Because ye CuO caught the murderer and rapist not long ago, and let the place where he lived become famous once. Many media in the city vied to come here to interview.

Ye CuO naturally won't be interviewed, so he can hide if he can. Those reporters can't interview Ye Cuo, so they can only focus on the neighbors.

These neighbors are people from the bottom of the society. They usually have no chance to be on TV. Now they are interviewed, and they are very excited.

Those who didn't like Ye's family because ye's family was poor, and those who had hired Ye's mother to do chores and had a bad attitude towards Ye's mother, also secretly carried some meat and fruit and so on, and came to the door to apologize to a sister-in-law.

Since Ye's father was paralyzed, the Ye family has suffered hardship and bullying. Until now, because of Ye's fault, it has been completely changed.

Before ye Mu went out, few of us looked at her directly; Now we all stop to say hello and praise ye Cuo, which makes Ye Mu proud and bitter.

Those who used to bully the Ye family, such as Bajie's sister-in-law, are now more honest. Once when ye's mother went shopping at Bajie's house, Bajie's sister-in-law shivered with fright and begged her mother not to smash her shop.

Mother ye said that she was here to buy things. Bajie said immediately, "sister-in-law, you can take whatever you like. You don't need to give money. You can take whatever you like."

Ye Mu said with a smile, "how can we do that? It's all about living. It's not easy for anyone." Then he just gave the money to Bajie's sister-in-law. Bajie's sister-in-law began to cry at that time, with a runny nose and a guarantee of tears. Later, she would treat Ye Mu as her sister-in-law and never be confused as before.

At this time, ye Qianqian is looking for a car outside and is ready to send Ye Fu to the hospital. When the neighbors hear about it, they immediately set out. After a while, they find a big car with a spacious carriage. Some of the neighbors hold the quilt and make it first.

Several young and strong men went to carry Ye Fu out of the bed at home.

The leaf is wrong in one side, Leng is didn't insert hand.

Ye Qianqian is also tongue, whispered to Ye CuO: "brother, how suddenly they treat our family so well? In the past, when my father was injured, he had to carry his back into the house, but no one helped him. It was my mother and you who had to work hard to get my father home. "

Ye CuO smiles and doesn't speak.

And ye Mu looks at the people gratefully“ Thank you, big guy Although she said so, she knew that it was all because of her son Ye Cuo. If ye CuO hadn't glorified the family, who would be so hospitable?

People all around waved: "you're welcome. It's our honor to help your family."

The person that says a word, a scar on the face, nickname scar son, before horizontal very, not little bully leaf family. When ye CuO was a little boy, he even fanned and robbed Ye Cuo of his money. At this time, he looked shameless, as if ye CuO's family were close to him.

Ye CuO glanced at him, and the scar was grinning. When ye CuO glanced at him, he shrunk his head and froze his whole face.

A neighbor asked, "yecuo Ma, where are you going to send yecuo's father?"

Ye CuO said: "Central Hospital, ready to be hospitalized for surgery."

People around all took a breath of air conditioning: "it's valuable there. Do you have any money? It's said that it's more than 1000 yuan a day to be hospitalized there. "

The leaf mother listened to, also startled: "so expensive?" She couldn't help looking at Ye Cuo.

Ye CuO said: "just go there, the effect of the treatment in the hospital is not good. I've told people there that it's free and there's no charge for it. "

The neighbors around didn't believe it very much. They said: Although you arrested a murderer, everyone knows that other people's hospital charges are expensive, so maybe because you arrested a criminal now, you will be given free? Those big stars are more famous than you, and I haven't heard that medical treatment is free.

Ye Mu is also a little hesitant, whispering to Ye CuO: "ah Cuo, why don't we change to a small hospital? Although that cloud girl's grandfather is a doctor, it's impossible to let other people's hospital even free the hospitalization expenses. Don't wait for the money to be insufficient. Let's just spend 100000 yuan. "

Ye CuO said with a smile: "it's OK, mom, I've agreed."

Ye Qianqian pursed her lips: "I don't think Yunni is that powerful. Maybe she is bragging with you. In fact, she can't let the hospital give our family free. Brother, you can't be sorry for Suya because Yunni's family is a doctor. "

Ye CuO frowned: "what a mess? What's on your mind? "

Ye Qianqian pouts her lips unconvinced, and says: it's better than you big brother, who only wants to seduce beautiful girls. Hum, if you want to say that I'm not worse than them, you never look at me.

Ye CuO said to the public: "we are going to the Central Hospital, not only to live in the Central Hospital, but also to live in the most expensive and best VIP ward in the hospital. It won't cost us a cent. If you are willing to help, you can take care of it all the way. If you are not willing, you can forget it. "

Most of the neighbors don't really believe that ye CuO's family can be hospitalized free of charge in the Central Hospital, which is the top hospital in the city and even the whole country, and the VIP ward is well known by the common people.

That ward is not able to live with money. If it doesn't matter, you don't want to go in as much as you spend.

At this time, everyone listened to Ye CuO's words, and naturally they were willing to follow him.

That scar face was swept by Ye CuO just now, and was scared to shrink. At that time, he felt that he had no face. At this time, he sneered and said, "Ye Cuo, you'd better find a small hospital to treat your father well. Don't catch a prisoner. His tail is up in the sky. I thought the hospital would open the back door to you. Where is the central hospital? We don't know which is expensive. Elder brother is for you, advise you don't good face boast, otherwise later big guy all went, others don't let you in, you don't matter, your parents face to where put? "

Several neighbors nodded to themselves.

Scar son looked at the crowd to agree with his words, proud of his thumbs up: "not you scar son brother, I blow with you, our Tianlu hospital, I cover! Don't you have 100000 in your family? Give me the money and I'll make sure it's all right for your dad. I am familiar with the leaders there. They are all friends who have lived with me! "

Scar son said, his face feel special light, can't help looking around disdainfully, a face of elation. He extended his hand to Ye Mu: "sister-in-law, take out the money, I promise to help you settle."

Ye Mu hesitates to see ye Cuo. Although she knows that scar's words are unreliable, this person usually lives by cheating. But ye Mu felt that it was impossible for her son to live in the VIP ward of the central hospital.

Ye CuO stopped his mother and said in a cold voice, "what the hell is Tianlu hospital? My father has such a noble body. He must live in the best place. You are willing to go to the place where dogs don't go in Tianlu hospital. "

"Ha ha ha ha." The neighborhood around them all laughed. Originally, they looked at scar with a little worship in their eyes. At this time, they all laughed.

Scar son big feeling has no face: "Ye Cuo, you little fart child, how do you talk?"? Do you believe me... "He originally wanted to say" believe it or not, I'll smoke you ", but he didn't dare to say it.

Looking at Ye CuO taking people to the Central Hospital, he bites his teeth and follows behind, waiting to see ye CuO's jokes in his heart.

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