"Um, I'm really sorry, I'll interrupt you first."

"We actually haven't closed the port of the 'real world' game."

"At 11:57 this afternoon, it was the Real World Game Company that took the initiative to stop operating in the United States."

"We haven't had time to operate yet."

Congressman Julian in Congress showed an embarrassed expression and raised his hand to interrupt President Baip's words.


And his words immediately made the entire Congress fall into silence.


"This Real World Game Company is so arrogant!"

"His behavior is simply a provocation to our United States!"

After the Congress was silent for more than ten seconds, Congressman Angel finally scolded.

He originally had only a little bit of anger on his face, but now he was completely filled with anger.

In his heart, the Real World Game Company had to be driven out, and it must not take the initiative to withdraw after the document appeared, otherwise it would be an extremely serious provocation.

"So, Senator Angel, how do you plan to solve the problem of the Real World Game Company now?"

"You know, the public sentiment on the Internet is very intense now, and many citizens of our country are planning marches and riots."

"Everyone doesn't have much time to listen to you getting angry here for no reason."

Senator Colton's voice sounded again in Congress.

He and Angel are old rivals, and they have disliked each other for many years.

Now that the other party has finally made a big mistake, how can he let the other party go easily?


"Senator Julian, how about you send another document to the Real World Game Company and let them return to our country?"

Senator Angel pondered for a long time, and finally had to put down his face and compromise.

After all, he was the one who initiated the initial proposal to seize the shares of the Real World Game Company.

If a large-scale riot occurs in the country because of this incident.

Then he will bear the main responsibility.

"Congressman Angel, should we not first initiate a vote in Congress on whether the 'real world' game can return to the United States?"

"Besides, do you think that if I send the documents to the other party now, the real world game company will be able to see them first?"

"Will they reopen the game operations in the United States region as soon as they see the documents?"

Congressman Julian asked several questions in a faint tone.

"Time is running out, so let's vote first!"

"Start now!"

President Trump's voice sounded in Congress, temporarily relieving Congressman Angel's embarrassment.

All the congressmen began to vote.

And the final result was soon revealed.

Among them, 85% of the congressmen agreed to the return of the real world game company.

The congressmen who disagreed with the return of the real world game company accounted for 9%.

The remaining 6% of the congressmen chose to abstain.

"Well, the result is obvious now."

"Since most congressmen agree that the 'real world' game can continue to operate in our country, let's take action."

"Congressman Julian, you send the document to the real world game company now."

"State that we have withdrawn the relevant bills, and the 'real world' game can legally operate in our beautiful country."

"Congressman Angel, in order to avoid the situation where the other party cannot see the documents in the first time."

"You are now representing the Congress of our beautiful country, call the CEO of the real world game company and inform us of the withdrawal of the relevant bills."

The voting results have come out, and President Baip will not delay any longer and make decisive arrangements.

It is really that the public opinion on the Internet is too turbulent, and he is worried that if he delays any further, something will really happen.

"Okay, Mr. President."

After the two answered, they began to get busy.

Congressman Julian took out his laptop to write a document, and all kinds of official jargons were flawless, filling a large article.

But after reading the whole article, there is only one meaning: We, the beautiful country, have a lot of money and have allowed your game to operate legally. Come back quickly.

After finishing the document, Congressman Julian lightly pressed the enter key and sent it to the mailbox of the real world game company.

At this time, Congressman Angel had obtained Chloe's mobile phone number through the channel and called her.

"Hello, Ms. Chloe."

"I am Angel, a congressman from the beautiful country. Now I am notifying you on behalf of Congress."

"The 'real world' game has passed ourCongress discussed again and confirmed that it can be legally operated in our beautiful country. "

The steady voice of Senator Angel sounded on the phone.

"Okay, Mr. Senator Angel."

"I'm a little busy now. If there is nothing else, I'm going to hang up."

Chloe replied lightly.

But her tone made Angel feel a little bad.

I have informed you on behalf of Congress that your company's games can be legally operated in the beautiful country.

Shouldn't you be happy? Even grateful to me?

What do you mean by saying that you are a little busy and want to hang up the phone?

"Ms. Chloe, don't you understand what I mean?"

"Your 'real world' game has been unblocked in the beautiful country and can continue to operate again."

"When do you plan to let it return?"


"Speaking of which, some players in our beautiful country really like it. "

Angel smiled, trying to ease the awkwardness of the conversation.

"Oh, Mr. Congressman."

"We have no plans to continue operating the 'real world' game in the United States in the short term."

"The chairman of our group thinks it's a bit troublesome to toss and turn."

Chloe's tone was still very flat.

"Mr. Congressman, I'm really sorry, I really have something to deal with now."

"Let's talk next time."

Chloe, who was far away in Hong Kong, added a sentence and hung up the phone directly.

The coffee in the coffee cup was just half brewed. If it is not stirred carefully, it will seriously affect its taste.

She doesn't have so much time to continue chatting with the other party.

"? ? ? "

In the Congress of the United States, Senator Angel stared at his phone in a daze.

As a congressman of the world's most powerful country, he was hung up by the CEO of a foreign company.

Most importantly, the other party also said that he would not come to the United States to operate the "real world" game in the short term.

Doesn't this game company like to make money?

Such a big market in the United States, just give up?

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