All the boys in the school have the heart to kill Ye Cuo. The whole court, originally noisy, becomes silent. All the people look at Ye CuO carrying the clouds and slowly walk to the side of the court and find a place for her to sit down.

Ye Qianqian stands on one side, beating drums in her heart. Yesterday Yunni went home. Ye Qianqian doesn't know the relationship between Yunni and her brother, but she already believes that they are lovers. Otherwise, why does Yunni call her mother when she meets?

But now, Su Ya is on one side, and ye CuO comes with the cloud on his back. What does he think?

Ye Qianqian a little anxious looking at Su ya, want to know what her reaction is.

Suya's expression is calm. After watching Ye CuO put down Yunni, Yunni jumps and stands on one leg. Instead, she comes over and asks with concern: "what's the matter?"

Yunni a little blush, turned his head and did not answer, ye CuO said: "the ankle sprained, but also have to come to see you play, you now have a big fan."

"Who are her fans?" Yunni said angrily. "I just want to see how girls play."

Suya was not angry at all. She said with a smile, "I'm just playing. Is there something wrong with your foot? It's really uncomfortable. Let Ye CuO take you to see a doctor. "

This is originally a concern, but Yunni is very uncomfortable in her heart: ye CuO is not yours. Why do you ask Ye CuO to take me? I can ask him to take me myself. I won't go if you call.

Cloud Ni Du mouth, turn the head past, ignore Su ya. Suya didn't have half an embarrassment. She laughed and said to Ye CuO: "will you play later?"

Ye CuO said: "up, but wait a minute."

He was carrying a bucket of chicken soup, calling Ye Qianqian to come over and said: "this is the chicken soup made by mom. Let me bring you some. You can drink it quickly." Then he took out some small plastic bowls and said to Yunni and Suya, "if you two want some, my mother's craftsmanship is good."

Yunni seems to want to taste it, but Suya waved her hand and said, "I'm thirsty, but I just want to drink water, not this, otherwise I will be thirsty."

Yunni always wants to compare with Suya. If Suya doesn't drink, she immediately says, "I don't drink either. Who wants to drink your stuff? Everything you touch is dirty."

Ye CuO said, "is that right? Who did you just recite it? "

Yunni was just about to open her mouth and say "I'm not a thing", but when she thought about it, wouldn't it be more embarrassing to say that she was in front of Ye CuO? She is biting a tooth, ferocious stare leaf wrong one eye, calculate in the heart how scold leaf wrong ability to retrieve a field.

Ye Qianqian face all black: "elder brother, you still have the mind to drink this, the whole school is scolding you."

Ye CuO raised his eyebrow: "Oh? Why? "

Ye Qianqian didn't know what to say, and said: "who asked you to gamble with others, and then didn't come. Su Ya plays for you. Everyone says you... "

Ye Qianqian didn't say the last half sentence, but the meaning is obvious.

Yunni heard that Suya was actually playing for ye Cuo. She felt uncomfortable and couldn't help thinking that she would be good at basketball.

At this time, the basketball commentator at the side of the court said with a trace of sarcasm: "it's only after a long call that ye CuO finally comes. If he doesn't come, he won't go on the game and squat to eat. Is he really a big man? Should Su Ya continue to compete for him? "

Ye CuO speechless, silently filled two bowls of soup, handed Ye Qianqian and Yunni.

Yunni holds her head high and refuses to take it, but she is jammed in her hand by Ye Cuo.

"You two drink it quickly, or it will be too cold to drink." Ye CuO is facing two people.

Many people around hear this sentence, are a burst of dizziness, when it's time, and mind tube soup cold, please look at how many points behind it.

Ye CuO said to Su ya, "what's the situation?"

Before Suya spoke, Qin Hao cried out: "brother ye, you're here. I'm going to be tortured to death. It hurts to hit someone. We are going to kneel down this time. We are 30 points behind. "

Ye CuO laughed: "it's OK. It's just ten three-point goals."

All of you: --

Many onlookers could not help laughing sarcastically: "it's easy to say, but you're going to give me ten threes.".

Before Zheng Kai and Su ya, he was beaten very depressed. When he saw Ye CuO coming, he couldn't wait to walk over: "Ye Cuo, do you dare to come? I thought you didn't dare come here. "

Ye CuO said with a smile: "what's the matter? Can't wait to be abused? "

Qin Hao said with a smile: "he is going to be tortured to death by sister Su Ya today."

Zheng Kai's face turned red, biting his teeth and looking at Ye CuO fiercely, he said: "I just don't want to fight with Suya seriously. If you like to hide behind her, just hide. Ha ha, anyway, you lose if you don't go up. You will only lose faster. This is your own bet, but let Suya bear it for you. Are you a man, Ma? "

"I don't need you to say, the game is not over yet." Ye CuO is on the court.

The commentator on the sidelines watched Ye CuO come up and said aloud, "ha! Our protagonist finally appeared, I don't know how his technology is. But the whole class two is just relying on Suya. Even if ye is wrong, the 30 point gap is still very difficult to smooth out. "

At this time, a man said that the basketball was thrown to Ye CuO's side, and ye CuO patted it. The commentator immediately said: "it seems that the technique is not good, and the dribbling is very strange. In fact, whether you can play basketball or not can be seen from the moment you start with the ball. A lot of small movements need to be connected thousands of times. Ye CuO's dribbling has no skill at all. It's not dribbling, but shooting the ball. "

People on the sidelines all gave out a burst of laughter, and everyone was waiting to see ye CuO make a fool of himself.

Ye CuO laughs and throws the ball to Su ya, saying, "I'll see how many times you transport it, and let me learn the technique of dribbling."

Su Ya Leng for a moment, the heart of this is the need to practice more often, you just see my luck, how can they learn? In fact, you can go to the draft without watching NBA games?

But Suya demonstrated all kinds of dribbling. Yecuo took the ball and moved it again. A few seconds later, the whole court was surprised.

"Lying trough, isn't it? What he has just shown is that he is pretending. Is it forced? " Everyone is surprised to find that ye CuO is copying Su Yagang's action.

Yes, copy! Ye CuO is just like a video, completely reproducing Suya's actions, including every detail action that needs thousands of times of practice.

Suya can't help but be shocked. She is very confident in her intelligence. She learns faster than others in everything, even basketball, which is more physical.

But I didn't expect that in front of Ye Cuo, her learning speed was killed directly. Ye CuO only needs to see it once, and then she learns the movements she has practiced for a long time. In this way, Suya is a little hit. This is the first time that she has this feeling when she is so big.

Su Ya can't help looking at Ye CuO in surprise. She is extremely surprised in her heart: is this person Ye CuO?

She didn't know that as a killer, an ancient martial arts practitioner, the control of muscles is incomparable to ordinary people. If ye CuO's physical quality can keep up with this kind of sports, no matter how difficult it is, it's a matter of minutes to learn.

PS: I'm sick again today. I have a headache. Just this one. Tomorrow I'll make up for the two chapters that I owe.

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