She hugged her new teammate and snuggled into him ignoring his startled cry.

"Yomi!? Where were you?"

Did it matter? She was just tired, let her rest. He glanced at her when she didn't answer but didn't say a word, Yomi was mysterious, nobody knew much about her yet they accepted her into their lives.

She always seemed to know what to do, what to say, where to go. An angel, sent to deliver him from himself.

"Is Yomi-chan alright?" Rin asked concerned with the little girl sleeping on the uchiha genin.

Obito just smiled briefly, " she's just tired."

They took their seats in the exam hall, it was unfortunate but Yomi wasn't allowed to sit next to Obito no matter how much she argued with the hokage.

So instead she was sitting at the very back of the class, she managed to finish the exam quickly and all she had to do was wait for the rest.

Compared to the canon Chunin exams this one was much more lax and there was no invasion.

After the exam she had a lot to do, go check up on sasori, drop off kisame, meet jiraya and the three students under his care. Meet the uchiha and orochimaru.

That was a lot, and then she had to leave instructions on the clans that will live in her village. Then she had to go and learn how to use chakra.

She had little time, in a few years itachi will be born.

She had to disappear before then and start all over with the new generation.

"Finished!" Obviously Obito had to be the most flashy, as he was getting up to leave i also got up finding no reason to stay behind any further.

Walking out she's met with Rin and Obito without Kakashi, smiling she ran up to them, and for the first time she noticed Obito was wearing the storage ring she had given him. She smiled softly and took his hand in hers while taking Rin's hand.

"Guys wanna train with me?"

She would never get used to the fact that you could use jutsu in this world, if she actually learnt to use it wouldn't it be amazingly extreme? There was so much she could learn, especially before meeting Madara.

She actually had a long road of training ahead of her.

Standing in front of Obito who took his stance Rin smiled sweetly before raising her hand and Obito laughed at Yomi recklessly.

She couldn't believe this was the kid who would grow up to shake the whole shinobi world. He was freaking adorable.

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Lightning before the thunder.


Obito found himself thrown to the floor in less than a second, his eyes wide open. He had no idea that Yomi was this strong, even stronger than Kakashi Teme.


"Are you ok Obito?" She stretched out her hand as Rin came running over.

"That was amazing Yomi-chan!" She said with a smiling face. He hated to admit it but that was amazing.

During the whole process he couldn't see her, and she didn't teleport because she didn't use any hand seals.

Then, she ran?

Minato who had been watching his new student smiled. Indeed.

Lightning before the thunder.

She smiled silently to herself as she saw the results of the written test. She wasn't shocked that she was in first place, rather she was smiling that Obito managed to make it even though it was last place. He deserved it.

Obito was a kind hard working kid who would grow up to become an amazing powerful ninja. He had so much potential, and she wanted him to honestly fulfil that potential and not plot to dominate the world.

But she needed to know the future, and for this selfish reason she was willing to sacrifice him, how cruel.


Kisame and I are doing great! I'm currently taking the Chunin exams to become a ninja, ya'know? I hope you and your friends are training hard!

We might have to duel someday and if you don't train hard I will definitely win! But I'll feel bad since we're family.

Lots of love,

Your lover and the extremely cute kisame ~]]

Nagato held the letter close to his heart as a small blush crept up His cheeks, she was always teasing him to no end.


Now she was training to get stronger, reaching towards the stars.

"Let's meet up amongst the stars, Yomi - chan."

[[ Sasori!

I hope you're taking care of everything while we're away, ya'know you're one of the best looking red heads I know.

Look into the cult of Jashin while you're at it, they might hold a clue to true immortality. And also, start gathering jobs for us to do, when we come back it will be time to demonstrate our power and time for me to inform all of you of my plan for your future.

Loving the red hair,

Yomi. ]]

Sasori sighed as a smile tugged on his lips, she was really a ridiculous woman, she was ridiculous but she was still beautiful.

An everlasting beauty, true art.

Team training was something Yomi had never participated in, mostly because she wasn't a konoha genin, she wasn't even a ninja, she was just doing it because kisame would be getting exam experience for when he goes back to the land hidden in the mist.

He needed to know what the exams were like in other lands and prepare for the worst. She wasn't sure when the era of the bloody mist would roll in but she wanted to get kisame ready for it.

Kisame has been training with an S class ninja for the past two years, there is no way he would fail.

She smirked as she quietly walked behind her chattering team with Kakashi as they headed to the training grounds.

Like always, Obito was late.

But for some reason shikaku rolled up.

"Shikaku- san! Ohaiyo!"

Shikaku smiled as he lazily carried a bag of shopping most likely to take back home. "Ohaiyo, Yomi."

He looked exactly like shikamaru, they were both handsome pineapple heads that she wanted to keep to herself due to all the fan art she had diluted her head with.

Looking at Minato he asked, "could I borrow her for a few hours? The Hokage has requested her presence."

Yomi sweat dropped, if the hokage asked him to call her then why did he go grocery shopping? Maybe he forgot to get his mum's shopping?

Mums are such a drag.

But she missed hers either way, even if she was an annoying mum that always sent Yomi on pointless errands, she missed her.

"Let's go Yomi san." He said as they depart.

"Bye Obito! I hope to see you again soon!"

Obito found himself feeling uneasy, why did it feel like she was saying a final goodbye?

"Hai Yomi! Just you wait I'll definitely show them how strong I am in training today!" A large grin adorned his innocent face.

"You show them! I believe in you!"

An abnormal heart beat followed by another, she believed in him, for her he would bring peace to the world and become the greatest.

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