since you have so many people like, why still come to me?

Think of here, Su Ya silently turned around, said: "it's late, I want to go back, goodbye."

Ye CuO said, "Suya, I'll treat you to dinner? Thank you for helping us. "

Suya was even more upset when she heard him say "we". She said, "you two are a couple. Eat for yourself. What do you want me to do as an outsider?"?

She said with a cold face, "no, goodbye!"

Although Ye CuO is not proficient in microexpression, he can also see such obvious anger. Ye CuO is puzzled in his heart: lying trough, sure enough, why is his girlfriend angry? It's a worldwide problem! This wench just now still good, how suddenly angry, before she is not with good temper famous?

He didn't know that no matter how good a girl's temper is, in terms of emotion, she is selfish. No one can be rational in such matters.

Suya there is also very upset, out of a dozen steps, ye CuO actually did not run up to catch up with himself. If he had to invite himself to dinner, he pretended that he could not refuse and agreed.

However, he said casually that he didn't catch up at all.

"No sincerity!" Suya snorted coldly and left angrily. At the beginning, she walked slowly, but saw that ye CuO didn't come up to hold her. Suya was a little disappointed, and she said to herself: I'll never talk to you again.

Ye CuO is behind her. Watching Su Ya walk away, she is puzzled in her heart: if only Qian Qian were not here today, I would be so obsessed that I could always pull her to have dinner with me. It's a pity that we can have more chat and enhance our feelings!

Ye Qianqian looks at Ye CuO's expression all the time. At the beginning, he is squinting with a trace of color. At last, with Su Ya's walking away, he becomes lost and can't help feeling unhappy.

She coughed and said, "it's far away, and look!"

Ye CuO laughed and said, "do you think your future sister-in-law will look pretty when she is angry?"

"No!!" Ye Qianqian suddenly roared, turned around and left.

Ye Cuosha in place: lying trough! What happened? Why is this girl angry? Are girls so weird?

The future daughter-in-law has gone, and her sister has also run away. One moment, ye CuO is still a hero fighting alone to save others. The next moment, ye CuO has become a lonely family. A sense of desolation arises spontaneously. The wind blows, a few fallen leaves float by, sad music rings out, leaf wrong nose a sour, almost cry out.

He looked around and saw that a blind beggar was playing erhu. Ye CuO went forward, dropped a coin and said, "play a cheerful tune, such as" the girl across the street ". Now I need comfort."

The blind beggar thought about it and played a song "man should be self-improvement". Ye CuO cried completely. Does his mother let me do it by myself?

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