Reborn - A naruto fanfiction

22 Pride before a fall 2

Kushina stared in confusion at Minato who had rushed in, grabbed his gear and was about to head out.

"What's wrong Minato?" She asked clueless about what had transpired between the clan heads and the kamikaze.

"My team has been assigned to watch over the battle grounds."

Kushina's eyes widened, "but why? They haven't become chunins yet."

"The envoy from chikagakure, is about  to fight the enemy ninjas on her own."

"What!? That's insane! No matter who it is they should be unable to do such a thing!"

Minato stopped and turned to face her, kissing her forehead he smiled. "If it's her, she'll be able to pull it off."

It was raining dreadfully but the little girl standing in front of the thousands of enemy ninja seemed dry. The clan leaders watched with grim faces, the girl had overstepped the boundaries this time, each of them had an army behind them in case anything went wrong.

Her cloak had covered her up leaving only her eyes and hair visible.

The kamikaze.

"What is this?" The kage asked as he looked at the little girl.

"Konoha dares to mock me!"

Tsuki Yomi merely smirked.

Then the army advanced.

The leaders watched grimly as they surrounded her, swallowing her up, Obito's hands were clenched with his heart fast losing hope.


The world shook. Thumping. Cracking.

Tsuki Yomi rose up and watched the enemy nin that had died around her. Then she raised a hand, blood slipping past her pupils.

Her eyes glowed and the wind picked up. The earth rocked and shifted and the rocks began to form clusters, swirling around in a chaotic whirlwind.

Obito's and Kakashi's eyes widened as they saw what was happening.

She only had one hand raised and even though it was a dark day you could see her blood red eyes penetrating through the shadows.

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Twisting it's way up the pieces of rock began to form a figure, thunder and lightning, no one could comprehend what was happening. In front of their eyes formed a monstrous skeletal figure.

A tear mixed with blood slipped down Tsuki Yomi's eye. In the end she needed to ask for more power.


"I need more power."

The ball of white seemed to scorn her.

"In exchange for what?"


Raising her second hand the figure moving shaking the entire earth.

"This is.." the Nara was shocked to the bones, the hokage had a frown on his face.

"...An unknown technique."

The figure lifted its leg and began to sprint, each step killing hundreds, each minute killing thousands.

Obito couldn't help but exclaim in awe, "Sugoi!"

Ignoring the sting pain in her eyes she utterly annihilated the enemy nin showing them the true power of a kamikaze.

Minato couldn't believe it, this was indeed the power of a god. Kisame clutched his heart as it beat painfully. He could feel her pain, her sorrow, her sacrifice.


Kakazu picked him up and left as tears escaped the young shark's eyes.

She had given up her second eyes to build the roots for her family, for their future.


Her voice boomed and every being could hear the owner of such tyrannical power.

"Feel my thunder!"

The creature roared violently and began to shake violently before letting out an outburst of power that had decapitated everyone in the vicinity.

The battlegrounds were silent.

Fugaku couldn't even face her and he felt his clothes stick to his back because of his cold sweat.

"Uchiha." Her voice was firm as she approached him, he trembled but refused to look up. Fugaku prayed silently for his father, rest in peace.

And with a sudden burst of foolish courage he activated his sharingan in an attempt to trap her in a genjutsu but she moved her hand and his head had been severed instantly.

His body fell to the floor and the other clan heads gulped.

She turned to them, not looking at anyone in particular, and with a dominating aura she said.

"I am the kamikaze!"

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