kick the ball.


Championship football team.


In short, now the Goshawks football team lost.

And the Goshawk football team will no longer be able to stand in Brazil or even the world, and it will be cast aside wherever it goes.

Regardless of the white or underworld forces, they will suppress the group forces that this fly football team belongs to.

In short, at this moment, the Goshawks football team failed completely.

"The second football league, the final champion, the champion football team." The referee's voice echoed throughout the green football field.

The captain of the Goshawk football team heard the enthusiastic cheers from the scene and the sound of the referee announcing the result.Helpless tears flowed from both eyes, I don't know if it was pain or exhaustion, but I fainted.

Not only that, other members of the Goshawk football team also fainted one after another.

All the fans at the scene cheered for the championship football team and played their own songs.

The sound of the song, the cheerleaders echoed throughout the football field.

"I really won the championship, and my daughter won the highest championship for you." Valentina, with tears in her eyes, said to the sky, her father in the spirit of the sky.

SriLando Hevey stood by and hugged Valentina.

"Ding Li, thank you. Without you, we would never stand here. Without you, we would never have any more feelings for football. Thank you very much."

Similando Haivey said sadly.

"If you two really thank me, should you take some actions to express your gratitude?"

Valentina was still sad just now, but after hearing what Ding Li said, her face instantly blushed, and a burst of secret joy came to her heart.

"Ding Li, you are a shameless person."

Ding Li was very happy, with both hands open, ready to hug Smirnado Haiwei and Valentina next to him.

But Srilandhavy and Valentina quickly dodged.

"Ding Li, don't be complacent, we won't be easily convinced by you."

Smirnado Haivey said playfully.

It doesn't matter whether they are convinced or not. Now the two of them are full of gratitude to Ding Li, and they are willing to do anything for him.

The three champion football team stood on the podium, and the referee presented them with awards. The major media rushed to report and spread the news back to the major football bases.

Unexpectedly, the Goshawk Football Team has not only offended many people in Brazil, but also offended many people in major football leagues around the world.

Of course, what exactly are these?It has nothing to do with Ding Li.

After the award was over, this turmoil lasted for a long time.

But Ding Li.Srilandhavy and Valentina have invited the world's major media, including the Sunset Football Team, as well as referee Paul Weir and others, to their championship party.

"There will be a party tonight, and there will be enough rooms on the [-]th floor of the Sri Lankan high-rise for guests to sleep in."

Ding Li spoke to his assistant on the phone.

Soon night falls, first of all, Ding Li and Srilanto Heve and Valentina.

Valentina, too, imitated Sriladi Heva and wore an extremely beautiful outfit.

The two of them were like two delicate flowers, following Ding Li, who was in a straight suit.

Soon, the whole party was full of people. Many famous reporters, team players, friends they invited, and world-renowned team coaches all revealed their real bodies at this party.

Ding Li's assistant drove the car and drove them to the party scene.

They took the elevator to the top floor.

At the top-floor rave party, everyone is waiting for their three protagonists to arrive.

Under the illumination of many spotlights and flashes, Ding Li took the hands of two people and entered the home court.

Ding Li, who is in a straight suit, looks extremely beautiful, luxurious and noble in the light of the light.

Seri Lando Haiwei, extremely confident in front of the camera, is mouthwatering under the light.

Valentina next to her is a little playful, but her body is perfect and everyone can't take her eyes off her.

The three people seemed to be surrounded by the cheers of many people, like three stars, among the applause and congratulations.

The party officially begins.

Ding Li picked up the champagne in his hand.Speaking to the crowd.

"The championship football team cannot win without everyone's help and support. Ding Li thanks everyone again." After speaking, he drank the champagne in his hand.

Srilando Haiwei stepped onto the high platform and said to everyone.

"The championship football team has come all the way, and only with the careful care of fans and everyone present can it thrive. Today, we have a banquet here. I hope you will appreciate your face, drink together, and not get drunk tonight."

After finishing speaking, Srilando Haiwei drank the champagne in her hand.

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