Ye CuO's Longhua is just covered with a layer of dragon scales on his body, and his hands and feet have changed a little.

Ordinary people just see ye CuO's dragon, will not think of the dragon.

But the dragon in front of us is really amazing.

Like many pictures in film and television works, the green dragon looks like deer, camel, rabbit, snake, mirage, fish, eagle, tiger and ox.

It is tens of meters long and lies in the sky. What is alive is the real dragon handed down in ancient China.

Although it was far away, people could still see that it had scales bigger than a millstone, two long dragon whiskers and a strange counter scale around its neck.

The green dragon's body, like the snake, twisted a circle in the air, but the difference is that its back also has fins, like the back of a hairtail, from head to tail.

Behind the head of the dragon head, there is a circle of branches growing from the head. These branches flutter with the wind, like the hair of a green dragon, which makes people feel very magical.

Its head, there are two very long horns, also like antlers, separated several branches, eyes look like branches.

But the most amazing thing is that there are huge clouds around the limbs of the dragon, according to human beings, which are at the elbow and the bend of the leg.

These clouds are like lifebuoys, which let the green dragon float in the air.

There is an old Chinese saying: "the Dragon rides the cloud, the tiger rides the wind!"

It seems that these clouds are the secret that the green dragon can fly in the sky.

As soon as the green dragon appeared, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

All the people were staring at it, only Yan Xie could say: "there's a dragon lying in the trough. I'm going to make a circle of friends and envy Gao Weiqin."

He quickly adjusted the shooting mode of eight armed wolf spider and armor.

At this time, the whole person in Huangfu pavilion was too excited. His hand holding the ancient lamp was shaking.

"Dragon! Is this a creature in the Kunlun ruins, or is it the Longhua of the descendants of the dragon's magic power? If it's the Longhua of the descendants of the dragon's magic power, then... Few people in the world are his opponents. I hope it's a creature in the Kunlun ruins. But... If the creatures in Kunlun ruins are really so powerful, how can they find treasure? " Huangfu Pavilion is a bit tangled.

The devil clown and Kenjiro Nogo are watching, and there is no calmness at this time.

From the green dragon, they feel the absolute pressure, which is impossible for the masters of Shenbang to give.

At this moment, Chen Wenyu suddenly said, "look, is that dragon hurt?"

All of them were surprised. After a closer look, they found that there was a virtual shadow like thing that penetrated directly from the belly of the dragon, inserted into the body, and then came out from the back of the dragon.

The shape of this thing is like a sword, but it's transparent. If not for everyone's sharp eyes, they would not have found it.

The sword nailed the dragon in the sky. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't leave.

At this scene, ye CuO was shocked.

But in the eyes of huangfuge and others, there was a trace of greedy desire.

"The dragon is hurt!" Huangfuge was surprised and said, "the treasures on the dragon are the most. Even a drop of dragon's blood is valuable. This dragon may die here. Let's get closer and wait for the chance."

Huangfuge's words made the devil clown and Kenjiro Noda very excited.

But ye CuO and Nalan look at each other as they wish, and there is a trace of worry in their eyes.

If this green dragon is the form of Ye CuO's old master after the dragon, it is indeed extremely terrifying and almost invincible.

But at this moment, he was injured.

The invisible blade, I don't know what it is, can directly penetrate the body after the dragon.

At Ye CuO's current level, after Longhua, he can resist the machine gun fire. I think that after Longhua, he should be stronger.

In contrast, the horror of this invisible blade is even more frightening.

"Let's get closer and see if we can take advantage of it." Huangfu Pavilion holds the ancient lamp path.

Ye CuO and Nalan look at each other as they wish, but what they think is how to help the bad old man.

The group of people approached cautiously. A few miles away, they had already seen several huge stone pillars rising from the sky in the valley.

These stone pillars are exactly the same as those touched by several people when they entered the underground palace.

However, each one is much higher. The patterns carved on it are more delicate. You can see many different scenes.

The pictures of stars, 24 solar terms, spring ploughing and autumn harvest are all on it.

There are 12 stone pillars in total. The rehearsal is disordered.

When they got close, they could see clearly that there was an invisible Qi on each stone pillar, linking a weapon.

The invisible sword has pierced the dragon's belly.

The remaining pillars are linked with various weapons, constantly attacking the green dragon.

Knives, guns, halberds, shields, hooks, umbrellas... All kinds of weapons trapped the green dragon.

"Ouch!" The green dragon roared and struggled, and the earth trembled. But on the stone pillars, the invisible weapons interweaved into a huge net. From above, the green dragon could not escape.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

An invisible, in the green dragon's body, leaving a series of sparks, but because there is no blade, can not break the green dragon's defense.

Green Dragon crazy struggle, a few stone pillars are shaking.

There seems to be a very strong prohibition on the stone pillar, which protects the stone pillar from being destroyed. Otherwise, with the struggle of the green dragon, a mountain will be directly pulled up.

People looked at it from a distance and suddenly found that there were several familiar figures around the stone pillar.

Among them, the most obvious one is the white jade horn elephant, whose whole body is emitting a quiet light, like a piece of gauze.

A closer look, before the giant scorpion, panther, and the little lion with wings, it is also around.

Not only them, there are many alien creatures in Kunlun ruins around the stone array composed of stone pillars.

In the northeast corner of the stone pillar, there is a huge snake which is almost ten times longer than the green dragon. Because the body pattern is gray, people thought it was a mountain at first.

And to the west of the stone pillar, what is more amazing is that there is a huge tree like a coconut tree.

At the top of the tree, there are three huge flowers, each with a different color.

This tree is actually out of the ground, with a huge root system, running from afar, and then rooted in the stone here, the thick root system as easy as water tofu into the stone.

Inside the stone pillar, the green dragon roared for a long time, but it was unable to break free from the shackles of the stone formation, and its action began to be a little slow.

A huge stone hammer linked to a stone pillar suddenly banged on the green dragon's head.

"Ouch!" The green dragon whined and fell from the sky.

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