Ding Li raised the corners of his mouth, "How about if it's cured?"

Stephen glanced at Ding Li sarcastically, and said, "If you can cure Prince William with that bullshit Chinese medicine, I will crawl out of here like a dog, and as long as I see you Chinese people in the future, I will shy away!"

Ding Li didn't answer Stephen, but turned to look at James.

"Mr. James, do you want to see this so-called famous doctor crawl out of here like a dog?"

James didn't forget that Stephen scolded himself together before, and a smile appeared on his face when he heard Ding Li's words.

"It might be interesting to see Mr Stephen crawling like a dog."

Hearing this, Ding Li smiled, looked at Stephen with disdain, and said, "Then do as you say."

With that said, Ding Liyou turned to look at Queen Elizabeth.

"Your Highness, can you treat Prince William now?"

At this time, there was a hesitant look on Elizabeth's face. Obviously, Stephen's words just now affected her.


Chapter [-] Witchcraft?

Seeing Queen Elizabeth's hesitant look, Ding Li raised the corners of his mouth.

"His Royal Highness, Prince William's condition can't get any worse now. I believe that even if you go to any doctor, you can't guarantee that he will be cured. Mr. James can help me prove it."

James nodded when he heard this.

Indeed, as Ding Li said, Prince William's current situation is extremely bad, and I am afraid that even if he invites the most famous doctor to come over, he will not be able to recover.

Seeing James nodding, Ding Li continued to take the heat and said, "His Royal Highness, in that case, why don't you let me try it? Of course, if something goes wrong with Prince William, I can take all the responsibilities, and I will even let me do it. I have no complaints about going to jail."

Hearing this, Queen Elizabeth nodded.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, then... you don't have to be too nervous, just take good treatment, you were invited by Dr. James, and since he believes in you, I also believe in you. You don't have to have any burden, if William he... that's his life too."

Hearing Elizabeth's words, Ding Li's heart warmed, then nodded and walked directly to the ward.

When Ding Li passed by Stephen's side, Stephen snorted coldly: "Humph! Just wait and go to jail."

Ding Li smiled slightly, "I'd rather expect you to crawl out like a dog."

After speaking, Ding Li opened the door of the ward and walked in directly.

When he came to Prince William, Ding Li first carefully observed William from beginning to end, and then put his hand on Prince William's wrist to check Prince William's pulse.

When Ding Li retracted his hand, his brows furrowed tightly.

Prince William's situation was even worse than Ding Li had imagined before. At this time, Prince William not only had his skin and muscle tissue eroded by the Ebola virus, but even his internal organs had been severely damaged.

What Stephen said earlier was optimistic that Prince William could survive for three days. In Ding Li's view, if Prince William did not receive effective treatment, it would be an eye-opener for Prince William to survive today.

But then a smile appeared on Ding Li's face.

While Prince William's situation is bad, it's not at its worst yet, at least not yet.

Although Ding Li felt that Prince William's condition was a bit tricky, it was not hopeless.

Thinking about it, Ding Li took out the yin-yang revival needle from his arms.

"Boy, you are lucky."

After speaking, Ding Li pulled out the Yin-Yang revival needles from the card cloth.

The next moment, the red and blue light filled the entire room, and the light from the Yin-Yang Revival Needle was stronger than ever before!

Looking at the sudden light, the people outside the room who observed it through the glass windows were all shocked.

James was better, after all, he had seen this kind of needle technique before, but Queen Elizabeth and Stephen, who had never seen the Yin-Yang Resurrection Needle, almost jumped up at first.

"Doctor James, Mr. Ding Li this is..."

Seeing Elizabeth's panicked appearance, James smiled and comforted: "Your Highness, don't worry, Ding Li is using the special acupuncture technique in Chinese traditional Chinese medicine. A broken teenager was completely healed in a matter of minutes. Rest assured, Prince William will be fine."

Without waiting for Elizabeth to speak, Stephen on the side said sarcastically: "James, you are really coming back to you as you live, hehe, you healed the fractured patient in ten minutes, do you think this is magic? Even if it is magic, it must follow the laws of science, do you think this Chinese man is a god?"

After speaking, Stephen turned his head to Elizabeth again and said, "Your Highness, I think this Chinese man is definitely performing a vicious witchcraft right now. I suggest that Your Highness, you arrest this Chinese man immediately!"

Hearing what Stephen said, James turned pale with anger, and when he heard Stephen choreographing Ding Li, James quickly said, "Your Highness, don't listen to him, I promise that everything I said is true, there were still many people at the time. See this scene with me, please don't stop Mr. Ding Li."

Hearing the two insisting on their own words, Elizabeth hesitated.

On the one hand, Elizabeth believed in James, and on the other hand, what Stephen said was indeed reasonable, and what James said was too unbelievable, which made Elizabeth not know what to do.

After thinking for a moment, Elizabeth gritted her teeth and said, "I believe Mr. Ding Li."

Hearing this, James had an ecstatic look on his face, while Stephen pouted in dissatisfaction.

Looking at Ding Li in the room, Stephen snorted the doctor coldly: "Humph! Play tricks!"

At this time, Ding Li in the room was also ready. The next moment, Ding Li waved his hand and stabbed the Yin-Yang Revival Needle directly at William!


Seeing this scene, Queen Elizabeth, who had never seen acupuncture before, screamed in surprise.

Afterwards, Elizabeth said anxiously to James, "James, what is Ding Li doing now, why is he stabbing William with a needle?"

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