Reborn - A naruto fanfiction

11 Taking the baby shark on a field trip

Sasori was taken to chikagakure and naturally he had a lot of questions. But she answered all of them whole heartedly and then she introduced him to the lab she had made specifically for him to make poisons and medicine.

He was going to live in the village as the head medic once they get enough civilians.

Once she had left him to familiarise himself with the new environment she had on her chair in her office with an abnormal pile of paper work.

Why did she have paper work? She doesn't even have civilians yet, she turned to Kakazu expecting an explanation.

"I took the liberty to pick up a few jobs for us."

She raised her brow and picked up the first one.

"Defend a village in the war? B rank?" She frowned slightly when she noticed the village, it was bang in between two fighting villages, B rank? Interesting...

She looked towards Kakazu, he would flip if he knew they were being underpaid. So her only option was the young shark who wasn't even paying attention.

"Kisame, pack up, we're going on a field trip."


Said field trip dragged on for a day as kisame made it a point to explore the forest around them more than she would like. But she didn't complain, this was going to be the brat's first time at a war zone, he wouldn't forget it for a long time.

Kisame looked at Yomi who was practicing her great fireball jutsu, and a medium sized fire ball escaped her lips.

She groaned in frustration, she really wasn't even remotely good at jutsu compared to the people around her. She couldn't even throw a Kunai as well as kisame, and she didn't want to rely on her power.

If she was unable to use her power one day then wouldn't that make her completely useless and vulnerable?

"Onee-Chan." The young kamikage received a hug from the one and only shark and she melted.

He was just too adorable, she never understood why the village hidden in the mist treated such a cute baby like him so badly.

They were definitely not human.

"Huh?" Kisame asked in confusion as he felt to weight of the young girl on him. She shushed him as she closed her eyes.

"Let me rest a bit." She said opening her good eye to see the young shark blushing. She was tired, she hadn't slept in a long time. She didn't need to but she was beginning to feel her responsibilities weigh down on her.

She'd have to drop off kisame soon to graduate from the village hidden in the mist. He'd have to grow up to be the kisame she knew.

But she had to expose him a little.

She transformed into her older self and piggybacked the young shark.

"Let's go" She felt herself lifting up and making her way to the village.


She found her feet amongst the mass of bodies heaped along the vast land littered with bodies. Kisame gasped as he was overwhelmed by the amount of death that gathered around the area. He felt himself feel nauseous and sick.

"Are you ok kisame?" Tsuki Yomi asked as she sensed his unease. A body moved and attacked them and kisame unconsciously threw a kunai at him that embedded itself in his head.

Another shot up with a katana and yomi performed the regular seals for the great fireball jutsu burning the man to crisps.

She sighed irritated. Then she saw the haunted look in kisame's eyes. She felt remorseful, sorry she had to show him this.

But in a world like this, the faster he learned about and adapted himself to his environment the stronger he could get and the longer he would survive.

She wasn't willing to risk anything.

"This is war kisame."

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