Qin Feng and baby both looked at Zu Lan and Tong Dawei with expectant eyes. As long as the two of them complete the task, their team can get the help of the first contact person.

Tong Dawei and Wang Zulan stood face to face, and Tong Dawei suddenly turned his head to the staff and said, "Can you give Zulan a stool? He is too short!"

After hearing Tong Dawei's words, look at the standing postures of Tong Dawei and Wang Zulan.Suddenly there was the cutest height difference, Tong Dawei was better to blow, Zu Lan raised his head and opened his mouth wide, but Zu Lan was a little too difficult to blow, because Tong Dawei needed to keep his head down.Zu Lan blows from bottom to top.

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Qin Feng and the baby's stomach hurt from laughing, and the surrounding staff were all holding back their laughter, and the cameramen with the cameras on their shoulders all shivered.

Wang Zulan is also full of black lines, Nima.Is this a lying gun?Despised again.Tong Dawei lowered his head and said to Wang Zulan, "Zu Lan, open your mouth! Open it up a bit!"

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Qin Feng and the baby suddenly twitched when they smiled.Fortunately, Tong Dawei still blew it into Wang Zulan's mouth with great force.

But Wang Zulan struggled a bit when he played Tong Dawei.Tong Dawei is much taller than Wang Zulan.As a result, Wang Zulan raised his head.

Wang Zulan said with a gloomy face: "Brother Dawei, can you squat a little bit? I can't reach it!" Hearing Wang Zulan's words, Tong Dawei bent his knees slightly, making his height equal to Wang Zulan's.Wang Zulan is also an old member of Running Man.Therefore, with the full cooperation of Tong Dawei, the task was easily completed.

At this time, the Deng Chao group also got the first task card. Although the task on the task card is relatively simple, it is very painful, because they have to walk a fifty-meter toe board and then use their faces in groups of two. With table tennis, the two groups complete six groups in one minute to complete the task.

This is the first time that the second season has encountered the toe plate. In the first season, the toe plate accompanied the running men for a whole season of the show.It also left a deep impression on the runners.

The prop that the running man of the first season left the deepest impression on the seven people was the toe plate.When the sole of the foot is in close contact with the toe plate, the sour taste makes people feel like a fairy.Of course, for Zeng Xiaoxian, life is worse than death.

Deng Chao, Li Chen, Zeng Xiaoxian, and Bao Beier are in a group of Li Chen and Zeng Xiaoxian, and Bao Beier and Deng Chao are in a group.But obviously Zeng Xiaoxian's legs were weak when he saw the toe pressure plate.

Li Chen and Zeng Xiaoxian started first. As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian's foot stepped on the toe plate, his face changed color.Fifty meters down, the screams have not stopped.

Zeng Xiaoxian's cry made Li Chen cover his ears speechlessly.Li Chen felt that his ears were about to be destroyed by Zeng Xiaoxian's voice.

Although Zeng Xiaoxian kept screaming, the Deng Chao group successfully completed the task after two attempts.After completing the task, Zeng Xiaoxian covered his feet and said with a painful expression, "My feet are going to be swollen!"

Deng Chao, Bao Beier, and Li Chen all looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with contempt.He ignored him and continued to look for the second mission connector.

Qin Feng successfully found the other two connectors.After all, Qin Feng is too famous in China.The first thing the found connector saw Qin Feng was to take a photo and sign.Then start the task.

Wang Zulan and Tong Dawei were really full of resentment towards Cao Zhen.The two of them are now very suspicious of whether Cao Zhen is messing with the two of them.Because the second task is even more unscrupulous.Just eat pineapple sticks.

This task was done together by Qin Feng and Liu Yifei in the first season. This task is very simple: two people eat a pineapple stick, and the remaining length of the pineapple stick cannot exceed one centimeter.

Qin Feng and baby should not be too simple to do this task.But once Wang Zulan and Tong Dawei arrived.This picture is a bit too beautiful to watch.Two big men eat pineapple sticks mouth to mouth.

Although the final task has been completed, Wang Zulan and Tong Dawei have already deeply resented the director team.After that, the third task was still a little bit of integrity.

After Qin Feng and the others found the three people, they quickly brought them back to the starting point.On the other side, the Deng Chao team also found the task connector one after another, and after completing the task, they rushed back quickly.

In the end, the Qin Feng team won with a one-minute advantage and got the last choice of the first round of flying chairs.As soon as Wang Zulan got back to the starting point, he began to complain.

Wang Zulan said to Cao Zhen, "Director, what grudges do I have with you?" Cao Zhen naturally knew what Wang Zulan meant.Cao Zhenqiang held back his smile and said, "Well, what's wrong? Zu Lan?"

Seeing Cao Zhen Wang Zulan pretending to be confused, he said angrily, "Stop pretending! Tasks! The tasks you posted to us are too unruly!"

Hearing Wang Zulan complaining about the director team, Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously, "Zu Lan, what task did you receive?" Wang Zulan did not answer when he heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words.Obviously, if Zeng Xiaoxian was told about the task of Wang Zulan and Tong Dawei eating a pineapple and blowing candy to each other, it is estimated that Wang Zulan would be ridiculed by Zeng Xiaoxian for a long time!

Although Wang Zulan refused to say it, the baby still told everyone about their mission.After hearing the tasks accomplished by Wang Zulan and Tong Dawei, everyone immediately laughed and looked at Tong Dawei and Wang Zulan.

Deng Chao said with a smile, "Dawei, I really didn't know that you and Zu Lan were really in love!" Hearing Deng Chao's ridicule.Tong Dawei said with a wry smile: "Director, is it okay to cut this off? This is a black spot in my acting career!"

Indeed, after completing this task, Wang Zulan and Tong Dawei's performance can be said to be full of love.

Cao Zhen said with a smile, "Qin Feng's team came back first and completed the task! Now Qin Feng has the right to arrange the last candidate."

Qin Feng said with a smile, "There's no need to talk about our team, I'm here! As for the Deng Chao team, I'll choose..." Before Qin Feng finished speaking, Zeng Xiaoxian cut off Qin Feng's words. : "Qin Feng, choose me if it's a man! I'm going to duel with you!"

Chapter [-]: Scream of the Running Man, passers-by

Everyone was stunned when they heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words.What happened to Zeng Xiaoxian today?Taking the wrong medicine?How dare you challenge Qin Feng?This is a plot that no one expected.

Qin Feng himself was shocked by Zeng Xiaoxian's words.Qin Feng really didn't expect Zeng Xiaoxian to dare to challenge himself.Qin Feng smiled and said, "Xiao Xian, did you drink fake milk powder today?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Fuck you! Are you insulting a genius?" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Qin Feng pouted, he didn't think Zeng Xiaoxian was a genius.

Wang Zulan smiled and said, "Brother Chao, I want to interview the three of you about being teammates with Zhu!" Hearing Wang Zulan's words, Deng Chao smiled and said, "One nose and one tears!"

Hearing Deng Chao's answer, everyone at the scene laughed.Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Deng Chao resentfully and said, "Brother Chao, how can you do this? Can you still be a teammate happily?"

Cao Zhen interrupted with a smile, "Qin Feng, who do you choose from the Deng Chao team for the final fight!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "I originally planned to choose Li Chen. But since Zeng Xiaoxian spontaneously recommended himself I have to go on my own. Then I will do what he wants! I will choose him!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Chen said with a smile: "Qin Feng, let me do it, you are a bit bullying! Zeng Xiaoxian's combat effectiveness is too scumbag. Isn't this a clear rhythm to lose?"

Qin Feng replied with a smile, "Just now, Zeng Xiaoxian himself wanted to challenge me! I didn't want to take the initiative to choose him!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Deng Chao, Li Chen, and Bao Beier all looked at idiots. With Zeng Xiaoxian.

Deng Chao really wanted to say something to Zeng Xiaoxian at this time: "What are you doing?" If it was Li Chen, although there is little hope, but there is still a chance, but if Zeng Xiaoxian is allowed to join, then he can simply give up.

Zeng Xiaoxian said wisely: "Even if I don't take the initiative to provoke, then Qin Feng and the others will definitely choose me!" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words. Baby smiled and said: "I can prove that the person Feng Ge wants to choose at the beginning is the one between Li Chen and Deng Chao!"

Hearing the baby's words, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly looked embarrassed.Qin Feng looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a smile on his face. Indeed, Qin Feng never thought of choosing Zeng Xiaoxian, because Qin Feng was completely confident in his own strength, so he did not care about Zeng Xiaoxian, who was like a weak chicken.For crushing Zeng Xiaoxian, it would be better to have a showdown with Deng Chao or Li Chenlai, which is not very disparate.

This time, it is obvious that Zeng Xiaoxian thinks too much.As a result, things turned out to be self-defeating.Now he really wants to fight against Qin Feng.

Zeng Xiaoxian's face has become the color of papaya.But what reassured Zeng Xiaoxian was that the competition was swimming. Although Qin Feng's physical response was outstanding in all aspects, after all, swimming was not Qin Feng's expertise.Of course, this is what Zeng Xiaoxian thought, he thought he could still fight with Qin Feng.

Obviously Zeng Xiaoxian thought Qin Feng was as afraid of water as he was in the first season.It is quite impressive to know which episode of Qin Feng's first season is afraid of water.

Although Qin Feng won that time, Qin Feng still rarely appeared on the beach after that. Even in the last episode of the show in Hainan, Qin Feng just stayed on the beach with the baby.So Zeng Xiaoxian still thinks that Qin Feng is still afraid of water.

As for why Qin Feng chooses himself, because Qin Feng will definitely not let the baby play, Wang Zulan's combat effectiveness can be ignored, and Tong Dawei doesn't seem to be a master at swimming.These are all analyzed by Zeng Xiaoxian himself.

After the analysis, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly felt that he was a genius.Immediately, he admired himself very much, and felt that he could kill Qin Feng, who was afraid of water, in minutes.

But obviously these are just speculations by Zeng Xiaoxian, so after the game started, the cruel reality told Zeng Xiaoxian that his analysis had no effect.

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