Reborn - A naruto fanfiction

14 Another girl in the pond

"We have to go now Nagato!" Yomi told their young friend, who had spent the last couple of days with them.

His head dropped, he had just made a family so why was it being taken away from him? Tsuki Yomi noticed his eyes and smiled, "we'll be back nagato-kun!" She said trying to make him feel better. "We are family after all!"

Kisame was naturally hugging his new friend, his new family.

"Bye nagato!" He said as they vanished, leaving nagato alone once again in the rain. He stood there for sometime before his little dog began barking. He turned to the dog and found a bag of money in his mouth. Big drops of tears fell.

"Thank you onee-chan."

"Kakazu!!!!!" The miser was hugged to death as the two kids appeared in the sauna. He growled and got out, as the two clung to him. There was really no where he could get away from the two.

"Get off whelp." He said coldly as they refused to slide off his well built arms.

He shook his arms and kisame slid off landing on his butt with a thud. Yomi refused to let go, clinging on as if her life depended on it.

Turning into her adult form she clung onto the miser without noticing the problem she began to cause him. The miser groaned as the puppet master waltz in still in his lab coat.

"Leader san, is it possible to fund my immortality research?" He asked smirking at Kakazu's problem but pretended not to notice.

"What will you need?" She asked peeling herself off him and changing back to her child form.

"We'll need lots of wood and a unwritten seals." She nodded before closing her eyes and placing her palm on a rock which was replaced with the materials he needed for him to become the puppet she knew and loved.

"Thank you leader san."

With that he was off, not leaving his lab for a few more days.

"Now I'm back, train kisame, I'll take him bounty hunting more now, then train him in swordsmanship. I need you to prepare him to be the greatest swordsman ever."

She placed a hand on the sand that replaced itself with a bag of money which she dutifully handed over the the miser who took it and dragged the poor shark.

"Come on whelp." He said coldly before preparing to leave. On his way out he threw a summoning scroll to her, she caught it.

Opening the scroll she saw it was a summoning for snakes, she smiled, how did he know she loved snakes?

Humming to herself she bit her finger signing the scroll with her blood. With her only knowing one jutsu that she hardly ever used she always had full reserves.

Summoning a small white snake she handed it a letter to Akito, the snake didn't speak but instead it just vanished.

She wondered why it didn't say anything to her? Was the problem that it didn't know how to speak?

She shrugged it off and headed to her office to plan her life for the next twenty years.

In a few years itachi would be born, she just had to wait for it, once he's born, she would die.

Kakazu drilled the little shark, training him to become the greatest.

Sasori began to prepare the most deadly poison known to mankind and nagato was on his way to becoming the most badasss villain she she knew.

Who to visit next?

Obito stared at the pond where he fiat met her, that was a year ago, did she still remember him?

He sighed to himself, she probably didn't.


A pale girl swam up the pond shivering and half frozen.

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