Although Li Lianjie was not as perfect as Qin Feng's performance, in the eyes of the soldiers, Li Lianjie was good enough when he received cold-resistance training.

Under the leadership of Qin Feng and Li Lianjie, Wang Baobao, Yuzheng, Yuan Hong, and Du Haitao also came out to receive cold-resistant training.When Du Haitao took off his coat, he was worried that everyone would laugh at the fat on his stomach, but no one at the scene laughed at the flesh on his stomach, they all looked at him with concern.

With the encouragement of everyone, Du Haitao also passed the test of cold resistance.The first step of the first class of recruits into Yang Genslian was taken perfectly.

When everyone finished the cold-resistant training, the soldiers on the scene also gave Qin Feng their applause and cheers without hesitation.

Qin Feng and the others warmed their hearts when they looked at the soldiers who sincerely cheered for them.Because everyone is comrades-in-arms in the same military camp from now on.

After lunch, after lunch break.Like other soldiers, Qin Feng and the others came to the shooting range for live-fire training.Guns are a soldier's second life.It is also the best weapon used by soldiers to defend their homeland.

Therefore, live ammunition training is carried out every day in the army.When Qin Feng and the others came to the shooting range with their weapons, all the soldiers of the company had already arrived.

The company commander, deputy company commander, and instructor were all present.Qin Feng and the others wondered why even the leader of the team had arrived for a simple target training.

However, Qin Feng soon understood why the company commander and the others had all arrived.Because not long after they came to the shooting range, several people in officers' uniforms came over.The ones with the lowest rank on their shoulders are all majors.

After the officers walked to the shooting range, the company commander shouted, "Salute!" Everyone at the scene wanted to salute the officers.Several officers also saluted all the soldiers with a smile on their faces.

One of the middle-aged officers with the rank of colonel smiled and said, "Take a break!" Hearing the officer's command, all the soldiers executed his command uniformly.

Seeing the neat movements of the soldiers, the officer had a satisfied look on his face.The officer said, "Tell me about it!" When they heard his words, everyone stood at attention immediately.

The officer waved his hand and said, "Please rest!" The soldiers also executed the officer's password.The officer continued: "I'm a veteran from our Yang Gensi Company! Today, I'm here to inspect your training on behalf of the leaders of the Southeast Military Region! I hope you can show your [-]% strength! Let me see if you have any skills. Disgrace the hero title of the old company commander! Have you disgraced this glorious team!"

Hearing the officer's words, all the soldiers had very solemn expressions on their faces, and they all concentrated [-]% of their energy to show their best appearance to accept the inspection of their superiors! "

As soon as the colonel finished speaking, a major wearing sunglasses stood up behind him. From his outfit, it could be seen that he was in the special forces team.

After the major stood up, he glanced at all the soldiers and asked loudly, "Who is Qin Feng? Stand up!" Hearing the major's words, the expressions of the remaining officers suddenly changed.

The colonel officer just now said to him with a sullen face: "Xu Zhe, come back to me!" But obviously this major named Xu Zhe didn't buy his account very much.Still standing there staring at everyone.

Qin Feng was also puzzled, and he did not know the major in front of him.He named himself for several meanings.But Qin Feng is not a person who is afraid of things.came out of the queue.

Qin Feng walked out of the queue and answered loudly, "Report! I'm Qin Feng!" Seeing Qin Feng walking out of the queue, Xu Zhe showed an inexplicable smile, then walked up to Qin Feng and said, "You are Qin Feng! maple?"

Qin Feng didn't answer but stared at Xu Zhe coldly, which made Xu Zhe very interesting.The colonel officer said with an extremely ugly face: "Xu Zhe, come back to me! Don't make a fool of yourself!"

Xu Zhe turned his head and said to him, "Comrade Zhou, I'm not making a fool of yourself, I just heard that Qin Feng hit the fifty-fifth ring in target shooting in the recruit camp! So I want to learn from him! It's not a trouble!"

Listening to Xu Zhe's words, Staff Officer Zhou's face darkened.At this time, he regretted bringing Xu Zhe to the next team.A commander of a special forces team goes and compares marksmanship with a recruit, not even a recruit.Are you sure you're not making trouble?

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-four: If you don't agree, then hit you

Xu Zhe ignored Staff Officer Zhou's charcoal-like expression, and turned his head to look at Qin Feng meaningfully.Of course Qin Feng was also looking at Xu Zhe.

Xu Zhe couldn't see a trace of the soldier's smell on Qin Feng's body, which made Xu Zhe even more shocked.It was indeed a fact that he had learned about Qin Feng's five spears and fifty-five rings before.

Although he knew this was a fact, Xu Zhe still had a very hard time accepting this fact that surprised everyone.He thought that Qin Feng might be a retired special forces soldier or something.So he heard today that Qin Feng came with Staff Officer Zhou when Yang Gensilien was in the company. Otherwise, how could the training of a company make the captain of the special team interested.

But when Qin Feng stood in front of him, he couldn't feel the breath of a soldier, he instantly felt a blow.

He is now the captain of the Special Forces.His marksmanship is well-known in the entire southeastern team, but his marksmanship has been practiced hard for many days and nights, and he has spent countless bullets in exchange.

Five shots to hit fifty-five rings, even if he is reluctant to do it, and it is easy to make deviations.But now Qin Feng, a star who has never been a soldier, even hit the fifty-fifth ring when he touched a gun for the first time, which made Xu Zhe feel like he was a dog.

This is too cruel and too shocking!It just doesn't give people a way to live.My own training day and night is not as good as a rookie who has just touched a gun in the end.This makes Xu Zhe feel that his worldview has been destroyed.

Therefore, Xu Zhe always thought that Qin Feng was just unlucky that day to play the fifty-fifth ring, and he did not believe that Qin Feng had the strength to play the fifty-fifth ring.And the purpose of his challenge to Qin Feng today is to prove that his inference is correct.

Qin Feng looked at Xu Zhe and then looked at the company commander and several other officers, everyone's faces were not good.Everyone knows that there is a camera next to it that has been recording.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Chief, is this your order?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xu Zhe smiled slightly and said, "So what? What about no?"

Qin Feng replied: "If the commander is an order, then as a soldier, I must obey the commander's order. If the commander is a soldier's request, then I'm sorry I refuse your request!"

Qin Feng's words made Xu Zhe's face turn ugly.But he couldn't find any flaws in Qin Feng's words. Xu Zhe said with a dark face after being depressed for a long time: "Then you can take it as my order!"

Xu Zhe came this time to have a contest with Qin Feng.Xu Zhe is a very stubborn person, so he has to fight Qin Feng anyway, even if he is punished after returning.

Although Staff Officer Zhou's face was ugly, he also knew that Xu Zhe's temper could not be controlled.Just watch the two of them fight.

And everyone present had never seen Qin Feng when he hit the fifty-fifth ring, so everyone really wanted to see if Qin Feng could really hit the fifty-fifth ring again.

Hearing Xu Zhe's words, Qin Feng just smiled slightly and said loudly, "Yes!" Seeing Qin Feng's calm appearance, Xu Zhe became angry.

In the past, people who compared their marksmanship with him would be a little nervous before the game. After all, he was a well-known sharpshooter on the entire team.

But now a person who is not even a recruit is so bland, which makes Xu Zhe very unhappy.He decided to teach Qin Feng a good lesson.

But as everyone knows, Qin Feng also wants to give Xu Zhe some color at this time, for Qin Feng.Qin Feng doesn't like to cause trouble, but he is never afraid of things.

Today Xu Zhe has been picking on his own faults. In fact, Qin Feng also knows that Xu Zhe does not believe that he can score the fifty-fifth ring.Knowing that Xu Zhe was very unconvinced, then Qin Feng would use spears to convince Xu Zhe.

Both men came to the target position of the range with their own guns.The movements of the two are fast and standard.The competition attracted many soldiers to come and watch.

As for Xu Zhe's name, it can be said that no one knows about Xu Zhe's name.And Qin Feng's fifty-fifth ring is also very loud in the southeast team during this period.

Now the two people's marksmanship contest is a bit like an ace showdown, and the photographer is also very focused on taking this picture.He knew that this scene would definitely be the highlight of the second episode.

In fact, this is not a loss to Qin Feng at all. Qin Feng is an amateur recruit after record the program.But Xu Zhe was different.

If Qin Feng loses, it is a matter of course for all the audience.If Qin Feng wins, then he can blow a wave.And Xu Zhe's choice is a bit irrational.

Of course, none of the people present would believe that Qin Feng could win.

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