"What?" Heili's face became very ugly for a moment.

His jade flute can control many poisonous insects and snakes. It's very comfortable to command these poisonous snakes, just like his own arm.

But now, no matter how he plays the bamboo flute, he can't feel the breath of the black giant snake.

Hei Li was in a hurry. With one hand, he took a yellow gourd from his waist and said something.

The mouth of the gourd, the continuous emission of rolling smoke, buzzing vibration sound, from the mouth of the gourd.

A finger size of black and yellow wasps, with the rolling smoke, from the mouth of the Yellow gourd, a steady stream of flying out.

At the beginning, there were only a few, but in the end, the gourd, which was only one foot long, seemed to be full of endless poisonous bees, and it kept spraying for several minutes.

In the sky, countless wasps, forming a cloud, rushed towards yecuo.

The wasps howled everywhere they went.

People in the ancient martial arts world, and people in the Dragon Kingdom, all waved their weapons in horror, or took off their clothes and patted.

The rolling wasps, like a sea tide, flew towards the leaves.

Ye CuO looked up at the sky and laughed wildly: "is that all you have to do? I'll see how many poisonous insects you can bring. "

He said, raised his hand, a dragon's internal power, condensed into a long golden machete, rotating rapidly in the air.

Like one hand, there is a curved arc in the air.


Like mowing grass, the dense bee colony was cut into a big hole, and the bodies of countless poisonous bees fell to the ground.

But the bees were cut a big hole, and immediately healed like water.

Heili said with a loud smile, "do you think you can kill all my wasps? Let's see if you die first, or my wasp dies first? "

He said, blowing the Jade Flute, countless wasps, like a frenzy, swept towards yecuo.

Ye CuO said faintly: "who told you that if I kill you, I need to kill all these wasps first? I just want to try what I do now! "

He said, his eyes gradually filled with golden light, like two lamps, in the dense bee colony, incomparably dazzling.

In his body, dragon blood boiling, a powerful and unparalleled pressure, rushed out from the inside of his body.

For a moment, all the people on the fishing island wanted to kneel down.

Those flying bees, a moment of silence down, as if the collective was settled, and then all fell to the ground, shivering.

Leaf wrong hands back in the back, proud to black Li way: "there is what kind of pig and dog miscellaneous insects, just let it out."

Now, his bone marrow is the marrow of a real dragon, and the blood of his body has gradually become the blood of a dragon. Involuntarily, it can emit the breath of the dragon people, although it is far from the legendary real dragon flying in the sky.

But, after all, it's the breath of the dragon.

All animals have a natural fear of another animal.

For example, many people have never been bitten by snakes, but when they see snakes, most people's first reaction is fear.

This is something left over from genes in the course of human evolution over the past tens of thousands of years.

For all animals, the dragon is the king forever. Even the poisonous bee and snake, which are basically unable to think, will be afraid.

Black Li looked at the ground, a thick layer of wasps, want to cry without tears.

He naturally has other poisonous insects and beasts, but it seems that it is useless to deal with Ye Cuo.

It puzzled him.

"It seems that there must be some treasure in this boy, who is specially used to restrain my poisonous insects. I didn't expect that he should have such a strange treasure. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant." Black Li thinks of here, face a burst of convulsions, secretly way, "didn't expect to come up to force me, want to use a killer mace!"

His heart is full of give up, but his face is a trace of cruel, looking at Ye Cuo, said: "good boy, I did not expect, in addition to ye Qianzhan, there are people who can force me to this step. But in that case, all the people here today will be buried with you. "

With that, he waved and there were six more coffins in the air.

Each small coffin, only one foot to the field, the surface of the coffin, workmanship is very fine, each side, are carved with a very ferocious ghost.

The shape of each one was different. Some of them had a bird's head and black scales, but they had more than ten wings from behind. The beak was full of ferocious tusks.

Some look like a vicious dog, but they have human bodies. On the body, there are countless hands.

Some have only one head and two eyes. Instead of eyeballs, they stretch out two hands. In the palms of two hands, there are two eyes.

Heili bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of blood mist and slid his hand in the air.

Those blood mist floating in the air, with the sliding of his fingers, gradually formed a character.

After the formation of each character, there will be a flash of light, and then fly to a small coffin, flash, penetrate into the coffin.

The little coffin began to vibrate.

When Heili changed the six characters into six small coffins, they were shocked and exploded.

For a moment, the whole encounter, suddenly black down.

Innumerable Yin breeze, the voice of ghost cry, ring out in the public ear.

All the people can't see what's in front of them. They can only see the ferocious ghosts that are hidden in the black fog.

At this time, if a boat passes through the periphery of the fishing island, it must be seen that a large mass of black smoke envelops the whole fishing island.

Nothing can be seen inside.

Ye CuO's eyes, flashing gold, through the layers of black fog, saw Heili's side, stood up six people.

Six zombies, to be exact.

These six zombies are all dry, only skeleton, dark brown muscle, dry attached to the bone, cheek collapse, only a layer of skin, only the eye socket, flashing green oil fluorescence, like a beating ghost fire.

Heili bit his finger and put it on a zombie's forehead.


In the eye socket of the zombie, the bright green flame spurted out. The zombie, who was still a puppet, seemed to be alive for a moment.

Empty eyes, staring at Ye Cuo, body like a spring, boom, toward Ye Cuo.


Ye CuO's fist collided with the Zombie's fist, a powerful force, which surprised Ye Cuo.

His body, in a flash, was blown away and smashed on the mountain behind him, making a big hole in it.

"Ignorant boy, do you know that I already have the highest cultivation of the great master? I am invincible except for the divine list. I have already faintly felt the sign of breakthrough. Today, after killing you, I will be able to reach the top of God list. At that time, even ye Qianzhan will die under my six heavenly corpses! "

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