Never reason with angry women, because they say they are.

This is the truth that ye CuO came to after he escaped for a long time.

"Are you still chasing me?" Ye CuO covers his head and looks at the breathless cloud behind him. If it wasn't for his guilt, he would have run away. This girl can't catch up with him.

Yunni looked at him viciously: "you take advantage of me, I will kill you."

Ye CuO said: "Hey, that's my first kiss. The first kiss of a pure youth is more expensive than gold. I didn't ask you for a fee. It's a great favor between my classmates."

"You go to die. That's my first kiss. Mine is a hundred times more important than yours." Yunni roars at yecuo.

Ye CuO said with a smile: "well, then we are even. No one owes anyone. In the future, you go to your log bridge, and I go to my Yangguan road."

"Bah, you go to the log bridge, and I'll kill you!" Yunni doesn't want to lose at all when she quarrels.

"Well, well, I'll take the log bridge, and I'll die if I fall. Now I'm going to take the log bridge home. My mother is still waiting for me to have dinner. Please go home as soon as possible. The earth is very dangerous. "

Cloud Ni way: "today don't account clear, you don't want to go."

Ye CuO said: "what can be counted? I don't owe you money. You beat me up. I didn't fight back at all. Don't you get rid of it?"

"No way!"

Ye CuO said, "what do you say to do?"

Yunni bit her lower lip, her eyes were still red, and the trace of crying just now was very obvious. At this time, her small face was red, her big eyes were watery, and she looked very smart. On the contrary, the whole person was even more beautiful.

Ye CuO said with a smile, "you look pretty after crying."

"It's no use praising me, I won't let you go!" said Yunni

"What do you want to do?"

Yunni thought about it and said: "last time in the hospital, we bet that whoever lost would listen to the other party's disposal. At that time, I lost. But now that I've saved you, we've offset it. "

Ye CuO nodded: "OK, you don't have to send me breakfast in the future."

Cloud Ni Leng for a while, did not expect that ye CuO would say this, every day to send breakfast, is she can see ye CuO the most legitimate reason and opportunity, she never thought to cancel.

Yunni stuttered: "I... I don't mean that. I mean, I want you to deal with me, too."

Ye CuO looks Alert: "what do you want to do?"

Yunni said: "you promise me first, I will deal with it!"

Ye CuO frowned and thought about it. There was a bad feeling in his heart. But looking at Yunni's never-ending appearance, he had to say: "that's OK, but don't go too far, or I will resist."

Cloud Ni insidious smile, revealing two small tiger teeth: "I want you to go with me now!"

Ye CuO said, "where are you going?"

Yunni doesn't speak. Ye CuO has to follow her and says: does this little girl want to get me to a place where there is no one, XX first, then OO, then xxoo 100 times?

Thinking of this, ye CuO thinks it's possible. After all, ordinary girls can't resist her own charm. Yunni is much more stupid than Suya, and it's normal to be fascinated by herself.

So what is your resistance later? Or not to fight?

Don't fight. Sorry, Suya; Resist. I'm sorry for myself.

Well, I'll pretend to resist later and shout a few words. There is this sentence in island action movies. After shouting, the other party will be more aggressive.

"Here it is All of a sudden.

Ye mistakenly looked around: "isn't this a night market? What are you doing here? "

Yunni pointed to a doll machine: "I'm angry, I want a doll, you clip a doll for me."

Ye CuO said: "your family has so much money. If you want to buy a pile of dolls, why do you want me to clip them?"

Cloud Ni way: "no matter, I want you to clip, clip not out I beat you."

Ye CuO speechless, put in a coin and began to clip the doll.

He had never played with it before, but he didn't think it would be very difficult to clip. The clip of the machine is very loose, and it can't use force basically, but Yunni is always making a noise: "stupid, the big one... Oh... Oh... Stupid... Fell off again."

Ye CuO's face was speechless: "don't hold my arm and shake it hard. It was almost successful, but it was shaken off by you."

"You are stupid yourself!" Yunni naturally won't admit that it's her own reason, and ye CuO doesn't argue with her anymore.

Played several times, leaf wrong gradually mastered the trick. He has a lot of experience in controlling power. Once he understands the rules, the success rate will be greatly improved.

The owner of the clip doll machine is a middle-aged, obscene fat man. At the beginning, he looked at it with a smile: "ouch, ouch, ha ha, it's lost again. Is it the first time for the young man to play with your girlfriend? You can clip it up a few times. Don't lose heart. "

Yunni glared at him: "who is his girlfriend? If you can see clearly, he is so ugly that I don't like him

The fat boss looks like a passer-by. He smiles at Ye CuO tacitly. He doesn't refute Yunni's words, but he still shouts: "Oh, boy, work harder. You see, your girlfriend is in a hurry."

Cloud Ni black face does not speak, after a while, suddenly surprise tunnel: "eh, success."

A huge bear doll rolled out. The fat boss suddenly glared, a little distressed and said: "lying trough, good luck, young man."

Next to a few children playing at the same time, a look of envy at Yunni holding a huge bear doll. These children were dressed in rags and their faces were covered with black ashes. They didn't look like children of rich families.

A little boy led a thin and weak little girl to the fat boss and said, "uncle, can you let my sister play again? She's sick and wants a doll. If we catch it and don't take it away, can we just play? "

"No way." The fat man said with a black face, "go away without money, little boy! Everyone wants to play. What can I make money with? You're so dirty. If you play with the doll, I'll have to throw it away. "

The little boy shrunk his eyes. Ye CuO suddenly felt that the child was holding his sister, as if he had been a child.

He didn't say much. He looked at the cloud and said, "OK, can I go home?"

"No way!" Yunni holding the big bear, looked at Ye Cuo, "as ugly as you, I hate to look at it, don't this, you clip me another one."

Ye CuO waved his fist at her and pretended to threaten her. Yunni was not afraid at all and suddenly gave him a beep.

Ye CuO turns around and throws another coin. The fat boss said with a smile: "you can't clip it this time. The rest are small and difficult to clip." A few seconds later, "lying trough, the young man is very lucky today."

The little boy stood on one side and looked at Ye CuO and Yunni enviously. The fat boss kicked the child: "get out of the way. It's really bad luck. If it wasn't for you little beggar, you wouldn't be caught two times."

Yunni looked at the fat boss and said, "how do you beat a child?"

Fat boss said: "these Xiaowang. Asshole, delay my business."

Ye CuO looked at the cloud: "is this OK?"

Yunni shook her head: "no, I still want to, you catch all of them."

Ye CuO didn't speak and turned to continue. The fat boss sneered: "you can do it if you can finish it!"

Fat boss looking at Ye Cuo, see ye CuO hand is not lost, a grasp a accurate, in a twinkling of an eye, the doll in the machine was caught out of the majority. Fat boss's face, began to gradually unable to support.

The fat man trembled, looked at the cloud and said, "little sister, I'm a small business. It's not like other people's big playground. Would you please tell your boyfriend not to play? You've caught enough for you to play, and you can't take so much. "

The cloud Ni Nu way: "not." Then he said to the children, "come on, give them to you, take them to play."

"Thank you, sister, thank you, big brother," said the little boy and girl

Yunni smiles, takes out a paper towel and helps the little girl wipe off all the ashes on her face.

Ye CuO grabs a doll machine and looks at the cloud and says, "do you want more?"

Yunni did not speak, the fat boss rushed to another doll machine, lying on it: "this machine is broken."

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