In the night market there, Yunni and ye CuO fight and make trouble all the way. Ye CuO doesn't look like a gentleman, and Yunni is not a lady.

The whole evening, Yunni is in a more depressed state. First, she is overturned by Ye Cuo, and the color of her pants is seen. Then she accidentally gives her first kiss, and finally loses the bet. Later, she has to let Ye CuO handle it. Thinking about it, Yunni feels that she is losing a lot today.

Looking at Ye CuO walking by his side, Yunni wants to pinch him, so as to find some cheap. But ye CuO's body reaction is how smart, how can let her seize the opportunity.

"Ye Cuo, you were quite generous just now. Five thousand yuan is not a small sum for you. Why did you give it back to others without blinking?" Yunni is a little curious.

For a student with a good family condition, 5000 yuan is not a small sum, and ye CuO's family background is known by the whole school as not very rich.

Ye CuO said, "because 5000 yuan is too little."

"What?" Yunni didn't understand.

Ye CuO said: "I used to make a move once, and the reward was millions of dollars. Now I make a move once, and I get 5000 yuan. If I let people know, I would be too shameless to ask for it."

"What a mess? The boast is mindless. " Yunni no longer cares about yecuo.

She originally thought that ye CuO would answer "I don't have the heart to take people's life-saving money" and so on, but she didn't expect that ye CuO disliked too little money, and sure enough - "he's not kind at all!" Once again, Yunni gives Ye CuO a comment in her heart.

Thinking of this, Yunni couldn't help pinching Ye Cuo. Ye CuO opened her hand and said, "if you start again, I'll beat you."

The cloud Ni cold hum a, in the heart big scold Ye Cuo, really don't understand to cherish the person of fragrant pity jade.

"I won't fight with you. I hate to see you. I'm going home." Yunni turned and left.

Ye CuO said: "do you want to send you back?"

"No!" Yunni said very firmly, but there is a trace of hesitation in her heart. If ye CuO insists on sending herself, do you want to refuse?

However, before Yunni thought about it clearly, ye CuO said, "OK, I'll go first."

"Well, can you be a little sincere?" Yunni is furious.

Ye CuO said: "you don't have to. I'm not that kind of person. I have the dignity of a man. OK."

"Bah!" Yunni said angrily in her heart: why don't you have any dignity in front of Suya? When I don't know?

This kind of words Yunni certainly can't say, but looking at Ye CuO without saying a word, she turned around and left, her heart really inexplicable feel incomparable heart plug.

"Dead leaf fault, smelly leaf fault, let someone else a girl go home alone at night, there is no gentlemanly demeanor, simply do not want to send me, but also deliberately pretend to ask, I said no, so you can not face your own conscience condemnation, right?" While walking, Yunni whispers to herself. After walking for a while, she suddenly turns around, expecting Ye CuO to appear behind her.

But the back is empty. Ye CuO left early.

"Well! Can't I go home without you Walking in the clouds.

A taxi slowly stopped beside Yunni: "little sister, take a taxi?"

Yunni opened the door, her face was still breathing.

"Where are you going?"

"Yunmengjiayuan." Yunni sat in the back row, holding her hands behind her head, leaning back to the car seat and closing her eyes.

"Yunmengjiayuan? It's a place where rich people live. I didn't expect you to be a rich girl The driver with a trace of obscene smile, looking at Yunni, Yunni ignored him.

Through the rearview mirror, the driver looked at the face of the clouds, the skin as white as snow, the long eyelashes tightly closed, slightly trembling, a small mouth pouting, looking angry, the mouth is particularly attractive.

The driver couldn't help licking his lips, and a cruel smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "OK, sit down."

Taxi speeding, in the mind of the clouds, the scene of the whole night, like a movie in general, over and over in my mind.

Ye CuO is in a small alley, in order to prevent the tension when he hits himself with his fist; When ye CuO saw that he was crying, he was in a panic on his face; Since the leaf wrong grasp baby time attentive and earnest; Ye CuO is handsome and natural when throwing darts; Ye CuO didn't leave a cent of five thousand yuan, but gave it back to brother Yang directly

Yunni never thought that she would experience so many things with a boy in one night, and——

"What's more, I was robbed of my first kiss by this boy. What a shame!" The cloud Ni covers a face, a piece of flawless face has already shamed into a piece of pink.

From time to time, the driver in the front row looks at the clouds greedily through the rear-view mirror. At this time, he can't help but be silly to see a girl with a shy face and a charming appearance.

"Quack!" The car suddenly drifted, and it was extremely dangerous to dodge the car coming from the opposite side, almost avoiding an accident.

Yunni nearly hit the front seat in the car and screamed in fright: "ah!"

The car made a black mark on the ground and stopped in the grass by the side of the road.

Yunni holds her head and looks out of the window in horror. Suddenly, she is shocked: "master, where is this? Have you taken me the wrong way? "

The driver sneered, "that's right."

Yunni looks around. It's a wilderness. Yunmengjiayuan is in the center of the city. It's impossible to pass such a desolate place.

Yunni's vigilance suddenly raised: "I want to get off."

The driver said, "not yet."

Cloud Ni way: "I want to go to the toilet, you put me down."

The driver looked back and said, "you can solve it in the car. I'll keep an eye on it for you. No one will peek." Say, ha ha ha ha of obscene smile a few.

The cloud neon suddenly the scalp explodes, in the instantaneous brain like delimited a lightning. She remembered that at noon, Qin Fusu and himself said that they should be careful when they go out recently. Now there is a lot of noise in the news. They say that a murderer and rapist fled to Yunhai city. Isn't it

Yunni was flustered, holding her hands tightly in front of her chest: "what do you want to do? Do you know who my grandfather is? "

The driver gave a chuckle and licked his lips: "it doesn't matter. Anyway, you are a pretty girl. I'm very lucky today. I just stole the car and started to drive in the twinkling of an eye."

Yunni suddenly pulls the door and wants to escape, but the door is tightly locked. Yunni screamed in panic, hammering the window with her hand: "help, help Yunni's heart is full of despair, the window is dark, there is no shadow.

With a smile, the driver stretched out his hand and yanked at Yunni's clothes with his hand. With a "stab" sound, he tore off a thin sleeve, revealing a piece of arm as white as jade: "don't struggle. It's useless. There's no one nearby. It's useless what you call it. When I've enjoyed you, I'll call your family again and get some money to spend. If you like to shout, just shout. I'll do it more vigorously. Let's see if you shout first or I finish first. "

"Help Yunni yells, but there is silence outside the window, and no one responds, which makes Yunni's heart fall into despair gradually.

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