"I know that there is a reef over there, and I also know that it is basically inevitable that we are going to hit the reef. I don't ask you to make the boat land successfully, but I ask that you must be no more than [-] meters away from the coastline. , can it be done?" Ding Li said.

Zach gritted his teeth; "I... try hard, it should be possible."

"How does your sailing level compare to Godot and the others?" Ding Li asked.

"My sailing level is the highest among the captains under Charman Reeves. No one." Captain Zach said, "I can assure you of this, Mr. Ding."

Ding Li smiled slightly: "It's almost the same, then listen carefully, you can hit the rocks, but when you hit the rocks, you must be closer to the coast than other ships, understand!"

"Understood!" Zach said directly: "Adjust the course, prepare to hit the rocks... no... prepare to land!"

At this time, many of the crew members on the ship felt that Zach might have gone crazy. In this case, adjusting the course to prepare for landing, that is clearly because they want to make it difficult for them, and the underwater reefs here are dense. , hitting the rocks is basically inevitable.

But now that Ding Li is here, no one dares to say a word to any order that Ding Li and Zach have discussed together.

As time passed by, the cargo ship was getting closer and closer to the deserted island. At this time, the ships behind also caught up directly. Seeing that they were about to rush to the shore, Chaman Reeves said directly: "Come up, kill it. them!"

"No, boss, in this case, we will also hit the rocks." One person said: "After hitting the rocks, where can they wait for rescue, but we can't."

"I understand, I understand why Ding Li let his ship hit the rocks on purpose!" Charman Reeves said, "We can't approach the reef area after his ship, even if we all hit the rocks, they can Waiting there for help, but we can't.

Whether it's from the Coast Guard or from the Interpol, we're all doomed. Ding Li, you are so cruel, you can even come up with such a solution.

Humph, but do you think I'm an idiot?You have this plan, and so do I!come!Tell Godot, let him drive the boat to dock in the open sea, and I will go up in a small boat immediately. As for the others, let me catch up in the small boat!

Don't be afraid, Ding Li and theirs are big boats and yours are small boats. They are much more likely to hit the rocks than you, and after they hit the rocks, the whole ship is likely to sink. You are waiting by the side, ready to go up and kill them. Just fine. "

"Yes!" Charman Reeves' men said in unison.

At this time, Ding Li's freighter had already rushed to the island. Strictly speaking, it had entered the reef area. At this time, Amanda Seyfried ran up from below: "Ding Li! You want to let the ship hit the reef!?"

Ding Li nodded: "You're not here to stop me, are you?"

Amanda Seyfried suddenly rushed up, hugged Ding Li fiercely, closed her eyes, and rushed up directly, giving Ding Li a warm and long wen.

Moments later, Amanda Seyfried said with tears on her face: "I just thought, if the ship hits the rocks and we're all dead...I hope I can die with you."

Ding Li gently stopped Amanda Seyfried's waist; "Okay, don't worry, we won't die, no one will die!"

At this time, a few more people rushed up from behind, and a few of them were the people who were brought out by Ding Li to participate in the competition.

"Ding Li, you're crazy! Are you going to let us die with you!" The few people shouted like crazy: "Ding Li, you lunatic, we won't stop you if you want to die, but you can't even us Killed together! You can't do this."

Ding Li ignored these people: "Zach, look good, just follow the direction I told you!"

Zach gritted his teeth: "I know Mr. Ding Li!"

"Fuck you, Ding Li, you bastard! You can't hurt us like this!" Those people couldn't bear it anymore and yelled at Ding Li directly.

In the storm, Ding Li looked at them fiercely: "What did you say? Say it again!"

"We said if you miss, you die by yourself, don't take us with you!" the man said angrily: "You can't let us die with you! We came out with you because we thought there was a way to survive, but you yellow-skinned monkey, you actually Just want to go all out!

Damn Chinese, we shouldn't listen to you! "

At this time, Ding Li walked over to the man without saying a word, grabbed the man's collar as soon as he stretched out his hand, and threw it directly below. The waves drowned.

"Who else has the same idea as him! Hurry up and say it!" Ding Li said sharply.

In fact, everyone knows that provoke the world, don't provoke Ding Li.But maybe because Ding Li was really polite to them, these people finally became a little floating, but the consequences of floating are like this.

These people all calmed down at once, turned around and left, Ding Li didn't bother to chase, and put his arms around Amanda Seyfried: "Don't worry, I won't let our ship sink. Zach!"

Captain Zach gritted his teeth: "Come on! There are still about [-] meters left from the coast!"

"Continue forward!" Ding Li said: "It must be fast!"

In the end, the ship finally got close to the coastline of [-] meters, and Zach was overjoyed: "Continue forward, full speed! Maybe we can get on the beach with luck!"

Now is the time of high tide, and if it is on the beach at this time, it basically means that the ship does not want to continue to set sail, so Ding Li and the others have only one way left, and they are here to stay and wait for help.

Now, in this extreme situation, this is already the best option.

However, the boat did not wash up on the beach successfully, but hit a rock about [-] meters away from the beach.

"Not good! The front of the boat has started to enter the water!" Zach shouted: "Mr. Ding, what should we do now?"

"Let everyone come to the deck!" Ding Li said: "Prepare to abandon the ship to escape! Distribute life jackets to the women and the elderly! Hurry up, hurry up!"

Everyone ran to the deck. At this time, the hull had begun to tilt, and the bow fell down. Amanda Seyfried hugged Ding Li tightly: "Ding Li, hold me tight!"

"Don't worry, I won't let any of us have any trouble." Ding Li said: "You can rest assured, I promise you, the reason why I let Zach rush into the place within [-] meters of the coastline is because Because the depth of the water in this place is less than ten meters in total.

Our ship has a waterline of more than three meters. Even if the ship sinks, the mast of the watchtower will remain on the water, and we will be fine!

When the waves are a little smaller, we will go directly to the shore! "

Although he said that, it is already dark and there is not enough light. It is very dangerous to fall into the water in this situation. Ding Li clenched his teeth: "Xiao Zhao, bring the flares!"

At this time, Xiao Zhao hurriedly brought the flares, and Ding Li used the strong signal to fire several flares into the sky. The scene was finally illuminated. Ding Li shouted: "Everyone goes into the water! Fifty meters away, even if it is a All the girls can swim there! Give me a quick swim!

Arrigelson, Harrison Ford, take your men, rush them behind with me, and leave no one behind! "

In the end, the boat tilted, and seeing that the flare had reached its brightest point, Ding Li gave an order, and everyone jumped into the water. More than a hundred people were swimming frantically in the sea. There was constant urging behind, and occasionally there were one or two people who were physically weak, and they were all dragged by Ding Li. In the end, everyone finally came ashore.

At this time, Ding Li turned his head and saw that Charman Reeves' fleet was still wandering in the waters outside the reef area. Ding Li laughed and shouted at Charman Reeves at the top of his voice: "Come on! It's a man, come here! We are here! A decisive battle on the coast!"

Ding Li's voice was full of confidence, like a bell, and Charman Reeves could hear it clearly on their boat, and finally gritted his teeth: "Ding Li, don't be complacent! We'll come to clean up you right away!"

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