In the night of Yunhai City, a pair of people set out from Longteng's headquarters.

Their vehicles, soon disappeared in the bustling night, and all the traffic flow into one.

No one noticed that these people disappeared in the night, and then appeared in a bustling bar, KTV, high-end entertainment club.

On the top floor of a very luxurious high-end clubhouse, a wealthy young man is gambling with the rest of the young men, holding two well-made young men with thick cigars in his mouth.

Those two tender. Mo, as if they had been smoked all the bones of their body, stick to the cigar smoking childe's body, and say: "master Yin, what else do you play? Accompany others."

"Damn, I don't fuck for a minute. You, you're like this!" The cigar smoker grabbed them on the chest and continued to play cards.

A man on the other side said with a flattering smile: "young master Yin is really attractive to women! Ha ha ha ha

"Of course!" Another young man, with pride on his face, seemed to be boasting about himself. "We young master Yin, that's the nephew of boss Yin Chengjun, pro nephew!

Do you know what this concept is?

Let me just say, whose is the whole cloud sea? It's from the 13th hall!

Whose is the thirteenth hall? Do you think it's Bai Yanhe's?

Bai Yan and the old man have been out of date for a long time. Now, the boss of the thirteen halls is Yin Chengjun, the boss of Yin.

In other words, this sea of clouds belongs to boss Yin.

What's the status of master yin?

Let me tell you, don't say it's you, even those officials. When you see our young master Yin, you have to bow down! "

Of course, the rest of the people knew this, but they all pretended to know it just now, and suddenly realized: "it's so, it's not easy. Hahaha, it's our blessing that we can know Master Yin!"

"Yes, yes, master Yin, you can be regarded as a big man who will shake the whole sea of clouds. Don't forget to take care of us then!"

"Ha ha ha, don't say that." Master Yin complacently said, "xiefeilong is still in the 13th hall. My uncle doesn't like to fight with others, so he won't be the boss of the 13th hall. Of course, it's not because my uncle can't do it, it's because he's a scholar with a gentle personality. "

"Yes, yes, who doesn't know the whole sea of clouds, boss Yin, that's reincarnation Zhuge!" A group of people touted it.

"Yes, it's said that boss Yin recently attacked a boy named Ye CuO and his family."

Before he finished his words, the young master Yin changed his face and said, "hum, those two women are lucky, they didn't die.

But do you know why they didn't die? It's my uncle's mercy on purpose, because ye CuO's sister is said to be a beautiful girl of school flower level. When ye CuO's sister is killed, this girl will be mine, and I will be happy. "

The rest of them didn't speak. Suddenly they heard something behind them. They turned to see a man climbing up from the outside of the wall on the top of the building.

All of them were surprised and said to themselves: this building is dozens of stories high. Where did the boy climb up?

"Who are you?" Yin young master scolds a way directly, "blind your dog eye, is this the place that you can come?"

"Long Teng, Deng Zhuo!" The boy was thin and expressionless. He seemed to have suffered a lot, so he was a little silent.

"Long Teng?" When master Yin heard these two words, he felt a little familiar, "what are you doing?"

"To kill you!" Deng Zhuo walked over slowly.

A man next to master Yin frowned and said, "Longteng? Isn't that yecuo's company? "

Young master Yin's face changed. Looking at Deng Zhuo, he said, "what do you want to do?"

He turned and yelled, "bodyguard! Bodyguard

Deng Zhuo's eyes were fixed on him, holding a strange seal in his hand, and he opened his mouth and said, "the art of true words · chop!"

A red light flashed by.

Master Yin is still shouting, but he can't make any sound as if he had been cut off by a pair of scissors.

Then, his head rolled down from his neck with a thud, and the blood sprayed on both sides of his face.

"Ah Two women screamed and were stunned.

Deng Zhuo doesn't have any offensive powers, but his power is copy, which can copy other people's powers to himself.

Of course, the copied ability won't last long, but killing one person is enough.

Young master Yin was directly cut off his head by the true words. This scene is really terrible.

Only need to read a few words, people will die. For several people around master Yin, it's just like meeting the devil.

These people were so scared that they shivered all over. For a moment, they were paralyzed and knelt on the ground.

However, Deng Zhuo did not look at a few people, turned and left.

More than ten minutes later, these people came back to their senses and said in horror: "call quickly and inform Yin Chengjun, boss Yin!"

"Yes, yes! phone! Call Several people called Yin's home, but no one answered.


Similar scenes are happening in the whole sea of clouds, the whole China, and even the whole world.

Overnight, the whole Yunhai city was boiling, and everyone in the underground world couldn't sleep and stayed in the office waiting for the news.

The news that the children of the Yin family were killed one by one came continuously.

In the commercial centers of various entertainment places in Yunhai City, the children of the Yin family are killed by people who suddenly appear;

In the villas of some Chinese cities, the people of Yin family died on the bed quietly;

In Universities in some foreign cities, the children of the Yin family died strangely in their dormitories

Where there are children of the Yin family, there are massacres.

In Xie's villa, Xie Feilong looks pale and looks at several people standing in front of him. All these people bring news of death.

Just at this time, a man came in and said in a low voice: "boss, the ninth young master of Yin family, who was a special forces soldier in England, also died."

"What?" Xie Feilong couldn't sit down any more. He threw all the things on the table to the ground. "How is that possible? Isn't Yin Jiu the king of war? Didn't he go to the Middle East and kill terrorists? How could you die so easily? "

The man took a deep breath and said, "it's said that he was buried directly by the yellow sand from nowhere. When he dug it out, he couldn't see the original appearance."

Xie Feilong's whole body trembled, and he sat on the table with a sound of Gudong. He wanted to clench his fists, but he couldn't clench them all the time: "Ye Cuo, kill everything... You are so cruel!"

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