"Beep!" The referee announced that class two won.

Although rebounds and basketball broken very strange, but according to the rules, the time is up, is the second class won.

All the students in class two ran to the court excitedly, cheering and hugging. Many people excited to embrace the people around, ye CuO a look, pretended to be very excited, mouth Wai Wai Wai, toward Suya embrace.

Suya black face: "you try to hold me!"

Ye CuO opened his hands as if he had been fixed. His eyes turned. A second later, he yelled and hugged Qin Hao.

Suya looked at his depressed face and couldn't help laughing.

Yunni jumped up to celebrate, but she fell to the ground again. Looking up at Ye CuO over there, he was lifted up by people and thrown into the sky. No one cared about him. He couldn't help feeling bitter.

At this time, a pair of soft hands around her helped her up. Yunni saw that it was Ye Qianqian. Both of them look at Suya beside Ye CuO with a trace of jealousy.

Zheng Kai over there, fell half dead, got up from the ground and complained to the referee: "this ball can be scored, he inexplicably exploded."

The referee looked at the basket around his neck and said, "if you have broken the basketball stand, you'd better write a check and prepare to lose money, otherwise director Liu won't forgive you."

"What?" Zheng Kai is really going to cry. A glass fiber reinforced plastic backboard, a little more expensive to tens of thousands, he was half dead, but also lose money, he was depressed to vomit blood.

Zheng Kai was furious: "I didn't break it, but somehow it was broken!"

"Go to Director Liu."

Zheng Kai wants to cry without tears.

Class two, Qin Hao came over: "Zheng Kai, you lost."

Zheng Kai squatted on the ground and did not speak. Qin Hao said, "do you want to cheat?"

"When did I cheat?" Zheng said

Qin Hao said, "let's go. Follow me home to carry watermelons."

Zheng Kai remembered his previous bet at this time. At this time, the members of class 8 were all depressed, and several people were quietly together to raise money. Zheng Kai looked at Qin Hao with a black face: "how many watermelons do you have in your family?"

Qin Hao gave a sinister smile: "if we lose, there won't be much."; But you've lost. Well, I've called my dad and sent out all the stocks. "

"You Zheng Kai's breath of blood almost spurted out.

Several students from class 8 and class 2 went out to buy watermelons. When he arrived at Qin Hao's house, Zheng kaicai found that what Qin Hao said was true, half a warehouse full of watermelons. Zheng Kai saw so many watermelons for the first time in his life. His feet softened and he almost fell to the ground.

For a long time after that, the most terrible thing in Zheng Kai's nightmare is always watermelon.

The people over Zheng Kai's side collected nearly 10000 yuan to buy all the watermelons. Although they are the second generation of the rich, they are students after all. It's very painful for them to throw away so much pocket money.

Qin Hao's father with a small truck, all sent to the school playground.

For several years after that, there were students talking about the scene of eating watermelon on the playground that year.

It's impossible for the students of class two to eat so many watermelons, so almost all the people who came to the scene to watch the battle had their share. Everyone gathered on the playground to eat watermelons, and they had the feeling of Liangshan heroes eating meat and drinking wine in big bowls.

Of course, Zheng Kai's classmates can only drink tasteless mineral water. They are very happy to watch the people in class two eat.

On the other side of class two, two people were about to eat watermelon. Qin Hao suddenly put out his hand to stop them: "Hey, this watermelon is not yours."

The two men laughed awkwardly: "let's have some."

Qin Hao said: "not at all. When you played the game, you counseled and quit, saying that we couldn't win. In that case, don't eat. "

"Yes Several other players also glared at the two men.

They are just the two people who followed Zhang tianzhe before. At this time, they have to stand awkwardly on one side and regret in their heart: it's better to mix with Ye CuO as soon as you know.

Yunni and ye Qianqian side, ye CuO also patted a watermelon, one person half handed over: "you two also eat, here thirsty?"

Yunni vicious way: "you just know, ah, I'm dying of heat, also didn't see you care about it, put your smelly hand away, see you I eat watermelon have no appetite."

Ye cuohen couldn't lift her cute nose: "don't eat if you don't want to, I'll give it to others."

Yunni hugged: "this is mine, I prefer to eat, you can't control."

Ye CuO glared at her fiercely. Yunni didn't flinch, an eye for an eye.

Ye CuO ignored her, holding a watermelon, went to Lin Qingxue's face: "sister Xue, you also have one."

Lin Qingxue shyly waved her hand: "forget it, you can eat it."

Ye CuO said with a smile, "we can't finish it either. Take these hundreds back to eat."

Lin Qingxue said with a smile: "then I'm not polite. You're so handsome today. It's the first time I've seen you play basketball. It's very good. I used to play basketball, right?"

Ye CuO said, "no, it's my first time to play."

Lin light snow white he one eye: "brag!"

Ye CuO has no choice but to explain.

Suya sat in the crowd, a beautiful little face because of the movement and appears red, looks very attractive. Quiet eating watermelon, small mouth small mouth action, like a kitten, see the leaf wrong heart itching.

Ye CuO crowded to her side and sat down. Looking at her, he said, "your watermelon looks very sweet. It's sweeter than others."

Su Ya looked at Ye CuO sideways and said, "if I'm not wrong, do you want to have a bite?"

Ye CuO nodded happily: "yes, yes, you are too smart."

Suya gave him a bad look: "you stay away from me."

Ye CuO covered his heart: "no matter you and I are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, my heart will always be with you."

Suya helplessly looked up at the sky, changed the topic and said, "how did you break the basketball just now?"

Ye CuO said, "I didn't do it."

Su Ya gave him a white look: "I see you raise your hand."

"Well, actually I'm the descendant of Xiao Li Feidao." Ye CuO laughs. At the same time, he laughs to himself. The darts he picked up from the dart King yesterday are really useful. He had a match with the king of darts yesterday. He found that the king of darts used pure iron, so he touched several of them, but the king of darts didn't find them.

Suya then said, "I don't care about you."

Ye CuO said: "why, I'm a great hero today. Don't you reward a fragrant kiss or something?"

Suya said with a hint of threat, "you just came with the cloud on your back. I still remember that."

Ye CuO quickly corrected: "she hurt her foot. I just helped her out of the morality of my classmates."

Suya with a bad smile, said: "I don't care, anyway, I am very angry, so in order to punish you, I decided not to talk to you for two days." There was no angry look on her face, but she said so, which made Ye CuO very depressed.

"No, can't I be wrong?" Ye CuO is speechless.

Suya "cluck" smile: "fool, tomorrow is the weekend."

Ye CuO realized that he didn't speak for two days. He was quite sure in his heart that he would frighten me and punish you

Su Ya pouted: "what are you going to do?"

Ye CuO said, "it's nothing, that is to say, I'll punish you to have dinner with me, watch a movie and make an appointment with me."

Suya's face immediately became cold, which made Ye CuO's heart sink. Then she said in a low voice, "you can eat, but I don't think about it for the time being."

"Really?" Ye CuO thought that he had heard wrong in a trance, and then when he understood, he called excitedly.

Suya blushed and nervously pressed her forefinger on yecuo's lips: "Shh! You want everyone to know? "

Ye CuO lowers his eyes and looks at Su Ya's white finger pressing on his lips. He can't help his heart beating. Then he purses his mouth quietly

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