"It's too much! Class is coming soon. I hope I won't be late. " Ye Huang ran forward rapidly.

Ye Huang was a little anxious, but Lee Kuan Yew was not. The guy said with a smile: "brother Huang, you were so handsome just now. If there were some girls nearby, you must fall in love with you at first sight. Imagine how strong and eye-catching it would be if LAN Muxi showed love to you at the edge of the fucker's court."

Ye Huang steamed bread black line: "do you think those girls agree with each other by kicking a ball? You don't have a muscle in your head Ye Huang scolded Lee Kuan Yew and rushed to the teaching building again and again. The two of them ran so fast that they walked into the classroom before class.

Naturally, he can't think that playing football can make a little girl fall in love at first sight. He is a man with 30-40 years old experience, and his experience is not comparable to that of Lee Kuan Yew.

As soon as they entered the classroom, Lee Kuan Yew's eyes were fixed. He narrowed his eyes and pulled the corner of Ye Huang's clothes: "brother Huang, is it possible that someone wants to pull out his teeth and snatch love with a knife? Are we going to teach this boy a lesson?"

Ye Huang's eyes swept the whole class, and suddenly understood what was going on. There was a handsome boy sitting in his seat.

The man is chatting with LAN Muxi. He has a book in his hand. He lowers his head from time to time and doesn't know what he is writing.

Ye Huang narrowed his eyes and raised his mouth. He seemed to have met the boy, but he was not impressed. From a distance, the hair is neat, the face is clean, and the whole person is full of spirit. Sitting there is upright and upright, with a sunny smile on the corners of his mouth, which makes people feel a good impression.

However, the feeling of the emperor turned into a bad feeling here.

For no other reason, this guy not only talks with LAN Muxi, but also sits in his own position. For these two points, he can't be forgiven.

"It's Pang Kaishun from class three in junior high school." Lee Kuan Yew again whispered a reminder.

Ye Huang's eyes turned, and the dust laden memory gate opened again. He knew that Pang Kaishun was a man of the day in the city's key junior high school. His father was Pang Jianguo, the chairman of the silver tower group of Puhai private enterprises. He was powerful and powerful. It was said that he was a big man who ate everything in black and white and stamped his foot casually on the four city gates of Puhai city.

Pang Kaishun is Pang Jianguo's only son. He has excellent living conditions and looks handsome. He has great influence among the key junior high school students in the city. He is the idol of many girls. He usually has a group of younger brothers around the front and back. Moreover, Pang Kaishun's academic achievements are also outstanding. He has been ranked among the top five in the third year of junior high school, and has never fallen down from the top five in each major examination.

Ye Huang walked slowly, his mouth slightly raised, his eyes calm and steady, and began to recall the information about Pang Kaishun.

In the past memory, Pang Kaishun has been pursuing lanmuxi. For three years in junior high school, he never gave up. This information was originally spread in a small area, but later it was made known to the whole school, probably because they were so famous.

Of course, the former Ye Huang didn't like to know about these affairs. The reason why Pang Kaishun failed to catch up with lanmuxi was that he knew that lanmuxi had committed suicide by jumping off a building in junior high school, and that Pang Kaishun was not given any chance.

However, after rebirth, ye Huang is always a butterfly, and this butterfly will surely fan a huge whirlwind and return everything to chaos. Future things will become unknown and everything will be possible.

Pang Kaishun is sitting in the position of Ye Huang and discussing a mathematical problem with LAN Muxi. What is this? This is obviously the opportunity to approach lanmuxi! Where does somebody ask junior two student's question in junior three! What's more, the two grades are not a building at all. As long as you are not a fool, you can know what Pang Kaishun means when you run from one building to another.

What's more, there are some masters who are proficient in Mathematics in the third year of junior high school. He is the top five in the whole grade, which shows that there are more powerful people than him. If you really care about face, you can also ask your teacher. However, he just asks LAN Muxi, who is a grade lower than him, for advice. The fool knows what this means!

Lanmuxi is not stupid. Naturally, he also knows what Pang Kaishun means. However, he doesn't point out what Pang Kaishun means. He is not good at speculating on his own feelings, so he patiently explains the so-called problems for him.

But she was quite impatient. Generally speaking, she didn't like to give lectures, which was a waste of time. She didn't have enough time to study.

"Where is the leaf emperor? How can he not come? Come back quickly." Muran's mantra is hidden in his heart.

When ye Huang and Li Guangyao appear at the back door of the class, LAN Muxi's eyes just aim at there.

"I'm back at last. I'm liberated. I can't stand giving him a lecture." Seeing ye Huang's return, LAN Muxi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, hoping that he could come quickly to drive Pang Kaishun away.

Ye Huang paced slowly, sorted out Pang Kaishun's information, walked to Pang Kaishun, and said with a smile, "this classmate, can you get out of your seat?"

"What? Is this your seat? " Pang Kaishun looked up and saw a boy smiling at himself. He was a little surprised.Ye Huang nodded: "yes, this position is mine."

"Strange, shouldn't it be song Qian's seat?"

"We've changed seats." Ye Huang explained patiently.

Pang Kaishun was sitting steadily with his pen in his hand shaking. He raised his head slightly and didn't even have any politeness. His tone was still very cold: "Oh? What do you call it

Ye Huang had no choice but to walk in front of them and stand upright with a faint smile in his mouth: "Hello, classmate. My name is Ye Huang."

Pang Kaishun gently put down the pen in his hand and stood up. He was a little higher than the emperor Ye. He looked down at the emperor with a look down: "Oh? You are the emperor Ye. "

He had heard the name of Ye Huang for a long time, but only heard his name. He heard that his father was laid off and became a small staff member when he just entered junior high school. His mother also began to do hard work, and his academic performance dropped sharply. Finally, he entered the "tail car group" of the whole class and even the whole grade. How can such a poor student share the same table with lanmuxi? What does Guo Baomin think?

Ye Huang naturally could hear that Pang Kaishun looked down on him, but he didn't get angry. He just said faintly: "this position is my classmate. Would you please let me know?"

Lee Kuan Yew walked to the back of the emperor, which means that if something happened, he would help him. Pang Kaishun gave a sneer. Xia Hena sits in her seat and looks up at Ye Huang. She is afraid that he will have a conflict with the boy who is taller and stronger than he is. She is worried about him.

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