"Why should I believe you?" Meiyazi is still with a trace of vigilance, looking at the people in front of him.

Suya smiles and says to meiyazi, "now it's not whether we believe in us or not, it's whether we believe in you or not. The old man you just cut is our first miracle doctor in China. He has found a way to suppress the cold poison in Michiko's body - of course, it can't be completely solved.

Therefore, if you want meizhizi to live, you should let me believe that the solution you said is correct.

Only if you can save meizhizi, we will let you go. Otherwise, you know ye CuO's method.

I will advise Ye CuO not to kill you, let you live in this world, can't commit suicide. Then wait until Michiko dies because of you, and let you live in guilt every day and suffer. "

Su Ya has always been gentle, at this time in order to attack the heart, say this does not conform to her character vicious words, can see, her heart is also extremely tangled.

If this is said to Ye CuO and others, we can tell the truth at once, and know that Suya can't be so vicious.

But meiyazi doesn't know Suya. She can only see that Suya's position in this group is very detached. Even ye CuO listens to her.

For a moment, let her think that Suya is a cruel and vicious woman, she looked at Suya, with a trace of resentment in her eyes: "I can't see that you are more beautiful than an angel, but your heart is more poisonous than a snake and scorpion."

Suya smile: "thank you for your praise."

She is smart and naturally pretends to be anything like. Meiyazi can't tell. She trembles for a while, and her eyes are filled with fear. She turns to look at meizhizi with a silly and innocent face. She reaches for her fleshy face and touches it. Tears can't help but flow down her face.

"Well, Huaxia people, I believe it's the only time for you to let my sister go back to the innocent time when she was a child." Meiyazi looked up at Ye CuO and said, "but you have to promise me that she will always be so carefree in the future."

Ye CuO said faintly: "whether she is carefree or not is not up to me, but your clan."

Meiyazi's face became colder and colder, and said: "the people who came out with me this time, including Shibu Shangren, all died.

Living in the family, I must be angry because of this.

At that time, the Lord will send a large number of experts to China.

Even if I go back and tell them that the saint is dead, they will try their best to find her.

So I need you to promise me one condition, that is to make me a saint

Ye CuO looked at her in surprise: "nine turn Ming King seal, can make people lose memory, become a killing machine, why do you still want to be a saint?"

Meiyazi looked down at the silly meizhizi, with a trace of determination on his face: "only when I become a saint, they will give up looking for meizhizi."

It's plain, but it's moving.

Cloud wild crane sighed a, way: "good, good, world good and evil, who can distinguish?"

Yunni originally hated meiyazi. She wanted to bite her down, but at this time, she couldn't help hesitating.

Meiyazi said to Ye Cuo, "I can tell you how to help meizhizi through the danger of advancement. I hope you will spare no effort to help me to become a new saint."

"You don't have to be like this. I can help you escape the pursuit of yiheliu by leaving Huaxia." Ye CuO feels that Michiko is very attached to meiyazi. Although she can't remember the relationship with her sister, the natural blood relationship gives them a natural sense of closeness.

In order to make Michiko happy, ye CuO is willing to protect Michiko.

Of course, the mistakes made by the caricato before will not be forgiven.

Meiyazi had a trace of despair in her eyes at this time. She shook her head and said, "if you don't know about yiheliu, our clan has been handed down for hundreds of years. No traitor can escape the pursuit and live. It's never possible. Unless - you can get rid of the ighliu. "

"Then kill them." Ye CuO's voice was very flat, but it showed a kind of incomparable domineering, which made Meiya couldn't help staying.

Ye CuO looked at meiyazi's eyes, knew what she wanted to say, and said, "do you think it's impossible? I tell you, with me, there is nothing impossible, just want to do it or not.

As long as you cooperate with us, I will guarantee your safety. When my power is assumed to be strong, the first one to be destroyed is yiheliu. "

Meiyazi lowered her head and pondered for a while. Looking at meizhizi sitting by her side, her big clear eyes looked at meizhizi. She couldn't help sighing and said, "OK, I promise you."

Yunyehe happily said: "great, if you have the information, I have confidence to cure the cold poison of Michiko completely."

Meiyazi took out a small brocade bag from her pocket and threw it to Ye CuO: "the secret of jiuzhuan Mingwang seal is in it. Can I go now?"

Su Ya was kind-hearted and said, "you'd better stay with us. It's safe."

Meiyazi sneered: "I don't need a group of Chinese people to protect me."

After that, she hesitated for a moment and said, "just take care of Michiko. If anything happens to her, I will not let you go even if I die."

Then, she pointed to the evil words and criticized them by name: "especially you! One day I'll cut off your tongue

It seems that when fighting with yanxie just now, meiyazi suffered a lot from yanxie.

Yan Xie put out his hand: "lying trough, is it my business to make trouble? I'm just passing by to make soy sauce. Sister, you can't hate me for being handsome if you can't find a man. Do you have a crooked neck when you sleep? Do you blame the Leaning Tower of Pisa for being crooked

"I'll kill you!" Meiyazi is very angry, holding a Japanese sword to pursue yanxie.

Yan Xie turned his head and ran. He bared his teeth and yelled: "lying trough! You Japanese women are really unreasonable. Didn't you hear that girls in your country are used to warm beds? You can't warm the bed at all because you look like your aunt is coming here anytime and anywhere. It seems that you need a man to keep you away for ten months, aunt

Meiyazi is so mad that she chases yanxie with a Japanese sword. Although yanxie is very embarrassed to hide, she is obviously very clever. Meiyazi can't kill him at all. They chase yanxie away.

"Ye Xiaoyou, can you show me that brocade bag?" Cloud wild crane covers his shoulder, at this time in the mind, or how to help meizhizi cure.

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