Richard threw away the broken arm in his hand and continued to attack Rajput.

At this time, the master stretched out his only remaining right hand and pointed at his chest and abdomen quickly.

When the clicking ended, his body swelled up rapidly as if he was blowing air.

His originally skinny figure looked a whole round bigger.

It seems that he should have used some tricks to stimulate his potential.

"Haha, interesting."

Richard had come to Rajput's side at this time and swung his fist as big as a bowl to hit fiercely.

The ancient yoga master, whose body shape had changed greatly, also raised his right hand and confronted the opponent head-on.


Accompanied by a loud bang, Rajput retreated again and again until he hit the fence at the edge of the ring and stopped.

But Richard, who also suffered this blow, still stood there motionless.

Facts have proved that even if the ancient yoga master used secret methods to stimulate his potential, he is no match for Richard.

"Why are the super warriors of the United States so powerful? Have the gods abandoned our country of cheats?"

"It's over. Master Rajput broke an arm and stimulated his potential, but he still couldn't compete with the enemy."

"Are the super warriors of the United States really so invincible? Can't our strongest defeat the opponent?"

"Master Rajput will win! Kill your enemies! You will always be the strongest!"


Facing the battle situation on the ring, the audience around was also not calm.

Some people have shown pessimistic emotions, and some people try to cheer for Master Rajput.

However, no matter how the audience in the venue shouted, Richard raised his feet and came to Rajput.

"It's over."

After he said this lightly, he alternated his left and right fists and blasted the strongest man of the country of cheats in front of him.

Richard's extraordinary strength made his punching speed reach an astonishing eight punches per second.

Master Rajput barely managed to resist the opponent's first attack, and all subsequent punches landed steadily on him.

"Swish!" "Swish!"

A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his figure returned to a skinny state after the third blow.

The light in his eyes quickly dimmed, and there was no sound after a few breaths.

He seemed to have no bones and slowly slid down on the ring.


Richard, the super soldier of the United States, raised his hands and roared at the audience in the venue to express their counterattack against his previous abuse.

The ferocious appearance made the people of the cheating country both afraid and angry.

But this time, they really lost the battle.

The most powerful ancient yoga master in his mind had no power to resist this tall super soldier.

After Richard killed Master Rajput, his global challenge journey did not end.

All the targets were screened before departure, and the opponents were all countries that did not get along well with the United States.

Defeating the strongest of these countries can, on the one hand, hit the arrogance of these countries, and on the other hand, it can also show the strength of their own country.

Richard's next target is Martinez, the strongest of Cuba.

However, before he went to this country, he suddenly received news that Martinez of Cuba had taken the initiative to publicly admit defeat and made it clear that he was no match for the super warrior of the United States.

At the same time, Cuban diplomats also contacted the United States, claiming that the two countries could have more contacts in the future to achieve common development.

Seeing that the other party was sensible, the leaders of the United States no longer made things too difficult.

Let Richard's team skip Brazil and go directly to the next target, the Polar Bear Country.

The Polar Bear Country, which has always been very tough, did not express any dissatisfaction with this, and clamored to give the super warrior of the United States a look.

Their strongest warrior, Andre Warrior, even declared on the Internet that he would teach Richard to be a new man.

The venue for the two people's competition this time was set at the Smoco International Exhibition Center.

It was already winter, and the streets of Smok were covered with goose-feather-sized snowflakes, and the sides were covered with a thick layer of snow.

However, the people of the polar bear country had long adapted to such temperatures. They wore thick clothes and headed towards the Smok International Exhibition Center.

Richard, who was born in a warm city in the United States, was a little unhappy with the weather in Smok.

However, with his strength at this level, he would not be afraid unless the climate was extremely extreme.will not have any impact on his strength.

But he still wants to end this challenge as soon as possible and go to the next destination.

"Warrior Andre! Kill the super soldier of the United States, you will always be the strongest!"

"No one can resist Andre's attack. He once killed a ferocious brown bear with three punches."

"Andre! If you can defeat your opponent within five minutes, I will agree to marry you!"

"The United States is too arrogant. Don't think that you can make our Polar Bear Country bow down just because you have developed a super soldier!"


Compared with the people of other countries, the people of the Polar Bear Country are obviously more irritable.

Richard stood expressionlessly in the center of the ring, silently waiting for his opponent to come on stage.

He was in a bad mood, and his heart was already filled with strong anger, and he planned to vent it on his opponent later.

At this time, Andre, the strongest man of the Polar Bear Country, was also ready to go on stage on the other side of the ring.

He unscrewed a bottle of vodka with the highest alcohol content and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he threw the bottle, and it drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell accurately into a trash can in the distance.

For the people of the Polar Bear Country, drinking will not only not delay their work, but will also stimulate their greater potential.

And the 96-degree liquor just now will also make the powerful Andre excited.

He loosened the collar of his chest, revealing his chest covered with thick black hair, and strode towards the ring in the center of the venue.

Although Andre attached great importance to this battle, he did not think that he would lose in the end.

Because he is not an ordinary fighting master, he has been secretly injected with various drugs by the scientific research department of the Polar Bear Country.

Because of this, his physical fitness has long exceeded that of ordinary masters at the peak level.

If the super warrior of the beautiful country only has the strength shown in the previous two games.

Then he will definitely win this battle!

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