Ye CuO's moves are exactly those of the Qin family.

This time, not only yunyehe, but also Qin himself was startled. Then, before he could react, ye CuO took one sword after another. In the whole pavilion, the willows were flying and the eyes were full of green light.

In the blink of an eye, ye CuO also used the 108 strokes of the Qin family's swordsmanship.

Until ye CuO finished, Qin looked at him in surprise and stopped.

Yunni doesn't understand at all. She thinks that ye CuO has lost. She says to Ye Cuo, "big villain, let's not fight. Are you convinced?"

Ye CuO smiles.

Old Qin was a little bit dispirited and said, "heroes are young. It seems that I am really old. Miss Yun, I lost. "

Yunni said with a smile: "grandfather Qin, you're really good - ah? What? "

Yunni is silly. She thinks she heard wrong. She looks around. Yunyehe and Qin Fusu are shocked, as if they haven't recovered from ye cuogangcai's performance.

Qin sat down slowly, looking at the chessboard that was smashed by Ye CuO in front of him, a little lost.

Ye CuO said with a smile: "if Qin used his internal power, I would have been hurt. It's Qin who is letting me."

Cloud Ni side way: "you know good, must be Qin grandfather see you poor, afraid to beat you cry, so just let you."

Listening to Yunni's words, Mr. Qin couldn't help laughing. Looking at Ye Cuo, he said, "boy, what's the relationship between you and ye's family in Changbai Mountain?"

Ye CuO frowned: "Ye family in Changbai Mountain? I haven't heard of it. What are you doing? "

Looking at Ye CuO's expression, Mr. Qin seemed to judge the truth of his words. After a few seconds, he said, "you should not be the descendant of the Ye family in Changbai Mountain. Although their martial arts are superb, their style is totally different from yours."

Ye CuO said, "is their family very powerful?"

Mr. Qin said with a smile, "have you ever heard of the four ancient martial families?"

Ye CuO shakes his head. He was abroad in his previous life. He really didn't know that there were so many ancient martial practitioners in China.

"Idiot, I don't even know this. I know it." Yunni finally found out what ye CuO didn't know, and immediately called with great pride.

"Ni'er!" Cloud wild crane white cloud neon one eye, don't allow her to casually interrupt, "go down."

The cloud Ni Du mouth, turn round to want to go, Qin old smile ha ha tunnel: "old crane, let cloud girl say, I like to listen to this little girl talk. Fusu, you all sit down and listen to Ni'er

Yunni is very proud, shaking her head and saying: "hum, then I'm not polite."

Yunni said, jumped on a chair beside, just like a storyteller, and said: "before the legend of Pangu's creation --"

"Poof!" Ye CuO took a sip of tea and spewed it out directly: "you silly girl, you should start from the beginning of Pan Gu's life. Then you can speak slowly. I'll go home first. I'm afraid I will die of old age when I hear that Nu Wa made a man."

Yunni was furious: "you bad guy, you always destroy the atmosphere. You wait for me to learn the Qin family sword from grandfather Qin, and stab you to death with one sword. "

Ye CuO said, "I've learned. You kneel down and offer me a bowl of tea. I'll teach you."

"Go to hell!"

They are just natural enemies. If they don't have a few words, they will quarrel.

Qin Fusu said with a smile: "you two stop quarreling. If it goes on like this, the three of us have to go first." Both Qin and Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Hum!" Cloud Ni stares leaf wrong one eye, "good female does not fight with evil male."

With that, Yunni coughed and said, "in today's world, many people think that the ancient martial arts in martial arts novels are fake. In fact, there are four ancient martial families in this world: ye family in Changbai Mountain, Xiao family in Qinling Mountain, Yan Family in Tianshan Mountain, and Nangong family in Shu capital. "

Ye CuO's heart suddenly jumps: Nangong family?

All of a sudden, he remembered the intermittent Qi in Nangong zhuyou's body.

Looking at Ye Cuo, Mr. Qin said, "do you have any questions about ye Xiaoyou?"

Ye CuO laughed, didn't say his inner question, just said: "why don't you have the Qin family?"

Old Qin sighed: "the martial arts of our Qin family have only been around for a hundred years. These four families are deeply rooted, at least for thousands of years, and have accumulated a lot of power and wealth. Even when the emperors were changed in ancient times, they were still safe and sound. They can be regarded as a giant

Ye CuO knocked the cup with his finger and said with a smile, "Mr. Qin asked me to come here today, not just to tell me the story of Wulin, right?"

Qin old smile: "Ye Xiaoyou, you are a cool person, then I go straight to the theme."

As soon as he finished, yunyehe suddenly stood up and said, "Mr. Qin, I'll leave first." Finish saying, pull cloud Ni to walk.

Yunni is reluctant: "I haven't finished yet." But looking at Yun Yehe's face, she also knows that Qin wants to talk about things with Ye CuO alone, so she has to pout her mouth and go away in anger.

In the pavilion, only Qin Lao, ye CuO and Qin Fusu are left.

Mr. Qin said to Ye Cuo, "to tell you the truth, I can't see where I learned your martial arts, and I won't ask you. It seems that the Ye family in Changbai Mountain has nothing to do with you, but the Nangong family in Shudu has something to do with you. "

Ye cuoyang raised her eyebrows and did not speak.

Qin waved. Qin Fusu took out a picture. Qin took it and handed it to Ye Cuo.

Ye CuO took a look and saw an eight or nine year old girl with big eyes and white face. She was very lovely.

Qin said: "this little girl is Nangong Li. If our information is correct, she was saved by you from a group of Japanese warriors, right?"

Ye CuO nodded: "that's right."

Qin said: "you wounded the Japanese warriors, but you didn't kill them. Of course, it's not your fault. You're just a student. How can you kill people? But the trouble has come up. Those Japanese warriors have found your information. If my information is correct, they will start as soon as the end of this month. "

Ye CuO was surprised. He was not afraid that these Japanese warriors would come to him. The key is that he still has his family. I can't always stay at home, and as long as I have a second's negligence, I may fall into the land of doom.

Ye CuO looked at the old Qin and said nothing. He knew that if he asked for help, old Qin would have conditions.

He was also impolite and said directly, "Mr. Qin, you can say directly what you need me to do."

Qin looked at him and said, "are you willing to contribute to your country?"

Ye CuO raised his eyebrow: "what do you mean?"

Qin turned his eyes to the distance: "you may also see that I am a soldier, bearing the important responsibility of national security. How innocent our Chinese nation is! A hundred years ago, imperialism trampled on our great rivers and mountains. Finally, the disaster passed, and the nation began to revive. However, various organizations in those countries are still infiltrating, hoping to beat us down again. "

Old Qin turned his head and looked at Ye CuO: "how can a good man not contribute to his country?"

Ye CuO's eyes twinkled and said, "it's my duty to contribute to our country, but..."

Mr. Qin knew what he meant. Ye CuO didn't finish his sentence, but how do I know whether I am working for my country or for your Qin family

Qin said: "in fact, it's also for you. If you are willing, I will assign you a task as an assessment for you to join my organization. As long as you complete it, I will give you what you want. "

Leaf wrong vision hesitated for a while, way: "what task?"

Qin Laodao: "those Japanese warriors are actually a underworld organization of the Japanese state. They have a aboveboard identity, but they carry out criminal activities in our country. But what they did was very secret. We had no evidence, so we had to do it secretly. "

Mr. Qin made a gesture to cut down the roots.

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