All of them raised their ears. Chen Wenyu was excited.

Originally, he was not a top-notch master in China, but it was a coincidence that in this Kunlun ruins, he could meet such a master of the world as bad old man. It was a great chance.

Chen Wenyu felt vaguely that the most important turning point in her life was coming.

Lao Zao said: "before talking about Tianzun, let me tell you the differences of cultivation.

The inheritance of art is not invariable, but there are countless ways.

The Dragon God skill mainly depends on blood, followed by gene memory.

People who practice dragon skills should first use real dragon blood, which is the most basic condition.

Secondly, there should be the awakening of genetic memory. Many people are trapped by this, and most of them will not awaken this memory in their lifetime.

But there are usually some incomplete gene memories in the dragon ball, and each dragon ball has it, just how many problems.

The combination of the gene memory of the dragon ball and the blood will make the cultivation master the Dragon skill.

If you get the dragon ball alone, but you don't have blood, you won't wake up; But if the blood concentration is strong, you don't need Longzhu.

Ye CuO was able to wake up because I took him out from the Kunlun ruins. His true dragon blood is pure and incomparable.

I've never even seen such pure dragon blood, and it's the rarest metal.

Among all the Yalong species, the metallic ones can hardly be found, and the most common are water and wood attributes, both of which are relatively weak in combat effectiveness, so they are very common.

The earth attribute is defensive. It ranks third in rarity.

The fire attribute also has powerful attack explosive power, but it can't compare with metal. Because the control power is very poor, the sub dragon species of the fire system are generally extremely violent and difficult to grow up, so the rarity ranks second. "

With that, the old man looked at the crowd, laughed and said, "you heard me right. There are many kinds of wood property Yalong, so I can easily get the dragon ball.

My attack power is really not strong, mainly in the ability to survive and get close to the plants. I have more talent. If ye CuO can get to tongxuan, I can't beat him at all. "

Ye CuO said: "I heard that you are very good at refining medicine!"

The bad old man said with a smile: "yes, let's stop talking about these, and then talk about the inheritance of cultivation.

In addition to the lineage inheritance of our dragon Shengong, there is another kind called element inheritance.

Guanghan Tianzun and Chunyang Tianzun belong to these two kinds.

These two heritages are relatively common, so in Kunlun Mountain, although the number of these two heritages is not large, they can form two small sects. Compared with the lost one and the near lost one of dream Heart Sutra and dragon magic skill, it is much more.

Element inheritance, as the name suggests, is to cultivate a certain element existing in nature.

What Guanghan Tianzun cultivates is the attribute of ice. As long as he has the blood of the ancient alien species of ice system, he can practice; Chunyang Tianzun cultivates the fire system. There are many different kinds of fire system, and there are many blood lines left in human beings.

Not only are there many people who can cultivate these two skills, but more importantly, the inheritance of the skills is gradual.

It's like going to school, first from kindergarten, then to primary school, junior high school, senior high school, step by step;

But the great dream Heart Sutra is different from it. The great dream God inherits the rules.

It's like on your first day of school, I'll tell you the content of University. You don't even know how much 1 + 1 equals, so you are required to learn to calculate the orbit of the planet.

This is difficult!

Therefore, the inheritance of Da Meng Xin Jing only talks about talent, and those without talent can't get into it.

I ask you, have you read the scriptures of the great dream Sutra? "

Ye CuO nodded: "I've seen it. It's like a cloud. Every word is like a cloud. I want to sleep when I look at it. The girls around me took a look and slept for several days. "

The bad old man said with a smile: "this is not the talent to practice the great dream Sutra. The first time you see the great dream Sutra, you will be excluded.

Ye Cuo, how long did you sleep when you saw it? "

Ye CuO said, "I didn't fall asleep. Although I was sleepy, I carried it down."

The old man was surprised and said, "then you have a firm mind. It's a good thing. The more determined the mind is, the less affected it is.

Let me ask you another question. Since you have met Lin Yi, do you remember what he looks like? "

Ye CuO's whole body was shocked, and suddenly he thought of it like a tide. He was shocked and said, "master, I think of it. When I saw Lin Yi, his face was constantly changing. For a while, he was a man, a woman, an old man and a child!

And his voice is constantly changing, but - it's strange that you didn't mention it today, and I still don't feel any abnormality, just like he's changing, and I also feel very normal. "

"Bad old head way:" when you dream, whether can also be like this. Sometimes walking, the environment around you has changed, the people around you have also changed, even your own identity has changed.

But in your dream, you still feel normal. There's nothing wrong with it. You don't feel strange until you wake up. "

Everyone nodded. This is something everyone will encounter.

Lao Cha said: "this is the wonder of Da Meng Xin Jing. After you meet him, who knows whether you are in reality or in a dream?

If you don't know that you are in a dream, you will not hesitate to believe the person you care about most.

But at this time, if she suddenly gives you a sword, will you die unprepared? "

Bad old man's words, let everyone feel a panic.

Lao Zao said: "if a person's cultivation is very low, or even has not practiced, but he will not fall into a deep sleep when he looks at Da Meng Xin Jing, then it means that he has resistance to Da Meng Xin Jing.

This kind of person is either suitable for practicing dream Heart Sutra, or is the nemesis of dream Heart Sutra.

Ye Cuo, the Dragon skill you practiced is the inheritance of the real dragon god. It has resistance to the dream Sutra, so you didn't faint. It's not because you are very strong, but because the Dragon skill is very strong.

If you meet someone who is not strong in cultivation and can resist the great dream Sutra, that's the object worthy of being wooed by you. It's very useful to deal with Lin Yi. "

Yan Xie suddenly said, "meizhizi! She doesn't seem to faint at daydream Heart Sutra. "

Ye CuO is shocked and remembers that meizhizi seems to have seen the stone tablet of Nangong's dream Sutra, but she doesn't faint.

He was surprised and said, "yes, meizhizi seems not afraid of big dreams."

The old man said unexpectedly, "is that right? What kind of person is Michiko? "

Ye CuO said: "it's a little girl I rescued from Japan. She's very cute."

Ye CuO told meizhizi all over again, and Lao Zao said, "what kind of martial arts does this girl cultivate?"

"The seal of the king of the Ming Dynasty on the island of IHA, Japan!"

"It's impossible to resist Da Meng Xin Jing with such rubbish. According to you, this girl should be born with pure mind and no worries, so... I guess she has never had a dream, so she is not afraid of big dream

"Never had a dream?" They all looked at each other. Michiko didn't get involved in any troubles in the world. He couldn't even dream.

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