Just this sentence made Chen Meixin's face change at once. After a while, Chen Meixin squeezed out a smile: "Let's get down to business, that is to say, you admit that you are the organizer of this fight?"

"This problem is still similar." Ding Li said: "But there is something wrong with your statement. Who told you that this was a fight?"

Chen Meixin was immediately stunned: 'You brought hundreds of martial artists and beat dozens of motorcycle riders in the street, isn't this not a fight? '

"I ask you, if this is a fight, where is the crime scene?" Ding Li asked.

Chen Meixin blurted out: "It goes without saying that there is evidence on the video, and the location of the crime is on the set where you filmed the movie. There is no doubt about that. You can't get rid of it if you want to."

Ding Li smiled: "That's right, since everyone knows that the place where the incident happened is the studio where I filmed the movie, and this studio is the place where I paid a considerable amount of rent to the Hong Kong municipal department in exchange for it.

And the road section where the filming location was at that time had been blocked by our security guards. These motorcycle riders, did I send someone to kidnap me here? "

Chen Meixin was immediately stopped by Ding Li: "This..."

"Obviously, this section of the road is dedicated to my Ding Li's film crew." Ding Li said: "Except for my Ding Li's permission, everyone who comes in is illegal entry.

And what did they do on our studio, I think you have watched the video, Officer Chen, and it should be very clear that they rushed into our studio and destroyed it wantonly, aren't we allowed to stand up and defend ourselves? '

"Self-defense? You seem to have exceeded the limit of self-defense." Chen Meixin said, "Justified defense should be carried out when the other party is illegally infringing on you, but when you brought someone to beat them, the other party was about to leave. ."

"This is your definition of self-defense?" Ding Li smiled slightly: "In fact, you all have video data as evidence for what happened, and I even sent someone to provide this evidence to your police.

Now you didn't pursue the responsibility of those hooligans, and you didn't find a way to help me claim compensation. You actually came to trouble me as a victim. Are you doing this a bit too much, Officer Chen? "

Chen Meixin was taken aback: 'Ding Li, even if you have a lot of influence, I warn you, we are an area ruled by law, and you will not be allowed to continue...'

"I also warn you that China is full of areas under the rule of law, and the rule of law is taught everywhere." Ding Li said: 'Since it is about the rule of law, I'm going to call my lawyer now, and I refuse to answer your question .

In addition, I am only here to cooperate with your investigation today, not to be detained by you, so please pay attention to your attitude, otherwise I will sue you for intimidation! '

Ding Li was too lazy to talk to the other party now, so he just called and called Scott. After two people chatted, Scott smiled slightly: "Very good my friend, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Meixin walked into the room: "Ding Li, I want to remind you now that our police can keep you here for [-] hours even without evidence..."

"As you wish." Ding Li said, "You can try it out."

The two of them faced each other in silence for a few minutes.

At this moment, a senior police officer in a white shirt walked in. Seeing the other party, Chen Meixin hurriedly stood up and saluted, "Sir!"

However, the senior police officer didn't pay any attention to Chen Meixin at all, but walked directly to Ding Li and shook hands with Ding Li with a smile: "Mr. Ding, I really feel sorry for you, your lawyer is already waiting for you at the door."

"Sir, but now..."

Just as Chen Meixin was halfway through speaking, the police officer glared at him and said: 'I thank you Chen Meixin, know how much trouble you have caused?Mr. Ding's legal team has formally filed a lawsuit against the Golden Dragon Association and you, Chen Meixin! '

Chen Meixin was taken aback immediately: 'What!Why are you accusing me! '

"It's just that you, Chen Meixin, bribe and bend the law, and take the benefits of the Golden Dragon Club to punish me." Ding Li said with a smile: "Don't worry, my subordinates' ability to collect evidence is much higher than your police."

Ding Li is not bragging. In fact, Ding Li has long known that the people of Yagao League are not willing to show weakness. After Ding Li got the Hong Kong Martial Arts Tournament, he has teamed up with the local Golden Dragon Club and wants to make trouble for Ding Li's studio. By the way Warn those martial artists.

But Ding Li dug a hole for them and waited for them to jump in. As early as today, Ding Li had asked Zhang Yuntian to investigate elites from the mainland police and figured out the plans of the people of the Yabolian.

It turned out that Yabo League had prepared a series of rounds. They first asked the local low-level semi-martial arts hall and the semi-gang Jinlong to make trouble. If the trouble was successful and the whole body retreated, then the plan was successful.

If you fight with the other party in general, then there will be damage. At this time, you can let the police intervene.

And Chen Meixin, a police officer who was bribed by them, waited until the incident happened, then jumped out and asked the police to trouble Ding Li.

But Ding Li had already figured out the other party's plan, and he was just taking the plan step by step. Now that the preparations are almost done, he simply sued them directly.

And this time, Ding Li submitted an application, requesting that the whole process of the trial be made public. Because of the influence of this matter, various media in Hong Kong have heard the news and prepared to report it.

Sure enough, seeing the day of the trial, the president of the so-called Golden Dragon Association, plus police officer Chen Meixin, all sat in the dock, and Ding Li was also accompanied by his own team of lawyers and attended the trial that day.

"According to the plan." Scott said, "I'll make the bricks for you, and then it will all depend on your own three-inch tongue."

"That's not called patting bricks." Ding Li said with a smile: "It's called throwing bricks and attracting jade to my friend."

Soon, the judge walked up to the court and rang the gavel: "Now Ding Li is suing the president of the Golden Dragon Association, Liang Bo, and the case of Chen Meixin, the senior inspector of the police's Organised Crime Investigation Division, and the trial is officially open!"

In an instant, countless long guns and short guns were aimed at the trial scene. The judge looked at Scott and said: 'The prosecution lawyer, you can start your statement! '

Scott sneered and stood up, looked at Liang Bo and Chen Meixin on the opposite side, and made a sword to seal their throats, telling them, "You are all dead."

This arrogant appearance made the judge look down: "Prosecution lawyer, pay attention to your court behavior!"

Scott smiled slightly: "Understood, then I'll say it straight!"

The judge nodded, Scott took a slight breath, and then said directly: "We are now accusing Liang Bo, the chairman of the Golden Dragon Club, of sending people to the studio to make trouble after accepting the benefits of Yagao League.

And police officer Chen Meixin deliberately sent someone to make things difficult for my client, Mr. Ding Liding, after receiving the favor from Liang Bo, the president of the Golden Dragon Association.That's what our allegation is about.

In terms of evidence, we have witnesses, and I am now applying to call witnesses. "

After the witnesses came out, Liang Bo's face changed greatly: "You...you bastard..."

Scott walked directly to the witness: "Come on, introduce yourself!"

The witness trembled and said, "My name is Song Jianxiang, and I am Bo Ge's leader..."

"Witness, please introduce your identity in detail." The judge frowned, he didn't want black words in court.

"Against!" Scott said.

The judge froze for a moment; "What do you object to?"

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