
Was her initial thought. But upon a closer inspection she could see the kid being chased had spiky dark blue hair and odd looking blue skin with gills. Naturally there was only one kid who could ever fit the description in this time period.


She noticed the villagers chasing him, one had a machete, another held a pitchfork. They were chasing a little kid right? Yomi frowned, kisame who had been running for a relatively long time suddenly tripped and landed on the ground, he groaned in pain as he grazed his knee forcing Yomi to prepare herself to swoop in and save the day. He quickly tried to stand and keep running but it was too late, the man with the machete raised it and forcefully brought it down on the little child.

Yomi's eyes were suddenly dyed crimson and her pupils thinned out to slits. Before kisame could apprehend what was going on yomi suddenly flashed between him and the man in front of her and she punched him. The punched created a hole going right through the man's body.

That was a completely devastating punch! Blood had been splattered everywhere and the young shark just stared wide eyed at the level of destruction. Tears formed in his eyes threatening to fall and roll down his rough cheeks, she slowly turned to look at him, then she smiled. She reached out and took his hand, realising that she was only slightly taller than him didn't seem to stop her from being stronger than him by then folds.

"Are you ok?" Yomi asked with a smiling face. Kisame nodded as a few tears dropped down his face. The little boy sniffed and Yomi sensed that she had drawn a lot of unwanted attention to herself, mainly from the ninja watching the scene from the shadows.

"Kakazu, lets go!"

Immediately she said that kiri ninjas jumped out and began to chase them and she quickly jumped up dragging kisame with her. Like this one more member was added to their small band of merry men.

The kiri ninjas chased them for quite some time until Kakazu engaged them in a short but victorious fight. Yomi couldn't do much in that situation due to the fact that she didn't know how to cast jutsu and her powers are limited to her body, if she wasn't carrying a little boy and worrying for his safety then she would've practiced her punches on the group of dummies.

Once they were far enough they settled at another clearing and yomi collapsed on the flour yawning. She dropped kisame who also collapsed.

"Now I've got two pip squeaks to deal with." Kakazu grumbled and yomi immediately threw him a bag of money and he zipped his mouth.

"Ne, why were they chasing you?" She asked as if she had no idea.

"I don't know, but thank you for saving me, onee- chan."

Her mind went blank, onee-chan? Kisame looked older than her! "Call me yomi, I'm younger than you, don't call me onee-chan."

Kisame seemed startled, he couldn't believe his saviour was younger than him, he just assumed that she was under some kind of jutsu to look that small, she must be really awesome!

"Sugoi! Yomi Please teach me the art of jutsu!"

With that kisame knelt down in front of yomi earnestly, yomi coughed slightly. Honestly, she didn't know a single jutsu, but looking at his excited eyes she couldn't just tell him!

She heard a chuckle behind her and her eye twitched, Kakazu seemed to be having fun.

"Gomenasai kisame, but i can't do jutsu"

The immense disappointment in his eyes broke her heart.


Kakazu immediately burst out laughing, yomi's eyes darkened, she strengthened her fists and punched the immortal sending him flying earning respect from kisame who kept chanting 'sugoi'.

Yomi couldn't seem to shake off the weird feeling she got at the bottom of her stomach, she had mistaken kisame for naruto, how? Was it because they were both similar in the way they were treated?

She clenched her fists as anger bubbled, they were human right? How could they treat these young boys like they were monsters!? One had even called kisame a beast!

[Humans truly aren't worth it]


She turned around but couldn't find the source of the voice in her head, so she paid no heed and turned her attention to kisame, maybe it was just..... her imagination.

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