Yunni at this time more tangled, on the one hand, she is looking forward to Ye CuO mercilessly lose a, be mercilessly humiliated a meal; But on the other hand, I don't want that annoying dart king to win.

Looking at the darts King's eyes, Yunni feels sick.

She pulled the wrong arm: "or don't play, anyway, you can't win."

Ye CuO was speechless: "it seems that you picked it up just now."

Yunni Gu said to him: "yes... But I'm kind-hearted. I can't bear to watch you do something that is bound to lose."

Ye CuO knocked her head: "who said I must lose?"

Yunni rubbed her forehead: "are you going to die? How painful it is to knock

Ye CuO said, "this is the punishment for not trusting your husband."

"It's no use trusting you," said Yunni angrily. "People have practiced for many years. You boast about yourself and set the target back so far. Don't blame me if you lose. Blame yourself."

Ye CuO said, "what if I win?"

Cloud Ni a face of don't believe: "can you win? If you win, I'll... I'll... "

Ye CuO looked at her: "how are you?"

Cloud Ni way: "anyway you can't win, I how not how, what use?"

Ye CuO said: "that's not necessarily. Last time you didn't believe that I could cure Mr. Qin's illness, didn't I help him to cure it? I'm the one who can always work miracles. I'm also your husband. You should believe that you will marry in the future. "

Cloud neon gas gnash teeth: "you again nonsense, I must tear your mouth!"

Ye CuO sighed: "Alas, I didn't know who it was just now. I called my husband."

Cloud Ni ruthless teeth itch, meet Ye CuO this cheeky rogue, she really has no way. She remembered that ye CuO was at a loss when she cried, but she was really wronged in her heart at that time. She cried out in a moment of anxiety. It's really hard for her to cry at this time. After all, she is not the kind of girl who is good at pretending to be poor.

Yunni remembers that she and ye CuO had bet on the treatment of illness before, biting her teeth and saying, "if you win this time, I'll deal with it as you like!"

Ye CuO was stunned for a moment, and said: "do you dare to play like this? I let you go last time. If you fall on me again this time, I won't be as good as last time. "

Yunni glared at him: "me, too. If you want to lose this time, just let me deal with it and see if I don't repair you well!"

Leaf wrong smile: "I think first, how to deal with you later."

Yunni said: "I don't have to think about it. I think about how to deal with you every day! When you lose, you'll be killed by me, hum With that, Yunni didn't dislike the dart king. She was sick and called out to him, "come on, dart king."

Dart king was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Yunni to shout like this. He was very proud and looked at Ye CuO disdainfully. He said to himself: little boy, fight with me. The sister who came with you is now cheering me on. I don't abuse you today. You are capable.

Ye CuO walked past, dart Wang whispered to Ye CuO: "your favorite sister, now you are helping me to refuel, how do you feel?"

Ye CuO glanced at him: "are you blind? She likes me. She can't even see this. Don't play darts in her eyes. Go to fortune telling instead. "

The dart King choked for a moment and said in a cold voice, "good. Your mouth is very sharp. But I've seen a lot of people like you who are still so crazy. Let's play bigger this time, five thousand dollars! "

The dart king said to the owner of the dart booth, "brother Yang, lend me 5000 yuan, and I'll pay you 50 yuan more later."

Ye CuO laughed: "if you borrow 5000 yuan from others, you can only pay 50 yuan more? You are a bit stingy

A lot of people nearby burst into laughter. Just now, the news that darts King gambled with people for 5000 yuan spread out, and soon the crowd around him was full of onlookers. 5000 yuan is not a small amount. In this small night market, it's a big gamble.

When these new people heard that the dart King borrowed more than 5000 yuan to pay back 50 yuan, they all laughed. Some of them had a bad mouth and yelled: "man, why don't you borrow more than 5000 yuan to pay back 50 yuan? So you can buy an old popsicle. "

"The price of the old popsicle has gone up for wool."

"Ha ha ha, right? I haven't eaten for a long time. I don't know. But it's too shabby to borrow more than 5000 yuan to pay 50 yuan. It's good to pay more than 500 yuan. "

"That's right. You've made so much money with other people's stall. Even if you pay five hundred more, you still owe them."

The onlookers have always been watching the excitement, but they don't think it's too big. In one word, the king of darts is red in the face and can't hang on.

Dart Dynasty, the stall owner said: "brother Yang, you lend me 5000, I will pay you 500 more."

The stall owner is also a small business. Although he does have so much money, his savings are hard to save. He looked at the darts king and said, "if you don't play so much, you can play one game for 500 yuan. What's the purpose of gambling so much?"

Dart king is trying to be in the limelight in front of Yunni, let this beautiful girl treat herself differently. He felt in his heart that Yunni, a student, must have never seen anything in the world. This kind of girl had better be coaxed. She is so handsome with her own darts. She will surely attract her.

What's more, the opponent is just a kid like student. He is not sure how to win. The five thousand yuan is nothing. When you win, get the money, invite that chick to dinner, and then pour some wine, that's not to do whatever you want.

Thinking of this, the darts King seems to have thought of how to brag when he invites Yunni to dinner to show that he is very powerful.

After listening to the stall owner's words, he said angrily, "brother Yang, you don't trust your brother, do you? When did I lose? As long as you lend me money, I will win. If not, I will pay you back a little more. "

That Yang elder brother a face embarrassment, also had a silk anger: "depend on, you this is what words?"? Am I the kind of greedy person? If I were that kind of person, if you set up a gambling game on my side, I would have collected money from you for a long time. After you win, I don't want any money from you. Just give me the capital. I have to save the money for medicine when my child is ill. "

Brother Yang angrily took out a pile of money from a bag under his belt, counted it and handed it to the dart king without saying anything.

Dart King Yin face, feel his brother lent money to himself unhappy, let himself lose face in front of Yunni, heart way: Damn, I won't give you a cent more.

Want to finish, he can't wait, looking at Ye Cuo, showing a cruel expression, way: "open abuse!"

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