Of course, most of the catfish and pythons in the Amazon rainforest, although they have been awakened to some intelligence due to the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, most of them have no patience.

After following the fleet for a distance, they will basically give up automatically.

Time passed by little by little.

When the special forces fleet of the United States sailed on the river for the third day, a large thick dark cloud appeared in the sky, which also meant that a sudden rain was coming!

Such weather is common in the rainforest.

So Captain Paul did not panic. He asked everyone to speed up and find a suitable place to stop along the way.

Finally, before the heavy rain came, the three ships successfully anchored on a sunken shore.

It's just that this sudden rain was unexpectedly large, and it lasted much longer than everyone imagined.

From dusk to the next morning, there was still no sign of stopping.

The river water, which was originally calm on the surface, has now become very turbulent.

As for the undercurrents under the water, it made it difficult for the trees that fell into it to float up again.

In such a river, even if the special forces who have experienced hundreds of battles fell into it, it is difficult to survive.

The three ships used extremely thick cables to tie themselves tightly to the big trees on the shore.

And now, they are all tightly tied.

If the big trees were not thick enough and the cables were not tough enough, I am afraid that the ships would have been washed downstream by the river.

The special forces stayed quietly in the cabin without saying a word.

Everyone was waiting for the sudden rain to pass, so that they could set sail again and complete the task assigned by the military as soon as possible.



The ship in the front suddenly made several strange noises, and the whole hull shook violently.

Everyone felt bad.

"Captain, the cabin was broken by the tree stump and it is leaking!"

Sure enough, the special forces sitting in the front reported loudly.


Paul stood up and walked forward.

I saw a sharp tree stump penetrated directly from the bottom of the boat.

The turbid river water rushed into the cabin through the gap between the tree stump and the boat plank.

The special forces soldier was trying to block the gap with his hands, but the effect was not very ideal.

The boat that the 72 special forces soldiers and Dr. Charles took this time was not small in size.

But they were not steel-structured ships from the United States, but wooden-structured ships purchased directly from the local area.

After all, the United States is too far away from here. If you want to drive a small ship to the Amazon, it is not cost-effective in terms of capital cost, labor cost, or time cost.

But now, the disadvantages of wooden-structured ships have emerged.

A large rainstorm, coupled with a sharp wooden stake, brought a huge crisis to the entire ship.

"Hurry up and find the tools to fix this hole."

Paul frowned and shouted loudly.

"Yes, Captain!"

Several special forces soldiers immediately turned around and left, and soon brought the materials for repairing the boat.

Mainly wood, cloth, copper and iron nails, oil lime and other objects. Although these things are very simple, they are the most effective means to repair wooden boats.

Seeing that the things have been brought over, Paul signaled the special forces who have been blocking the hole with their hands to step back.

Then he stepped on the stump that was poked into the hull, trying to push it out.

However, this wooden stake was poked in at an angle, as if it was embedded in the board and was stuck very tightly.

Paul tried several times, not only failed to push it open with his feet, but also caused gaps in the wooden boards around the hole, and the water flow into the cabin was even greater.


He couldn't help but curse.

But he had to continue to push the stump outwards, otherwise it would be stuck on the hull and there would be no way to fix the hole.


After trying to use soft power many times without success, Paul shouted angrily and stomped his foot down.


With a sound, the wooden stake was finally kicked out of the hull by him.

But the hole that was originally the size of a bowl has now turned into the size of a head.

And the gap between the planks around the hole has also become larger.

"Gudong, gudong..."

Without the wooden stake stuck in the hole, the river water outside began to pour into the cabin in large quantities.

Fortunately, a clever special forces soldier next to him sat down immediately and blocked the hole with his buttocks.

"Robert, hurry up and prepare the tools to block this damn hole."

"I don't want to sit in this damn place all the time. It makes my vitals feelIt's cold and very uncomfortable.

The soldier who blocked the hole shouted to the special forces who knew how to repair wooden boats.

"Don't worry, Lucas."

"It will be done soon!"

Robert agreed and began to cut the wood quickly with a knife.

Only after it was cut to the right size could it be used to repair the hole in the bottom of the boat.

There were also several special forces who were mixing oil lime and preparing other materials to fill the gaps as soon as possible.

"Oh! Shit!"

"Something is biting my ass! "

Just as they were busy, Lucas, who was blocking the hole, suddenly jumped up, cursing.

Everyone looked at his butt, and saw a piranha nailing his butt with its sharp teeth.

Lucas jumped twice quickly on the spot before throwing it to the ground.

But without him to block the hole, a large amount of river water gushed in from outside.

Now the water depth in the cabin has exceeded five centimeters, and the situation is very critical.

Fortunately, the next moment, a special soldier with an iron basin rushed over and covered the hole with the bottom of the basin.

Although the water flow is still overflowing into the cabin, it is much smaller than before.

"Robert and others are responsible for repairing the leak."

"Others use the tools around them to scoop out the water in the cabin! "

Paul saw that it would not take too many people to fix the leak, so he issued a new order.

These boats bought near the Amazon jungle were really backward, and there was not even a water pump in the cabin.

"Yes, Captain!"

Everyone took action separately, using soup bowls and toothbrush cups to scoop the sewage in the cabin into buckets.

When the buckets were filled with river water, they were taken outside and dumped.

Even Dr. Charles rolled up his sleeves and joined the ranks of scooping water.

Everyone acted very quickly and cooperated very well.

Although the leak was still pouring into the river water, the water level in the cabin did not rise again, and even decreased a little bit.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. If it continued like this, the crisis would be successfully resolved with everyone's joint efforts.

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