Chapter [-] Prison Rules

Ding Li came to Sirius Prison for the purpose of making a classic Chinese Kung Fu movie, but he didn't know much about the specifics of the Prison Fighting Competition. Now, how could he be unhappy when he heard what was going on?

No. [-] smiled and continued: "No. [-], I guess you heard something about Sirius Prison outside, but what I want to tell you is that not everyone is eligible to participate in prison fighting. competition."

Ding Li nodded, he had thought of this before.

Fighting Prison is a prison with more than [-] prisoners, just like a small city.With such a large number of prisoners, how could all of them qualify.

"Then what should I do to participate in the Prison Fighting Competition?"

No. [-] showed his white teeth again and said, "If you want to participate in the Prison Fighting Knife Competition, you must be one of the top [-] in the entire prison, but now you don't have to worry about this problem, you are already eligible to participate. already."

"Those prison bosses don't have the heart to arrange various preliminary matches for us. If you want to become the top [-] existence, there is only one way, and that is to defeat the top [-] people, so you will naturally replace him. Ranking, that's how your current rankings come about."

Hearing No. [-]'s explanation, the smile on Ding Li's face thickened a bit.Originally, he was still thinking about how to get a ticket to the game, but he didn't expect that he already had a ticket to participate in the game.

This made Ding Li thank Jack a little. If it weren't for him, how could Ding Li get the tickets for the game so easily?

"No. [-], don't be too lucky. Your current ranking can be said to be a good thing or a bad thing."

Ding Li was a little puzzled and asked, "How do you say it?"

No. [-] pointed to the food on the table and said, "Why do you think the prison is so generous in preparing such good food for us?"

"Let me tell you, we are the 'machines' that make money in prisons! When the prison fighting competition starts, there will be a lot of spectators, and when Sirius Prison will open a gambling game as the biggest bookmaker, the prison will also be unable to make money because of it. Less money, so they are so generous! But, do you think fighting competitions are so easy to participate in?"

Speaking of this, No. [-]'s face became serious and he said, "I tell you, every prison fighting competition will kill a lot of people, and it's not illegal to kill people in the ring! Do you think these are delicious? The food is so delicious? Although the hot final champion can get the right to be pardoned, there is only one person! And more people will fall on the ring forever!"

"However, it's not impossible to avoid injury and death..."

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on No. [-]'s face and said, "This is why so many people invited you to join the gang organization before."

"Don't underestimate the Prison Fighting Tournament. Even the top ten players in combat power will not be injured? You must know that this match is not just one match! If you are injured in the middle? How to play the next match? So, Gangs came along."

"Now the famous gangs in Sirius Prison are organized by the top ten existences in combat power. Basically, everyone in this restaurant is organized now. As a member of the organization, you only need to perform one duty, that is to meet the gang boss. When the time comes, the prison will release water. In order to make the game look good, the prison will not let those seeded players meet and get injured prematurely, and will also do some shady things, arranging for us and the boss to play fake games. "

"In this way, it will not only make the game more beautiful, but also reduce the chance of our death."

Ding Li frowned and said, "Don't you want to win the championship and get the right to pardon?"

Forty-six had a wry smile on his face, and said, "I think, why not! But do you think we really have a chance? You don't understand the horror of being in the top ten in combat power! Let me tell you, now you are ranked third in combat power. was a world champion! Not to mention the top two, do you think we still have a chance?"

Ding Li fell silent, but as No. [-] said, especially to fight for the first place, it is better to play a "fake match" honestly, so that he might save his life.

"Number [-], I advise you not to think about winning the championship, but honestly join a gang, at least you can save your life. Also, don't think that you can be alone without joining a gang, those top ten existences But it's not a good thing!"

At this moment, a small disturbance suddenly broke out in the restaurant. Following the voices of everyone, Ding Li and No. [-] also looked towards the restaurant door.

I saw a burly figure standing at the door at this time, looking into the restaurant.

The burly man has a naked upper body, with criss-crossing scars and tattoos, and looks very imposing.

When No. [-] saw this person, his face became ugly, and he said to Ding Li: "This person is No. [-], I guess he is coming for you, you better be careful! To give you a piece of advice, do not Don't have the intention of being alone, those people will not allow people who are out of their control to have accidents!"

After finishing speaking, No. [-] quickly picked up his plate and left next to Ding Li.

At this time, a few prisoners in the restaurant showed smiles on their faces and walked towards the burly man. After they said a few words, one of the prisoners pointed in the direction of Ding Li, and then a group of people came over.

The burly man walked up to Ding Li and said with a smile on his face: "You are the new No. [-]? How about joining our gang?"

Ding Li also swallowed the last mouthful of food at this time. He wiped his mouth and said flatly, "Not much."

Although this voice was flat, it was like thunder in the ears of everyone!

Countless people looked at Ding Li in astonishment.

"Is this kid crazy? How dare he refuse No. [-]? Is there any other big man behind him?"


Chapter [-] No. [-] and No. [-]

Hearing Ding Li's answer, the smile on No. [-]'s face did not disappear too much, but instead asked Ding Li, "Have you joined someone else's gang?"

Ding Li shook his head, and a faint voice sounded again: "No."

This sentence made many people look at Ding Li strangely.

Some people still have a smile on their faces, some are full of disdain, and some are pitiful...

As soon as Ding Li finished speaking this time, there was no longer a smile on No. [-]'s face.He showed a grim smile at Ding Li and said, "Boy, do you know the consequences of rejecting me?"

Ding Li nodded, "I can probably guess a little."

The expression on No. [-]'s face became playful, and he said, "Even so, are you still rejecting me?"

Ding Li still nodded his head flatly.


The whole restaurant suddenly smells of needles falling!

The burly man narrowed his eyes, and then seemed to think of something ridiculous, and said playfully: "No. [-], don't you have the idea of ​​winning the prison fighting competition?"

Ding Li smiled and nodded.

The restaurant was quiet for a moment, and then it suddenly boiled.

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