The time soon came to the end of February, and Ye Feng asked Ye Sulight to send $1 billion into his account.

Last time I left less, but I bought some arms and equipment on Green Island, recruited 300 guards, and the money was not enough.

Ye Feng called Shen Bi and asked him to prepare an account that was not easy to track, and then asked Shen Bi to transfer his leveraged funds first.

By the way, find twenty more reliable traders and let the non-disclosure agreement be signed.

He then spoke on the phone with others in the Heungjiang chaebol and agreed to transfer the money to an account arranged by HSBC within a week.

There are still 20 days before the outbreak of the war between the two countries in the previous life, and because the funds this time are relatively large, he has to enter early.

After preparing everything, Ye Feng had been accompanying Li Xin’er and Zhang Qianwen for the remaining days.

After the start of this operation, it is estimated that I will not see two women for more than a month.

But the warm time is always short, and the week passes quickly.

On this day, Ye Yi and five other bodyguards came to HSBC.

Shen Bi received a notice from the front desk that Ye Feng was coming, quickly put down the documents in his hand, and came to the VIP room.

Ye Feng came a little earlier, and the others hadn’t arrived yet.

So Shen Bi and Ye Feng were drinking tea and chatting in the VIP room, waiting for the others.

Almost half an hour later, the others also arrived, charter king, Zhang Deyan, Li Jiacheng, they came one after another.

After the people arrived, Ye Feng didn’t talk nonsense, stood up and asked directly: “Everyone, the funds are all in place, right?” ”

The charter king said with a smile: “If you can make a lot of money with Mr. Ye, of course, the funds will be in place, Mr. Ye, you can rest assured, it has already entered the account given by HSBC.” ”

Others also nodded, indicating that the money had been beaten.

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction and said, “Everyone, we are going to enter tonight, and our funds are relatively large.” ”

“It can take more than a dozen days to go in without affecting market volatility.”

“So during these ten days, you can come over at any time to check the flow of funds in your account.”

Li Jiacheng smiled and said: “I still know how powerful President Ye is, you can operate it, don’t worry about us.” ”

The charter king also followed and said: “President Ye, no need to check, if you don’t worry about you, who will give you tens of billions of funds to operate!” ”

Everyone else also said: “Yes, since the money has been beaten, that is our trust in President Ye, President Ye, you can operate.” ”

Ye Feng is still very happy about everyone’s trust, and he is worthy of the fact that people’s business can be so big, and this decisive means is not comparable to ordinary people.

“Then, everyone, the matter of futures will be handed over to me, and the matter of hoarding materials will be handed over to you.”

“No problem, don’t worry about President Ye in this regard, we will definitely handle it properly.”

By noon, everyone left one after another, leaving only Shen Bi and Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said to Shen Bi: “President Shen, in the afternoon, you should let the traders rest first, rest well, and prepare to fight until dawn in the evening.” ”

Shen Bi nodded and said, “President Ye, you also go here to rest, and I will arrange the others.” ”

Ye Feng rested on a large bed in the VIP room, which Shen Bi had specially prepared for Ye Feng.

By eight o’clock in the evening, Ye Feng went to the prepared trading room, and Shen Bi and the other traders had already arrived.

Ye Feng saw that one of the traders was Wang Dong, an old acquaintance from last time.

Therefore, Ye Feng said to Wang Dong: “I am not familiar with other people, Wang Dong, this time, you are still the temporary team leader.” ”

Wang Dong showed a look of joy on his face, and quickly thanked Ye Feng: “Thank you President Ye, thank you President Ye.” ”

Ye Feng continued to arrange: “Wang Dong, you are choosing a deputy team leader, starting today, the two of you, one is responsible for the day and the other is responsible for the night. ”

“Our capital is a bit large this time, so it is still a little difficult to enter the market without fluctuations in ten days.”

“But you are all top traders in Xiangjiang, and I believe in your strength.”

“I promise you that when this operation is successfully completed, the bonus I will give you will not be less than one million Hong Kong dollars.”

Saying that everything else is false, only money is the most real, these traders heard one million Hong Kong dollars, they all cheered.

A thousand words are not as good as Hong Kong dollars, and seeing that the motivation of the traders has come, Ye Feng also smiled.

Give them twenty people a million, which is only 20 million, but as long as these people work hard in the process of trading, the money earned can be measured in hundreds of millions.

Then he ordered Wang Dong: “Wang Dong, I will give you a task, this time it is a total of 76 billion US dollars, we don’t have much time, you have to enter the market at least five billion a day, only more, not less.” ”

When Wang Dong heard 76 billion, his pupils immediately shrank, and he immediately became excited, he had never such a big plate in his life.

The most time was the last time he took them to do it, that time it was tens of billions, he felt that it was his peak, but he didn’t expect Ye Feng to play bigger this time.

But 76 billion wants to enter the market without causing market volatility in a dozen days, which is also a challenge for itself.

But he still has the confidence to finish it.

Wang Dong solemnly assured Ye Feng: “President Ye, don’t worry, I will definitely complete the task.” ”

Ye Feng patted Wang Dong’s shoulder and said, okay, so he won’t say anything more.

At nine o’clock in the evening, the international futures market opened on time.

Today’s oil price is $13, and since the last skyrocket, it has fallen back.

Wang Dong began to arrange for other traders to enter one after another, the situation was still very smooth, and the price of oil today was also stable, just hovering around one dollar.

One hundred million dollars, five hundred million dollars, a billion dollars.

By the end of this round at eleven o’clock, Wang Dong had already entered 1.3 billion US dollars, and Ye Feng was still very satisfied with this speed.

Soon came the second round, at five o’clock in the morning, it was also over, this time a total of 1.5 billion dollars came in.

Ye Feng looked at everyone and said, “Everyone, it’s hard, from now on, you will take turns trading day and night.” ”

Ye Feng asked the bodyguards he brought out to buy some breakfast and came back.

After everyone finished eating, they rested for a while, and at nine o’clock in the morning, the people of the day shift arranged by Wang Dong also began to act.

A large amount of US dollars has flowed into the market, and under the operation of these top traders, it has not caused a single wave in the market.

The first day ended quickly, and under everyone’s control, a total of six billion dollars flowed into the market today.

This is less than one-tenth, but to reach this number in one day, Ye Feng is already very satisfied.

The main thing is that no one knows that in the oil futures market, a man-eating crocodile entered.

In the United States, there is also such a group of people, led by an old white man, a large amount of money has entered the oil futures market.

This person is none other than Solos of the Ryoko Fund.

Soros muttered to himself, “.

“I wonder if I’ll meet that bastard this time?”

Speaking of which, Ye Feng had already snatched a lot of things from Soros’s bowl.

And Soros felt that someone in his team leaked secrets every time, until later, his team of traders changed batch after batch.

The other party still followed him in action, which also made Soros understand that it was not his people who were leaking secrets, but that the other party was too powerful and could predict his actions every time.

Later, Soros didn’t care, anyway, the market was so big, he couldn’t finish eating alone.

And in Europe, there is also such a pack of evil wolves, smelling of money and using a lot of money to begin to enter the oil futures market.

Among them was a well-known arms dealer in Europe, Abt.

One of the men looked at Abt and asked, “Abt, are you sure that the two countries are going to fight?” ”

Abt smiled confidently: “Their weapons were all bought from me, and their contradictions are about to reach their peak.” ”

I estimate that in about ten days, the war will start, and by then a large amount of oil will not be able to be shipped, and the price of international oil will definitely skyrocket.

Abt continued: “Even if they can’t fight, as long as the price doesn’t fall too much, let’s just create a momentum, won’t the price rise?” What are you afraid of in a profitable business? ”

Others also hear that as long as the price does not fall too much, they have a way not to lose money.

Your support is my motivation to keep up with this street renewal.

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