Ye CuO looked up and saw a woman in military uniform coming over.

The woman was about twenty-one or twenty-two years old, with a rebellious face; Close fitting military uniform, hard to cover her proud figure, beautiful face, looking at Ye Cuo, full of disdain expression; Her skin is not fair, but healthy wheat; High chest, flexible waist, long and tight legs, the whole body seems to be full of vitality.

Qin Fusu looked at her and ye Cuo. He nodded his head, but he still insisted on introducing them to each other.

He pointed to the 21-year-old beauty Junhua and said, "Ye Cuo, this is our instructor, Chen Yan. She joined the army since she was a child, and was absorbed into our army's most elite special forces, the wolf special forces, because her achievements were the first in the team. She is proficient in firearms, fighting, intelligence collection, secret entry, jungle and field combat, mechanical maintenance and other skills, and will be your instructor in the future. "

Ye CuO looks up at Chen Yan, who also squints at him.

"You just said that I may not have your major?" Chen Yan said coldly.

Qin Fu Su forehead sweat, looking at Ye Cuo, hope he can recognize counsels once.

Ye CuO said, "it's not me."

Qin Fusu was surprised. He didn't expect that ye CuO really recognized him. But the next second, he knew that he was wrong, because ye CuO added: "what I said is the truth, no rave."

Chen Yan's eyes are not as big as those of ordinary girls. On the contrary, they are somewhat slender. The corners of her eyes are slightly upturned. When she smiles, she is charming; But when she didn't smile, her eyes narrowed and she was very murderous.

"Good, you're good!" Chen Yan slowly came to Ye CuO's side, "good arrogant tone, let me consider, you have a few Jin several Liang."

Qin Fusu exclaimed: "no!"

Before his words were finished, Chen Yan's figure flashed quickly, and she whipped her legs. Her slender right leg was like a steel whip, with a sharp sound of breaking the air.

Ye CuO was caught off guard and couldn't dodge at all. This leg was in front of his face.

Qin Fusu's heart is instantly raised to his throat. He knows Chen Yan's strength. He saw with his own eyes that Chen Yan broke the tree with her foot. In the wolf special forces, everyone is the best of the best. Chen Yan, a woman, has achieved the best fighting results in the army.

Qin Fusu knew that her strength was not inferior to that of any male special forces soldier. Ye CuO seems to have no reaction at this time.

Qin Fusu's heart seems to stop beating suddenly. Is Ye CuO going to be killed here today?

Qin Fusu knew that although Ye CuO practiced ancient martial arts, through the duel with Qin just now, we can see that his cultivation of internal power is not profound. It was Qin that didn't use his internal power just now, and ye CuO took advantage of the move. At this time, Chen Yan's leg is very heavy. If ye CuO can't avoid it, he will break his tendon like that tree.

"Pa", Chen Yan's leg, in the air because of the speed is too fast, caused a sound explosion.

As soon as ye CuO's pupil shrinks, the speed of this leg is indeed faster than what he thought, and also faster than what he can deal with now.

Although Ye CuO had ten years of experience in practicing dragon's magic skill in his previous life, he was strong and tough in the end, and could blow a wall open with one punch. The whole spine, as if alive in general, as if really want to turn into a dragon, stepping away.

However, it was all a matter of the previous life.

After rebirth, ye CuO also faced several battles, but either the other side was weak, or the other side lost in the move. As a killer, ye CuO's action is simple, quick and effective. He can always attack the weakest part of the opponent and win.

But now it's different. Ye CuO can't dodge Chen Yan's foot. He can only lift his hands and make a hard move to carry it.

"Bang" a dull sound, ye CuO back a few steps, hands as if hit by a speeding car, can't help but because of too much force and slightly tremble. Chen Yan's foot is as fast as the wind, as violent as thunder, and her strength is extremely fierce.

Ye CuO's hands and Chen Yan's legs touch at the moment. The whole person is like a snake, twisting continuously. His arms bend into a wavy line, twisting quickly, trying to remove this strong force.

However, Chen Yan's strength is strong on the one hand, and on the other hand, the distance is too close for ye CuO to resist. She is kicked by this kick, and her strength ranges from her hands to her arms, shoulders and waist.

Ye CuO couldn't help but back five or six steps, hit his back on the post of the pavilion, and then stopped. The whole pavilion was shaking, and a lot of dust fell from the top of the head.

Chen Yan sneered and slowly withdrew her legs: "I think you have great ability, dare to say such big words. How dare you boast so much with your skill? "

Ye CuO threw his arm, his hands were still shaking because of the violent impact. He said with a little smile, "it seems that I really underestimate you."

Chen Yan snorted coldly: "with your ability, you are not qualified to be a student for me. Go back and practice more. If you were on the battlefield, you would have died long ago."

Ye CuO said with a smile: "that's not necessarily true. Just now, if it was fighting, I would have lost; But if you're on the battlefield, you're dead. "

Chen Yan said with a sneer, "you are the most shameless person I have ever met."

Ye CuO said with a smile: "drillmaster Chen, you are wearing camouflage military uniform outside, but you are wearing black lace pants inside. It's really beyond my expectation. I have the impression that a strong woman like you will not wear such sexy underwear. "

"What?" As soon as Chen Yan's face changes, she suddenly looks at Ye Cuo. She doesn't know how ye CuO knows what kind of underwear she's wearing.

At this time, ye CuO raised his right hand, which was a piece of camouflage cloth, about the size of palm.

Chen Yan's face sank. She suddenly looked down and saw that her crotch and camouflage pants were torn off a piece of cloth the size of a palm.

"Ah --" Chen Yan screamed and squatted down.

Ye CuO said with a smile: "if I am not empty handed, but armed, then what I tear off is not cloth, but flesh and blood. If you are on the battlefield, I will not be merciful just because you are a woman, so if you were on the battlefield just now, you would have died. "

Chen Yan suddenly stood up and slapped Ye CuO: "asshole!"

Ye CuO was beaten and stood in the same place. Until Chen Yan left, ye CuO responded and said to Qin Fusu: "lying trough, this is a sneak attack. I'm giving her a lesson. She hit me. It's a trick."

Qin Fusu held his forehead on one side, with a helpless face.

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