The man heard Ye CuO say the name of xuesha directly, and his eyes were slightly surprised, but then he recovered calm, coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and looked at the two people: "who are you?"

Ye CuO looked at him coldly: "now I'm asking you."

The man sneered, supported the wall and stood up slowly. He looked at Ye CuO with a trace of disdain in his eyes. He seemed to be in a hurry. He looked at his watch and said to Ye Cuo, "what do you think you can do to me?"

Ye CuO said lightly, "what do you think of the poisonous pointer in your watch shooting out

The hand trembled, holding his watch hand, stopped, looked at Ye Cuo, examined Jin, and said: "boy, who are you?"

Ye CuO did not answer him, but said directly: "it seems that you are the one who killed with blood."

This person's eyes hesitated for a while, to leaf wrong way: "you are and blood kill have a grudge, want to seek my revenge?"

Ye CuO said faintly: "I have a grudge against xuesha, but I don't want to take it out on you. I'm looking for you to make a deal with you. "

"What deal?"

"Tell me the branch of xuesha in Huaxia, where the specific location is. I can make you suffer less before you die." Ye CuO did not say that he could spare each other's life.

Because he can't confront the massive bloody killing now. Since he is in trouble with one, he must kill it directly to avoid future trouble.

This person obviously doesn't believe Ye CuO's words, sneers, looks at Ye Cuo, and meizhizi with a cute face beside her, and says: "it's up to you two?"

Ye CuO smile: "you think too much, to deal with you, I am enough."

The man laughed and straightened his hair.

But before waiting for his action, ye CuO said, "don't take out the miniature bomb hidden in your hair. I can promise you that I will control you before you throw it out."

The hand trembled, and a black miniature bomb the size of mung bean was exposed between his fingers.

"Boy, who are you?"

"I said, you don't deserve to know. Now, I'll give you three seconds to think about it. But I want to warn you, don't think it's OK to shut up. You must have never tasted the taste of soul searching hand. " Ye CuO looked at him.

Baimai soul searching hand is an important means of extorting confessions by torture. It is used to deal with enemies who are unwilling to tell secrets.

This kind of martial arts is extremely insidious. It draws out the meridians of each other's limbs one by one. It makes the other bear the unbearable pain of human beings and has to tell the secret to save his life.

However, the best result is to save life. After the meridians are drawn out, the person will be abandoned and will never be able to act again.

Sure enough, the bloody man's eyelids jumped when he heard Ye CuO's words“ You're a blood killer, too? Do you want to fight? It's useless. Even if you kill me, you can't fight against the whole blood killing. Give up. "

Ye CuO walked towards him step by step, with a steady voice: "it seems that you are a person with no sense of time. I only gave you three seconds, but you said so much."

The man's face changed. He opened his mouth and spat out a poisonous needle as thin as cow's hair to Ye Cuo.

Ye CuO's thumb buckled his middle finger, and with a natural and unrestrained shot, the poisonous needle flew out directly to the side and nailed it into the wall next to him.

"Let's make use of any other means."

The eyes turned left and right, and his face looked anxious. He stepped back two steps, suddenly pulled a button off his clothes and threw it at Ye CuO's face.

The button split in mid air, a small almost invisible net, toward Ye CuO's face.

This is the web of a poisonous spider, carefully collected into the button.

The poison net is thin and light. It can hardly be seen. It floats with the wind. Once a spider silk touches a person, it will cause a large area of ulceration. Finally, it will be poisoned and killed. It is difficult to cure.

However, these things, for ye Cuo, are props ten years behind.

He took out a lighter from his pocket and sprayed it in front of him. A huge tongue of fire burned the poisonous net completely, leaving a stench of dead fish and rotten shrimp in the air.

Michiko vomited out his tender tongue and retched.

"Meizhizi, you wait for me outside the alley."

Ye CuO is afraid to use the hundred pulse soul searching hand to scare Michiko, so he sends her out.

In front of this blood killed person, at this time really flustered, turned to want to go.

Ye CuO jumped forward, his arm like a mechanical arm, stretched half a foot for no reason, and grasped the man's shoulder.

This person quickly backhand a palm to hit toward leaf wrong face.

Leaf wrong hand on a force, click rub a will this person's shoulder bone crush, whole arm soft ground dropped down.

At this time, ye CuO no longer asked, but directly used a hundred pulse soul searching hand.

Palm from this person's thigh touch past, a sharp internal force like a knife, rolling in this person's muscles. I saw this man's legs under the skin, like boiling water, constantly rolling.

"Ah The man screamed bitterly.

The finger of Ye CuO's other hand scratched his leg, and his skin burst open immediately, and a hamstring turned out directly from his muscle.

Ye CuO's face was calm, like an operation. He pinched the man's hamstring in his hand and said faintly: "as you and I all know, the killer is the most patient person in the world, but it was before he started. Once we start, we won't be so patient, so I won't give you a third chance. It's up to you to say or not

This man looks at Ye CuO in horror, and knows that he has really met the senior. Ye CuO's hundred pulse soul searching hand is more skilled than anyone else. The next step is to pull out all the tendons in his body.

This kind of pain is absolutely unimaginable to anyone.

Although this man is usually cruel and doesn't take anyone's life seriously, even his own, he absolutely doesn't want to try the pain of the soul searching hand.

"You... What do you want?" This face is full of fear.

"Two questions. First, what do you want to do with butterflies? Second, where is the blood killing division? Don't say any more nonsense. "

"The employer asked me to inform butterfly not to wait any longer and kill the target directly." The man said it very simply.

"Who is the employer?"


Ye cuoshun pulled his hamstring. The man screamed and said: "it's the Xiao family, Xiao Jianqiu."

"It's him! So, where is the branch of blood killing in China? "

"In..." the man was just about to say. Suddenly, there was a crack in his mouth. Then he immediately froth and died on the spot.

Ye CuO was surprised. At this time, he saw that the man was wearing an earring, which was a communication device. It seemed that xuesha was still monitoring the man.

One of the teeth of this person is fake, which contains highly toxic drugs. As long as this person divulges information, he will be poisoned to death.

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