Suya was thinking, and there was another knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Outside the door came a calm young man, the master of the magic sword, Pei Ao.

No matter when, Pei Ao is this not urgent not slow expression, slowly walk to Su Ya's opposite, sit down.

"What's the matter?"

"Many of the ancient martial arts experts and powers that we used to recruit in our territory are now basically shaking their confidence.

It's said that boss Ye is dead.

This news is now widely spread. Many people think ye CuO is really dead.

Under the pressure of Xiao family and Yan family, we are not willing to continue to be hostile to them and work for Longteng.

So many people have left recently. Now the only guard force of Longteng is only our first group of people. " Pei Ao said.

Suya was silent for a long time and said, "how many of us still have?"

"Not much. After a lot of walking, there are still some people who are not determined. Only Gao Weiqin, Deng Zhuo, Tong Bao and a large number of people who followed boss ye at the beginning can believe them.

I've heard that the Xiao and Yan families have talked to many of us in private and threatened us with a lot of money.

Such a big stick and jujube means, can resist not much

Suya nodded: "we have no money to please them. Let's go."

Finish saying, Su Ya asks suddenly: "Pei Ao, everybody says leaf is wrong dead, do you believe?"

Pei Ao shook his head: "I only believe what I see."

Suya smiles and nods.

Two people were silent for a long time, Pei Ao suddenly asked: "if boss Ye really died, what are you going to do?"

This is Pei Ao's first time. He takes the initiative to ask other people questions, which makes Su ya a little strange.

"Me? I don't believe he's dead, even if I saw it with my own eyes. " Suya said with a smile.


Qinling, Xiao family!

Xiao Wanyi, the owner of the Xiao family, sits at the head of the living room with a graceful face.

Xiao Jianqiu stood respectfully behind him.

At the bottom of the two of them sat an old man, who was thin and frail. He seemed to be unable to open his eyes. His whole body was full of loose and wrinkled skin, and his mouth was full of teeth.

The old man was wearing Miao clothes with all kinds of colorful patterns on the cloth; Overhead, arms are all kinds of broken silver, the foot is a colorful snake, coiled into a ball, from time to time spit the letter, people look at it and feel afraid.

In the opposite of the old mu, a charming woman, sitting there, a close fitting cloth, outlines her ups and downs of the figure.

Xiao Wanyi said with a smile: "grandma Guiwu, how are you doing recently in our Xiao family?"

The witch's grandmother was very angry. She didn't look like an old man. She was very upset and said, "what a fart! Xiao Wanyi, my son Heili, died as a guest in your house.

This matter, I ghost witch grandmother won't forget, we black Miao alien race, also won't forget!

Heili, he is the young patriarch of our black Miao clan. He will succeed the old patriarch when he drives away. Now he's dead. If you don't give me an explanation, I won't spare you Xiaos! "

Xiao Wanyi's face was a little ugly, and he said to the charming woman in Purple: "ziji, tell me about it."

Ziji's voice was as sweet as honey: "don't be so angry, grandma witch! No wonder we killed Mr. Heili. His name is Ye CuO! "

The witch said, "of course I know. That damned boy's name is Ye Cuo.

At the beginning, I came to Xiao's house to kill Ye Cuo, but you tried every means to stop him. At last, I let him run into Kunlun market and die in it.

Who do you think should be charged with this account? "

Ziji was embarrassed and said: "at that time, ye CuO defeated Mr. Heili at the age of less than 20, and he used martial arts to win. This is a very amazing thing.

There is a rumor in the ancient martial arts circles that ye CuO's practice is also a technique with great power;

Others say that ye CuO once went to Changbai Mountain and had a lot to do with the Ye family, so we stopped him.

At that time, ye CuO was known as the first person in the list of gods, with amazing power.

Grandma Guiwu, as you know, there are only four gods in China, the strongest of which is the Ye family.

We Xiao family and Yan family, even if add up, it is not enough for ye Qianzhan to kill alone.

At that time, it was also for the sake of everyone's safety.

Now ye CuO is dead, too. Mr. Heili's revenge is revenge. It's worth celebrating. "

"Bah!" Grandma Guiwu had a pair of triangular eyes, like a poisonous snake, with a fierce light, "is Shenbang great? If you are a martial arts practitioner, you don't have to be good when you meet a master?

Even if ye Qianzhan is a god list, he can't be so overbearing!

We Tiannan six veins, together!

Six major techniques, together, even if it is God list, also kill to you!

He Ye family, kill my son, not so cheap to die!

Even if he is dead, I will take out his soul and train him to be a fierce ghost. He will be imprisoned in a cage and burned day and night, so that he can not be reincarnated and will never be able to live beyond his life! "

The voice of the witch's grandmother is as creepy as the cry of a night owl.

Ziji was in a dilemma: "grandma Guiwu, if ye CuO died in another place, even in a sea of fire, we will bring his body back, so that you can draw out your soul and become a fierce ghost, tormenting him day and night, so that he will be terrified.

But didn't he die in the Kunlun ruins?

Even though Kunlun ruins is the peak of the great master, there are still very few people who can come out alive. We can't organize people to enter Kunlun ruins to find his body. "

Grandma Guiwu waved her hand: "I didn't expect you to help me at all! Hum, I'm black Li. I'm blind to be a guest minister in your family! "

Xiao Jianqiu said angrily, "grandma, you can't say that."

Xiao Wanyi waved his hand: "Jianqiu, shut up! Step back. In front of grandma Guiwu, do you have your share? "

Xiao Wanyi beat a drum in his heart. He was afraid that the witch would kill Xiao Jian.

Tiannan six veins, located in the depth of the 100000 mountains of Miao, spread a variety of legends.

The people over there made all kinds of things, such as chasing corpses and raising poisonous insects.

This kind of thing, ordinary people don't touch it, they feel numb when they hear it.

The main reason is that it's too evil to fight openly. On the contrary, few people are afraid of this kind of evil witchcraft.

Ziji smilingly diverged from the topic: "you see, otherwise, that leaf is wrong in the sea of clouds, and has set up a company. Let's go and kill all the people in their company to vent our anger on you!"

Grandma Guiwu waved her hand: "hum! What does the company have to do with him? It's no use killing him. Does that kid have parents? Get his parents for me. I'm going to beat them. Use the souls of your relatives to lead this boy back to the sun, and then refine him! "

Ziji said: "according to the data, there are parents and a sister."

"Then we'll catch them together, and let Grandma make me a blood danyin corpse!" Grandma's shrill roar startled the birds in the Qinling Mountains in the dark.

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