Under the stage, not only the Chinese, but also many Japanese were scared.

"How can the phantom have real attack power? It's just a mirage. " All the Japanese warriors have an idea in their heart at the same time.

"Is it the moment just now that this boy entered into the phantom to attack? OK, but what's the matter with so many parts? "

The most obvious criterion to evaluate who is strong and who is weak is the number of avatars.

The more powerful a master is, the more parts he can control.

It also means that the more energetic he is.

The average ninja, who has practiced Ninjutsu for ten years, can have a phantom part, which is already regarded as a genius.

Ito is a master of kendo. He has one skill and ten thousand skills.

Therefore, the understanding of Ninjutsu is beyond ordinary people. After only one year of practice, there are eight illusions, which can be called the peerless genius among ninjas.

Even the real patriarch of yiheliu thinks it's a pity that ITO didn't become a ninja.

But now, ye CuO's body is all over the world, just like locusts, and his body is everywhere.

Ito was shot out, his chest collapsed directly, his ribs broke, and he fell heavily on the ground, plowing the soil out of a big ditch.

He looked up in horror, looking in all directions, all kinds of movements of the phantom split, in the heart can not help a burst of despair.

What is suppression? It's not that you don't have the power to fight back, but that you find that no matter how hard you try, you are far away from your opponent.

Now ITO, that's it.

The harder I work, the more I find that the gap between myself and the other side is getting farther and farther.

What he didn't know was that ye CuO was the top killer in the previous life, and he had also been in Japan. Mirage was also trained in this kind of Ninja and blood killing.

There are many people who are proficient in Ninjutsu in xuesha.

Compared with Ye Cuo, no one in the whole world dares to say that he has surpassed Ye CuO in this aspect of assassination technology.

Ito's eyes were bleeding.

As a Japanese warrior, he was not afraid of death, but he could not accept failure.

"Since I have to die, it's worth my while to die." Ito said, slowly stood up, the body muscles, constantly twisted.

Ye CuO's ears can even hear the sound of blood flowing in his body.

His whole body's blood, all rapid flow to the heart, finally——


Ito's heart, burst in the chest, countless blood flow back, blood vessels burst, all the blood flow to the muscles.

The corner of his mouth, evoked a trace of laughter.

"It's the secret method of ighliu. You can't understand it any more. This secret method can only be used once. After using it, I will die.

But after using it, my strength can reach the cultivation of a great master. At the same time, he will become an irrational murderer. He will kill for three days and three nights, and no one can stop him! "

Ito's words changed the face of many Japanese warriors.

"It's nine orifices! Let people's whole body blood perfusion into the muscles, incarnation into the most terrible warrior. But at the same time, blood will enter the brain, affect people's mind, and make people become a madman who can't tell who is in front of them. "

Many Japanese samurai look frightened, no one wants to stay here.

When ITO can't control his behavior, that is, when he starts killing, there will be no difference in attack. These Japanese warriors, no one can resist ITO.

Ito's whole body muscles swelled up like a sponge, full of water.

The blood kept flowing back. After a while, Ito's eyes were full of blood. Then gradually, the white part of the whole eyeball turned to blood.

"The killing begins!" Ito, like a demon from hell, roared wildly, and finally let him rush to yecuo.


A Japanese sword seems to be able to split heaven and earth and tear space.

"Be careful!" Even Pei Ao, who has always been determined and has never changed his face after the collapse of Mount Tai, can't help but remind him.

The Japanese warriors were in a riot, and they wanted to run towards the pier of the island.

Xiao Jianqiu looked at Xiao Daocheng anxiously: "second uncle, what shall we do? Do you want to go first? "

Xiao Daocheng hesitated a little.

If now back, natural life danger is no problem, but also let Ye CuO alone, resist has been crazy ITO.

But if it spreads out, it will lose to the Japanese, which represents the ancient martial arts of China.

He bit his lip and didn't know how to decide.

"It seems that it's best to expect that ye CuO and ITO will both lose and die together!" Xiao Daocheng said to himself.

On the other side, Ito's knife, which destroyed the sky and the earth, had already split towards Ye CuO's head from top to bottom.

The knife has not yet fallen down. There are many gullies on the ground. They are all scratched by the sharp knife air, leaving traces of terror.


A golden palm caught the blade in mid air.

And then——

The knife has stopped!

So it stopped in mid air, motionless.

"Roar!" Ito, who had lost his sense, roared and shook hard, but the Japanese sword seemed to be cast on an iron mountain, and could not be shaken at all.


Ye CuO sighed: "the martial arts of rubbish, even if you practice to the extreme, is just a pile of rubbish. Of course, maybe you're a little more disgusting. "

He said, raising his hand is a blow.


A loud noise, still twitching ITO, leaving only a body without a head, standing there, his hands holding the posture of chopping.

In a few seconds.

Bang bang!

The joints of Ito's body are constantly exploding. Clusters of blood, like blooming fireworks, are forced out from the muscles by Ye cuogang's fierce fist force, sprayed in the air and turned into a blood mist.

Ito's body fell down.

For a moment, everything was quiet!

The group of warriors who were ready to run away stayed in the same place for a moment, and did not know whether they should run or not.

Now we really don't have to face a murderer, but we need to face another more terrifying devil.

Ito, the famous sword demon of Japan, died in Ye CuO's hands.

Exhausted all means, in exchange for a relaxed and happy slaughter.

All the people on the scene were cool behind their back, thinking: if I meet this boy, can I deal with it?

Leaf wrong hands back in the last, swept around a circle: "who else want to do it with me?"

There was silence, and many people's eyes glanced at Xiao Daocheng.

Xiao Daocheng is holding a teacup in his hand. The ceramic teacup is constantly rustling with powder, showing his nervousness.

Ye CuO looked at him: "Mr. Xiao, Miss Yan, from today on, I am the king of the sea of clouds, can you be convinced?"

Xiao Daocheng and Yan Qingwu look at each other. For a moment, they dare not say they are not satisfied.

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