The time soon came to the day of the operation, on this day, Ye Feng came to HSBC with 5 recruited guards, and it didn’t take long for Shen Bi and the charter king and others to come.

Shen Bi led everyone to one of HSBC’s largest trading rooms and waited for everyone to take their places.

Ye Feng looked at the twenty traders Shen Bi found and said: From now on, the twenty of you are forbidden to leave this trading room before the end of the operation, and everyone hands over their communication equipment.”

“When the operation is over, in addition to the corresponding bonus, I will give you an additional sum of money to each of you.”

Twenty traders were overjoyed and very happy to hear that there was money to take.

Ye Feng looked at the fact that there was an acquaintance among these twenty people, it was Wang Dong who was trading for himself last time, “Ye Feng said to Wang Dong: This time you are still their temporary team leader. ”

Wang Dong happily agreed.

Ye Feng saw that the time was almost up, and began to order: Now the first step is to borrow from the local bank of the Pacific Kingdom, buy a large number of local assets, and then raise funds from the offshore financial market, and sell the local assets in exchange for a large amount of taibaht.”

On the other side, Soros on Wall Street is also doing the same thing, on this day, the Taikokuo stock market is rising wildly, but the Taikokuo official did not pay attention.

In the afternoon, Shen Bi and the others left, leaving Ye Feng alone to preside over the overall situation.

For seven days in a row, Ye Feng and the others had almost collected their chips, and they were ready to start the next step.

Wall Street’s Soros is almost done.

Only then did the officials of the Tai Kingdom sense that something was wrong, and the people from the Ministry of Finance hurriedly reported it to their minister.

However, Ye Feng and Soros had collected almost the same chips, and they both held a large amount of taibaht in their hands.

Soros also sensed that there was a group of people doing the same thing as them, but now they had to send it.

Soros angrily cursed the subordinate next to him, who felt very innocent and did not leak the secret.

After the first step on Ye Feng’s side was completed, he instructed Wang Dong and the others to carry out the second step, borrowing shares from the local stock custodian institution and selling them short.

The stock market, which had soared a few days ago, suddenly began to plummet again, and Ye Feng profited again through the large leverage in local stock futures. Soros does the same.

It should be Ye Feng who learned Soros, because this is how Soros operated in the previous life.

Then the two began the same third step, lending a large amount of baht to the central bank.

Another few days passed, and the Tai Guo official was busy with a mess, and they didn’t know what went wrong.

Ye Feng now got enough chips, and began to sell a large number of short baht spots, and at the same time bought forward baht contracts for forward foreign exchange swap transactions.

That is, in the forward futures pay too baht in exchange for US dollars, so that if the tai baht falls, the same US dollar can be exchanged for more too baht, therefore, how much the tai baht falls, Ye Feng will make a profit.

Soros was doing it around the same time.

The official Tai Guo watched the exchange rate of the Tai Baht and the US dollar continue to fall, falling by 20% on the first day, and now they couldn’t sit still at all, and they finally knew what this group was going to do.

And the Taiguo watched the constant depreciation of the tai baht, and also began to exchange the tai baht for US dollars in the market, and a large number of followers are also using the tai baht for US dollars.

As a result, the foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of Pacific were completely insufficient, and they quickly began to borrow 30 billion US dollars from the old family slope to continue to take over the taibaht in the market.

But where is $30 billion enough, the exchange rate of the baht and the dollar is still falling, as long as the exchange rate falls sharply, the more Ye Feng and Soros will earn.

The decline in the exchange rate caused stocks to fall, making the stock market develop in favor of Ye Feng and Soros.

The rise in interest rates has raised the financing costs of enterprises, hit domestic enterprises and worsened Thailand’s real economy.

When the exchange rate of the Pacific fell sharply, investors from all over the world flocked to the Pacific country, shorting the Thai baht in large quantities, and the Thai baht continued to depreciate.

Almost a month later, Tai Guo finally couldn’t hold on, abandoned the exchange rate system, and began to float freely, and the governor of the Central Bank of Tai Guo resigned.

The exchange rate between the baht and the US dollar fell by 20 percent on the day.

Ye Feng and Soros have already made crazy money, and both sides have almost doubled their earnings.

Ye Feng saw that it was almost the same, and began to close the borrowed stocks. Another large amount of money into the account.

The Tai Guo officials scolded this group of executioners as bloody and sent Tai Guo intelligence officers to investigate who did it, but they most likely suspected that it was Wall Street capitalists or the group of vampires in Europe.

I simply didn’t think about Xiangjiang, let alone inland.

Ye Feng’s operation during this period of time made Shen Bi and others dumbfounded, it turned out that making money was really that simple.

When Shen Bi and the others thought that this was the end, Ye Feng’s words made them all confused.

Ye Feng said lightly, this is the beginning, but don’t think about earning so much later.

Now their funds are around $700, while Soros’s funds should be around $800.

And Ye Feng knew in advance that one of Soros’s goals was not surprising, it was the old home slope.

Even if Soros changes his plans for his own reasons, it doesn’t matter, it’s still okay for him to have the money to hit a small country now.

Soros’s target this time was indeed the old family slope, and although he knew that there was a force following them, he was very unhappy, but he didn’t care now.

Because their intentions are the same, the more money, the greater the chance of success and the more profit they make.

The next day, they simultaneously went to war on Jiaojiapo, this time in a quick battle, using US dollars as collateral to borrow Old Jiapo dollars from private companies in Jiapo.

As for the old Jiapo Central Bank, they dare not go, otherwise isn’t this a clear telling to people, I’m going to short your country’s currency?

Although the borrowing speed of the private sector has slowed down, after 15 days, Ye Feng has also borrowed $20 billion in chips, and the next step is to knock down the exchange rate between the old family Poyuan and the US dollar, and then repay the debt.

The next day, Ye Feng began to short the old family Po Yuan in the same way, although the old family Po had expected that this group of people might come to their country, but he did not expect it to come so suddenly.

Everyone began to sell their old Jiapo dollars in exchange for US dollars, and although the Old Jiapo Central Bank was well prepared, it could not resist the betrayal of the people of the whole country.

So on the first day, the exchange rate between the old Po dollar and the US dollar fell by 10%.

The old Jiapo official began to borrow US dollars from other countries, but the surrounding countries were afraid to come to their own countries next time, so the foreign exchange reserves did not dare to borrow at all.

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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