"I just wanted to ask Ding Li, are you married? What kind of girl do you like? Big breasts or small breasts? Do you like cute or lively ones? Do you like mature women or loli?"

As soon as these words came out, Ding Li's mouth suddenly opened wide.

There are countless swipes on the screen:


"It's over, Bai Fumei is going to propose a marriage!"

"Mom, I'm lost in love!"


Afterwards, Ding Li chatted with this group of fans for a long time. Ding Li's cordial tone and gentle appearance made the audience excited and gained a lot of fans.

Ding Li also drew [-] lucky viewers from the audience and sent gifts such as albums.

Chapter [-] Eliminate Evil

The live broadcast did not end until two o'clock in the night, and countless fans were standing in front of the screen to interact with Ding Li.

Ding Li looked at the time and said, "Okay, it's not too early now, all the lovely fans have to rest, if I affect you to go to work tomorrow, it will be a big sin."

As soon as Ding Li's words came out, the message board quickly scrolled again.

"Ding Li, don't go!"

"I'm not going to work tomorrow!"

"Upstairs +1"

Looking at these replies, Ding Li said with a smile: "It's really getting late, that's all, if I have time in the future, I will come to the live broadcast. To be honest, what you did this time touched me very much, in order to thank you You guys, I specially wrote a song, then, please enjoy this song. The name of this song is "So I've Never Been Alone", I hope you like it."

"I know I can't go back now

Also know which efforts are not in vain


Hearing that Ding Li's song was given to fans, many lovely fans were confused.

These fans don't want much, as long as their favorite stars care about them, they can pay a lot for this!

"It turns out I

never alone

so i

I miss this stage


Finally, the live broadcast ended perfectly in the song "So I've Never Been Alone".


Early the next morning, a series of large theaters such as Hengdian Cinema, Huamei Cinema... held a temporary important meeting almost at the same time.

Huamei Cinema, the chairman said angrily: "Can you tell me why our cinema's performance has dropped so much during the Golden Week this year? Well, you guys are really good enough, let's take the capital of our headquarters now. Said, why is the box office of our headquarters theater not as good as that of the small theaters next to it? Zhao Shi, tell me what happened?"

Zhao Shi stood up embarrassedly, and stammered: "Maybe the overall performance of the theater this year is not good? The Hengdian Theater is similar to us..."

"Fuck your motherfucker!" The chairman directly smashed the document in Zhao Shi's face!

"You really think I don't know anything? Take a good look at that document!"

Hearing this, Zhao Shi was shocked, and when he finished, his face turned pale!

The corner of the chairman's mouth drew a hideous smile, and said, "Can you tell me what's going on? Why are those small theaters able to make "Crazy Stone" [-]% or even [-]%? , and finally made a lot of money, but why can't you see it?"

"Three percent! You gave [-] percent of the movie for such a popular movie? Are your brains used to eat shit?"

It turns out that because of Wu Chi's intervention, the number of "Crazy Stone" films in the big theaters has always been very small. If it weren't for those small theaters, even at the beginning, the number of films in the national theaters would not reach [-]%!

As a result of this, small theaters made a lot of money, but these so-called big theaters lost a lot of money that they should have gotten.Not only that, but many theaters are now angering the audience, and the benefits of these theaters have dropped a lot in an instant. The large theaters that should have made a lot of money during the Golden Week of the [-]th November are also very low. horrible.

It's no wonder that the president of Huamei Cinema is so angry.

Zhao Shi smiled wryly, showing a look of grievance, and said, "Sorry, Chairman, I also followed the company's rules and regulations before. The filming of "Crazy Stone" only cost [-] million, and we did not think……"

"Bah! Do you really think I'm a fool? Can you tell me how much Wu Chi gave you in private? Do you really think I don't know anything?"

Zhao Shi was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body began to tremble, and the cold sweat on his back continued to flow down!

"Let me tell you, we have received a notice from Ding Li's Longteng Film and Television Company this morning that he is ready to cut off our previous cooperative relationship with us because he was treated unfairly with us. Do you know what that means?"

Zhao Shi thought about it and said, "Chairman, Ding Li is actually just a..."

"Fuck your mother! You really can't tell what the box office and ratings of Ding Li's films and TV series are? Now those small theaters directly treat him as the God of Wealth! , and drive people out, you really can do it!"


"Go away! Zhao Shi, you've been with me for [-] years, don't say I didn't give you a chance, hurry up and spit out all your greed in the past, or we'll see you in court!"


Finally, Zhao Shi left the office with a lost face.

When Zhao Shi left, the chairman took out his mobile phone and made a call, with a pleasing smile on his face.

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