Qin Feng just finished fixing his hairstyle here, when he saw a beautiful woman in a white dress coming over.She also had a briefcase in her hand.

The beautiful woman in the white dress went straight to the car, opened the passenger's door, and sat in. The beautiful woman sat down and said, "Well, sir, please, please drive!"

Qin Feng replied with a smile, "Hello, sorry. I'm not very familiar with the terrain of Hong Kong. How do I get there?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the beautiful woman just took the mirror to refill her lipstick, but didn't notice her surroundings. Who is the driver's master?Hearing his words, the beautiful woman turned her head to look at Qin Feng and said, "I'm dizzy, master, you are not familiar with the road, why did you come out..."

The beauty finally saw Qin Feng's face clearly, and then she was stunned, and she didn't say anything after that.With a snap, the small mirror in the beauty's hand fell to the ground.

The beauty screamed in a state of no image and said excitedly, "Ah! Ah! Ah! You are, you are Qin Feng! You are the boss!"

Hearing the beauty's words, Qin Feng immediately knew that he had met his idol.Qin Feng smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Qin Feng!" Qin Feng took off his sunglasses.

Looking at the handsome face in front of her, this beauty still can't believe it's true.The beauty said excitedly, "I didn't dream, did I? I actually saw the boss!"

Hearing her words, Qin Feng smiled and replied, "You're not dreaming, it's true! We are now..." Qin Feng was shocked by the beauty's actions before he could finish his words.

I saw this beautiful woman actually put her hand in her mouth and bit her fiercely. She bared her teeth and grinned. Although the beautiful woman's expression was very painful, her excitement was still hard to hide: "It hurts, It turns out that this is not a dream! It's really real!"

Hearing what the beauty said, Qin Feng was about to cry because of her.Qin Feng felt that he had to stop her immediately, otherwise, his time would be too tight.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Hello, we are currently recording the second season of "Run, Brother"..." Qin Feng was interrupted again by the beautiful woman before he could finish his words: "Wow, the second season of Running Man It's about to be recorded! Oh yeah, it's great! I love it!"

Apparently seeing the deity of her idol for the first time made this girl extra excited.He didn't even urge Qin Feng to drive.Qin Feng said with a black line: "Don't get excited first, let me finish first!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the beauty nodded. After all, Qin Feng was her idol, so he also listened to Qin Feng very much.Qin Feng said with a smile: "I'm currently recording Running Man, and now it's a part of our mission. I need your cooperation to help me complete a mission, okay?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the beauty said excitedly, "Boss, tell me what task you want, and I will do it for you!"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "You call one of your friends now and ask him to guess who I am! You can't prompt her about Running Man and my work for her to guess!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the beauty had doubts in her heart, but she still smiled and said, "Well, no problem! The friends around me are all your fans."

The beautiful woman's words made Qin Feng finally relieved, and he can relax!

Chapter seven hundred and ninety ninth: each of the running men receives the goods

Since the friends she said were all her fans, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and he must be able to guess who he is.After speaking, the beauty took out her mobile phone and made a call.The phone got through soon.

There was a sweet voice on the other side of the phone.Seeing the phone call, the beauty calmed down her excited mood and said with a smile, "Hey, Weiwei!" Hearing this name, Qin Feng suddenly had a feeling of "hey hey hey!"

The other side of the phone also said, "Hey, what's the matter. Fangfang?" Fangfang glanced at Qin Feng's handsome profile and said with a smile, "Well, Weiwei, you know, there is a big star sitting next to me now! "

Hearing Fangfang's words, Weiwei laughed and said, "Fangfang, are you still awake? Are you going to tell me that this big star is the boss Qin Feng!"

Hearing Weiwei's words, Fangfang replied, "What I said is true! If you don't believe me, let him say a word to you!" Fangfang handed over the phone to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn't answer the phone, he said to the microphone, "Hello! Weiwei!" Who knew that after Qin Feng finished saying these words, the opposite Weiwei was stunned for two or three seconds and then suddenly screamed. Aloud: "It's really Qin Feng!"

Qin Feng's mouth opened wide in surprise, this is okay!He knew just now that Fangfang and Weiwei were joking.Then he said a word, and the other side heard that he was Qin Feng.This is also powerful!

Weiwei successfully heard Qin Feng's identity, and Qin Feng's first task was successfully completed.Get the first vote for your team.And Weiwei was also excited and repeatedly told Fangfang to ask Qin Feng's photo and autograph.

Qin Feng also left his autograph with a big wave of his hand after sending Fangfang to the destination, and took a few group photos with Fangfang.Qin Feng's first task was successfully completed.

Deng Chao also received a passenger, but his luck was not as good as Qin Feng's, and he received a male passenger.Fortunately, this male passenger is also a fan of the running boy group.Therefore, Deng Chao, the captain of Running Man, was still very familiar and recognized it at a glance.

However, when he described it on the phone, he was not as lucky as Qin Feng.The call was received by a buddy of the male passenger.When Deng Chao heard the male passenger describe himself, he really wanted to throw the passenger out of the car every minute.

The passenger smiled and said, "Hey, fourth child! There's a star sitting next to me now. Now I'll give you a hint. Guess who he is?"

Opposite the fourth child: "Uh, second brother, are you crazy? Or did you bump into a ghost in broad daylight?"

The second brother here replied: "Fourth, you just hit a ghost, hurry up! Guess who he is?" The fourth brother on the opposite side saw that his second brother was angry and hurriedly said: "Second brother, okay, Say it!"

The second brother said: "Well, he is an actor and director!" The fourth brother on the opposite side said suspiciously for a long time: "The article?" The second brother replied: "It's not the article, he is darker than the article!"

Hearing this, Deng Chao was a little unhappy. Deng Chao knew that he was dark, but he was a little unhappy when he was told in front of him.Then the second brother said, "He is very funny, and he often posts some very funny Weibo, especially pictures with his wife and children!"

Hearing the fourth child across from here, he suddenly realized: "You are talking about Deng Chao!" Hearing the fourth child guessed correctly.The second brother smiled and said, "You guessed it right!"

Deng Chao also said with a black line: "Hey, hello! I'm Deng Chao!"

The fourth brother on the opposite side said with a loud voice, "You are really Deng Chao! I miss you so much! Second brother remember to ask for an autograph for me!" Hearing the fourth child's words, Deng Chao was speechless at this time.

Nima.Are you sure you are my fan?Is my image in your mind as a dark-skinned funny person?At this time, Deng Chao's heart was full of grass and mud horses galloping past.

Baby, Li Chen, Bao Beier, Wang Zulan, and Tong Dawei also successfully completed their first missions one after another.

Only Zeng Xiaoxian, who wasted ten minutes because of starting the car, was left.Zeng Xiaoxian's driver's license really makes people wonder if he got it through the back door.

Cao Zhen's brows were knitted together when he saw Zeng Xiaoxian driving on the monitor.Nima, your car is so worrying.

Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian also successfully found his passenger.The passenger also recognized Zeng Xiaoxian.Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian is also very happy.It's not that the passenger is a fan of Zeng Xiaoxian, but because he saw Zeng Xiaoxian's funny face, he couldn't help it.

After all, when Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao have partnered to film "The Diaosi Man" and "Waste Brothers", Zeng Xiaoxian has just stepped into the circle of comedians.

When many viewers saw Zeng Xiaoxian's funny face, they couldn't help but want to laugh.Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian's metric is still relatively large.I don't care much about these.

When he heard that Zeng Xiaoxian asked him to help him complete the task, the passenger also agreed with respect, but after the passenger called his friend.The adjectives he said made Zeng Xiaoxian intolerable.

First of all, the passenger told a friend that there was a star beside him in a show.When it comes to the characteristics of this star, the passenger just used three words to describe Zeng Xiaoxian as "cheap, funny, weak chicken"

The passenger's friend successfully guessed that it was Zeng Xiaoxian through these three words.In her words: "There are no stars who fit these three words, except Zeng Xiaoxian!"

At this time, all eight people got the first card.Everyone is looking for evidence for the next round, which will play slightly differently than the first.

In this round, the eight team members need to get out of the car and look for passers-by on the street to prank passers-by once before they recognize their identity.Tricky success counts as a vote.The sign of success is to let passersby have obvious changes in expressions, and it is considered to pass the test.

After hearing this rule, Qin Feng, who was the first to complete the task, found a parking lot, parked the car, and wandered to the entrance of the nearby supermarket.Qin Feng decided to complete his mission here.

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