The next day, before dawn, ye CuO left home with his bamboo basket on his back.

Although he was a killer in his previous life, his ability of saving people was no worse than his means of killing people.

After finding out the cause of his father's injury yesterday, he thought of a way to treat it.

He decided to pick some medicines that he could find in the mountains outside Yunhai city. In this way, he could not only save some money and collect more medicines, but also sell them to earn some money to subsidize his family.

Ye CuO's family lives in the south of Yunhai City, close to Yunwu Mountain in the suburbs.

The altitude of Yunwu Mountain is not particularly high, but because of abundant rainfall, there is a cloud transpiration all year round, making the whole mountain as if shrouded in clouds.

Ye CuO has been wandering in the mountains all morning, and has gained a lot. Originally, he thought it would take a whole day to fill a medicine basket, but maybe it's because most people don't know herbal medicine at all, so he picked it up cheaply.

When ye CuO is ready to go home, he suddenly sees a black car speeding up on the winding mountain road at the foot of the mountain.

When the door opened, four short men pushed open the door and got out of the car with a little girl about eight or nine years old in their arms.

Because of the distance, ye CuO couldn't hear the little girl's voice, but he could see her struggling.

A middle-aged man dragged the little girl into the dense Bush under the mountain forest. Maybe the little girl struggled too much. The man who dragged her suddenly raised his hand and slapped the little girl in the face. Then four people quickly dragged the little girl into the trees.

Ye CuO frowned, put down his medicine basket, quietly hidden body shape, moved in the past.

"Uncle, please let me go. My mother is still waiting for me to buy her medicine at home." A tender voice came from the trees.

"Baga!" A man's angry curse came from the trees, followed by a clap of applause. The little girl seemed to be stunned, and her crying stopped suddenly, but the four men laughed happily.

"Little devil?" Ye CuO clenched his fists and suddenly remembered something.

At this time of his previous life, a series of vicious rapes and murders occurred in Yunhai City, and many schools were closed for a period of time.

In this series of cases, the most hated one happened on Yunwu Mountain.

The victim of the rape was a little girl who was only eight years old. It is said that the little girl has a single mother who is weak and sick. The little girl is very sensible. At the weekend, she went out to pick up a mineral water bottle to exchange money and help her mother buy medicine, but she was hijacked. The cruel gangster took the little girl to Yunwu Mountain. After the round rape, he cut off her ears and nose and blinded her eyes.

When the little girl was finally found, she was hanging upside down from a tree with cloth strips torn from her clothes around her ankles. There was blood all over his body and face. Heard someone come, just weak cry for help, "help me, I'm so cold, can you give me some hot water to drink..."

The little girl finally left the world that brought her only pain before she could drink the hot water

And her mother, it's said, was insane after hearing about it. The next day, her body appeared in the moat.

Ye CuO's eyes were red, and all the memories about it suddenly emerged. Once he was a weak man, but after knowing this, he also had the impulse to kill.

The four men in the trees were obviously too involved to notice anyone approaching and kept talking in Japanese.

But ye CuO could understand it. He had been in Japan for a long time in his previous life and killed many top leaders of Japan.

A little devil seems to have found something in the little girl's hand. He yelled in stiff Chinese, "open your hand!"

The little girl's crystal clear eyes were full of tears, and her small face was completely swollen, and her mouth was dripping with blood: "uncle, this is the money I bought for my mother. You can leave it to me..."

Before the little girl finished, the man next to her slapped her.

"Pa!" A loud noise, the little girl stopped crying, straight head, spit out a large amount of blood, fainted. And her tender hand, also powerless spread out, fell out a coin with body temperature.

Another Japanese was dissatisfied with the little girl who knocked her out. He said, "baga, what's the point of knocking her out? There's no feeling at all. We're going to kill her. It's hard to find a second one for such a tender little loli."

Next to her, a small man with a fierce face took out a dagger and said, "if you stab her, it will wake up naturally. Don't you just play as you like?"

He said, waving a dagger and poking it into the little girl's eyes.

Ye CuO's eyes were red, his fist was tight, and his voice was like thunder. He yelled: "look for death!"

The Japanese were startled and stood up one after another: "who?"

When you see ye Cuo, who is not very old, the tense expression on his face suddenly relaxed, and a leader stepped forward: "boy, since you found out today, you should admit your bad luck and see the emperor!"

With that, he gave a sign in his eyes to several people nearby. The three Japanese left the little girl in a coma and walked towards ye cuowei.

The Japanese leader's face showed a * * * ile smile, and he squeezed the little girl's pink cheek. In Chinese, he said, "you are not lucky enough to see what you should not see. But I am not going to kill you today. I want to tie you up so that you can watch us enjoy this perfect little Lori. Ha ha ha, isn't your sick man in China the woman who cherishes her compatriots most? Today I'm going to let you see how we can play with her. Let's go together, catch him and tie him to the tree

The dwarf with the dagger among the three, waving the dagger, pounced on Ye Cuo.

Ye CuO didn't dodge at all. He grabbed the man's wrist with his left hand and pulled it to his side. When his arm was straightened, his right fist suddenly fell.

With a click, the short man's arm was directly broken along his elbow, completing 90 degrees. A piece of white bone directly pierced the skin and exposed a large amount of osteotomy stubble.

"Ah The little devil opened his mouth in pain and howled suddenly. Ye CuO took back his fist, a straight fist, "bang", hit him on the mouth.

The dwarf's mouth full of teeth was punched straight into his throat. The human mouth could only open 30 degrees, but ye CuO's fist went directly into the dwarf's mouth, and the dwarf's mouth was directly torn open. The mouth opened nearly 180 degrees, and it couldn't close any more.

And his shrill howling stopped abruptly. Ye CuO raised his leg and hit his knee directly on his crotch. With a burst of noise, the dwarf's body was like a cloth pocket, which flew to one side and fell to the ground. He kept twitching, but could not make a sound.

At the same time around the side of the two people, are flying kick. Ye wrong side of the body, two fists at the same time hit, fell on the knees of two people. Two people's legs, suddenly bent into two twist, can not stand, directly fell to the ground.

Ye CuO broke two branches and thrust them down. The two men suddenly howled miserably, and ye CuO's two branches were directly inserted into their eyes, dripping with blood.

"Your means, give it back to you!" Ye cuosong opened his hand, the two branches were still shaking, and blood flowed out of his eyes along the branches.

The two men screamed bitterly in pain. Unfortunately, they chose a remote place for the convenience of committing the crime. No one would come to rescue them at this time.

The leader's face was livid and calm, but his voice could not help shivering: "who are you?"

"It's only right to ask your debt collectors to pay off debts."

That person hears money word, complexion is certain: "how much do you want? I can give it all. Everything is easy to discuss. As long as you let me go, the money is not for you. Whether it's money or women, you can choose. "

"Hum!" Ye CuO walked forward slowly, "your debt can only be paid with blood!"

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