The premiere ratings of "The Legend of the White Snake" also came out, with an average rating of [-]% and a peak rating of [-]%!It has been rated by numerous film critics as the most popular "phenomenal" show of the decade.

It is precisely because of this that Ding Li has been a frequent visitor to the headlines for a long time, putting the super-top singer Wang Feng who recently released a new album under Zai's body.

It is also because of the popularity that the publicity effect of "Crazy Stone" is quite good.

And not only that, there are many celebrities who help Ding Li promote on his own Weibo.

Such as Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu posted this Weibo:

"Brother Yu, I have finally entered the film industry recently. Below is the footage of a film I co-produced with the talented star Ding Li. After watching it, if you have a chance, you should give more support to Brother Yu and Ding Li! Guarantee that the movie will be absolutely good-looking. !"

Zhang Yu's Weibo has been followed by [-] million people. The publicity effect of such a Weibo post is no less than that of ordinary people who spend [-] million Huaxia Coins to advertise.

And this Weibo is also well received.

"Hahaha, it's really funny, I will definitely go to the cinema to watch it then!"

"Haha, it's funny how Brother Yu pretends to be cool and fails."


At this moment, a heavyweight retweeted Zhang Yu's Weibo!

"This film is very good, just watching the film makes my stomach hurt from laughing! @dingli, I heard that your song writing is very good. If there is a chance, I would like to make a song with you!"

This forwarder is one of the most famous heavenly kings in China - Niu Dehua!

When Niu Dehua forwarded Zhang Yu's Weibo and asked Ding Li to sing, the entire entertainment industry was shaken!

What?A generation of kings actually asked Ding Li for a song?Who is this Ding Li?

So, Ding Li exploded! "Crazy Stone" also exploded!

Ding Li never thought of this!

Ding Li did not put on airs for Niu Dehua, the king of the generation, and quickly replied to Niu Dehua.

"@牛德华Thank you for your support, it is my honor that my song can be seen by you. If there is a chance, I will be happy to write a song for you. By the way, it will be the first song of "Crazy Stone" in three days. The screening ceremony, I wonder if Niu Tianwang has time to come and watch it?”

And Niu Dehua also quickly replied: "@dingli good, I will definitely come over then!"

Later, Niu Dehua even promoted "Crazy Stone" on his Weibo, which made Wang Dao and others laugh.


Three days later, at the premiere of "Crazy Stone", Ding Li finally met Niu Dehua.

Now Niu Dehua is in his fifties, but he still looks very energetic, and he treats people very politely, with a smile on his face that makes people feel like a spring breeze.

When Ding Li saw Niu Dehua, he involuntarily developed a good feeling, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that it is not unreasonable for Niu Dehua to become the king of heaven. With his current status, he is worthy of everyone's respect when he treats people so kindly."

With Niu Dehua's status, it is natural that Ding Li can meet him in person.

"Hello, Niu Tianwang, welcome to the premiere of "Crazy Stone"." Ding Li said politely.

Niu Dehua took Ding Li's hand and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard many of your songs, and I've seen your "Shanghai Beach". You don't need to be so outspoken, you can just call me Brother Niu."

Niu Dehua's words instantly shortened the distance between Ding Li and him. It can be seen that Niu Dehua intends to befriend himself, and Ding Li is naturally happy.

After the two exchanged a few words, Ding Li took Niu Dehua into an office of the theater because they were both public figures and it was not easy to talk about things in public.

Chapter [-] Premiere Ceremony

After entering the office, after the two sat down, Ding Li said, "Niu Tianwang, do you really want to date me?"

"Of course! Your songs are excellent! Even better than many of my songs!"

Ding Li smiled slightly and said, "I wonder what kind of song Niu Tianwang needs?"

Niu Dehua pondered for a while and said, "It's like this, because I have a high status now, but I don't seem to be so close to the fans, so recently I want to make a song that is more close to the people, I don't know if you can do it Ding Li. Write it down?"

Hearing this, Ding Li showed a smile on his face and said, "No problem."

After thinking about it, Ding Li took a guitar from the side and said with a smile: "Brother Niu, can you see this song?"

Niu Dehua was stunned, his face full of confusion.

That's all right?It's too fast, isn't it?

Ding Li ignored Andy Lau's surprise, but started playing for himself, and then sang in his mouth.

"My home

live in this village

I'm a native of this village..."

The song that Ding Li chose is called "The People in Our Village". It was a very popular song in the last life, and it met Niu Dehua's requirements very well.

Listening and listening, Niu Dehua's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he even opened his mouth to applaud.

After the song was sung, Ding Li smiled and said, "How about Niu Ge? Are you satisfied with this song?"

Niu Dehua didn't rush to answer, but asked, "You made this song live?"

Ding Li smiled and did not answer.

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