At this moment, Niu Dehua spoke.

"Ding Li, your film is very good. I think it will definitely be popular, but this time you are not without opponents. You better be careful. Now some people will do anything to make money."

Chapter one hundred and eighty-ninth attack

Ding Li frowned slightly and asked, "How do you say it?"

Niu Dehua smiled lightly and said, "If your film is released in normal times, there are not so many problems, but your release time this time is during the Golden Week of [-]th."

Ding Li was a little puzzled, "Is there any problem?"

At this time, Wang Yan, who was on the side, said, "The problem here is a big one. If it was released on a regular basis, it would be difficult for a film like "Crazy Stone" to meet its opponents, but the Golden Week on the [-]th is different! Don't It seems that there are a lot of audiences during the Golden Week on the [-]th, but there are also a lot of corresponding movies, Niu Tianwang, is that what you mean?"

Niu Dehua nodded and said, "Yes, as far as I know, there will be about three opponents you will encounter in "Crazy Stone" during this year's [-]th Golden Week, namely "Rainy Night", "Police Story" and "That Year" "Old Classmates". Among them, the ones you need to pay attention to most are "Rainy Night" and "Police Story"."

"Police Story" is starred by domestic superstars Wu Yanzu and Lu Han, so there is no need to say much about their influence, but for "Rainy Night", you should pay attention to the director who made the film, this director is called Wu Chi ."

Hearing this, Ding Li frowned instantly.

He has heard of Wu Chi, who is a very famous director in Huaxia.

But he's famous not because of how good the film he made, but because of what this guy did.

Wu Chi's favorite thing to do is to sneer at other people's movies to hype his own movies.Not to mention, his behavior is still somewhat effective.

Most of the box office of those movies that he has demeaned have been affected by this, and even many of them have starred in movies with all superstars, and Wu Chi is also famous because of this.

Moreover, this person is indeed somewhat skilled, and the movies he made are also worth seeing, and are sought after by many people.

And since "Crazy Stone" and "Rainy Night" filmed by Wu Chi have collided this time, Wu Chi's character will definitely come to Ding Li's trouble.

"Okay, don't worry too much. After all, "Crazy Stone" is at the level, and it is difficult for others to suppress you even if they want to suppress you. If you encounter trouble that you can't solve, you can call me ." Niu Dehua comforted with a smile.

Ding Li nodded.


The next day, as soon as Ding Li got up, he was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

After picking up the phone, Wang Yan's anxious voice came over.

"Ding Li, something has happened, you should go online and have a look. I have sent you a link. The current situation is very unfavorable for us!"

Ding Li didn't talk too much, just got up and turned on the computer, and clicked on the link sent by Wang Yan.

When he saw something on the computer, Ding Li's face became ugly.

As Ding Li guessed, that despicable Wu Chi shot.

The link that Ding Li is reading now is the link of Wu Chi's Weibo, and the latest Weibo has a striking title: "The Myth of Four Million?I think it's a joke! "In this post, I reiterated in detail what Ding Li said yesterday about "Crazy Stone" that only took four million to shoot, and there are some pictures in it, these pictures are the food, clothing, housing, and transportation of Ding Li and the others when they were filmed. aspect photos.

These photos were sent by the stars who filmed "Crazy Stone" before, in order to say that Ding Li's treatment is good, and to promote the film by the way.

But I didn't expect it to be used by Wu Chi as an essay.

Wu Chi's words are as follows: "Look at these photos of the crew of "Crazy Stone", I have to say that I was shocked when I saw it. It is estimated that there are few such conscience crews in China. But..."

Wu Chi first pretended to hold Ding Li, and then attacked.

"But have you ever thought about why the crew of "Crazy Stone" is so good for food, clothing, housing and transportation, and finally only spent four million?"

"I did a calculation. Excluding food, clothing, housing, and transportation, this film only cost more than two million yuan. What does this mean?"

"Although Ding Li invited some small stars, even if the super-top singer Zhang Yu and the now-popular Gu Lina Zha didn't charge money, it wouldn't be so much, right?"

"I did the last calculation, and it is estimated that after the actor's salary is distributed, this film will only cost [-] yuan!"

"What is the concept of [-] yuan? Although it is not said that all good films need to spend a lot of money, what is [-] yuan enough for? A special effect is not enough money, right? From this, I conclude that "Crazy Stone" will definitely be a bad movie piece!"

Wu Chi's analysis was eloquent, and he quickly moved many netizens, who all echoed the comments.And Wu Chi also cleverly seized this opportunity to promote his movie.

For a while, the two films "Crazy Stone" and "Rainy Night" on the Internet were in a fierce battle, and many people who didn't know the truth criticized "Crazy Stone".

Looking at the comments on the Internet, Ding Li's face was ashen.

I didn't expect this Wu Chi to be so shameless, and then Ding Li's hot hype was nothing, and he even accused Ding Li's movies, which is a bit too much!In particular, he also compared his "Rainy Night" with "Crazy Stone", expressing the advantages of his "Rainy Night" everywhere!At that time, if most audiences believe Wu Chi's words, "Crazy Stone" may end up dismal at the box office.

Ding Li's eyes were cold, and he sent a Weibo directly.

"I don't know why, Director Wu Chi, you said that "Crazy Stone" would be a bad movie, since you admire your "Rainy Night" so much, and you devalue "Crazy Stone" so much, then you dare to fight! @wuchi."

As soon as Ding Li's Weibo was posted, it was immediately forwarded by countless people, and many true fans also complained about Ding Li and accused Wu Chi.

Some celebrities also reposted Ding Li's Weibo to create momentum for Ding Li.

At this time, Wu Chi also saw Ding Li's Weibo, with a disdainful smile on his face.

In his opinion, Ding Li is just a rookie with slightly better luck, what qualifications does he have to compare with him?

Chapter one hundred and ninetieth waves again

Wu Chi looked at Weibo in front of him, and a mocking arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"If you are a newcomer, you should be quiet. What are you doing? Since you want to challenge me, prepare for a disastrous end!"

With that said, Wu Chi sent a message: "How do you want to compare? Compare the box office?"

Ding Li: "Yes."

Wu Chi smiled coldly, his fingers moved, and a string of words was quickly typed out by him: "What is my identity, what is your identity, why should I compare with you? Unless..."

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