Compared to what was seen in the live broadcast room yesterday, the soldiers encountered fewer wild boars today.

I don’t know if it’s because the wild boars retreated deeper into the forest.

Or the 1,200 soldiers yesterday really wiped out a considerable amount of their manpower.

The group walked in the forest for several hours and only encountered a wild boar once, and it was a lone wild boar.

It was shot to death by the soldiers who first discovered it.

It was also because there were not many changes along the way, so everyone’s speed in the forest was much faster than the soldiers yesterday.

If everyone didn’t roast pork at noon, just simply ate some dry food and then set off immediately.

Then it is expected that at two o’clock in the afternoon, they will arrive near the place where the soldiers camped last night.

After all, today they are not only faster, but also set off much earlier.

“Look! There is a tent ahead!”

“We found the base of our comrades yesterday.”

After several hours of trekking, a sharp-eyed soldier suddenly shouted.


Team Shi's eyes lit up and he gave the order.

The exhausted crowd seemed to be revitalized.

Following his order, they lined up and ran forward quickly.

But when they arrived in front of the tent, they were disappointed.

There was no trace of their comrades here. There was only blood, hair, and various clothes and equipment on the ground.

It was obvious that the soldiers who had been stationed in the place they found had met with misfortune, and even their bodies were eaten by wild boars.

Moreover, these wild boars not only ate human bodies, but also ate the bodies of their companions who were shot by the soldiers.

Otherwise, there would be at least some wild boars killed by bullets.

At the same time, most of the hair on the ground were tough short hairs on wild boars.

The situation on the scene was quickly transmitted to the live broadcast room of CTS TV through the camera.

But the next moment, the photographer gave the picture to the relatively clean jungle next to it to avoid the bloody scene causing discomfort to the audience.

"Fuck, I almost vomited! These wild boars are so ferocious that they actually eat people, and they eat them until there is nothing left!"

"I can understand eating people, after all, humans are just two-legged animals in the eyes of wild boars. But I didn't expect that they would eat their own kind."

"Wild boars have always had the habit of eating their own kind, especially after sows are about to give birth. Once they are stimulated by something, they are very likely to devour their own children."

"What are you talking about? Aren't wild boars vegetarians? Can they eat meat? Today's live broadcast room has overturned my previous scientific knowledge."


Although the picture of the Huashi photographer flashed by, it was still seen by many netizens.

Everyone lamented the ferocity of wild boars and felt sorry and angry for the soldiers who were eaten by them.

In fact, it was not only Captain Shi's team that found the tents left by the soldiers yesterday.

Many other teams in the mountains and forests also made similar discoveries.

But all the soldiers saw were tents and equipment that had been bitten all over the ground, and not a single living person.

It seems that the fastest situation has really happened. The 1,200 soldiers yesterday are likely to have no survivors.

This situation was passed on to the leaders of the Xishan Provincial Military District through communication equipment.

And the leaders actually expected this result in advance.

After all, the military district had tried many times last night to contact the soldiers in the mountains and forests with communication equipment, but never received any response.

"You continue to move towards the mountains and forests to avenge our comrades!"

"But for safety reasons, you gather other nearby teams together."

"Try to camp together tonight, and remember that what happened yesterday must not happen again!"

The leaders of the provincial military district issued new instructions.

Well, although letting the soldiers continue to go deep into the mountains and forests may bring them some risks.

After all, now everyone is not sure how many wild boars are left in this deep mountain.

But the leaders could not let the soldiers withdraw in such a whimper.

After all, the deaths of more than a thousand soldiers yesterday must be explained, or there must be a way to vent public opinion.

Killing a large number of wild boars and avenging the dead soldiers is an excellent outlet!

This is also the only opportunity for the leaders of the provincial military region to redeem themselves.

"Yes, chief!"

After receiving the new order, the soldiers continued to move towards the mountains..

And on the way, they kept using communication equipment to contact other nearby teams.

Soon, everyone gathered with several new teams and set off again.

With the addition of new comrades, everyone felt much more at ease.

The haze of the blood-stained camp that was seen before slowly dissipated.

As they went deeper, the road became more difficult.

Not only were the plants in the mountains more lush, but even the wild boars that were rarely encountered before could now be encountered every once in a while.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

Facing a few or a dozen wild boars, everyone was not panicked at all.

Shoot calmly and kill them all.

After all, the soldiers are not only fully armed now, but even the smallest team has more than a hundred soldiers gathered.

The largest team has a number of 300.

Such a large armed group gives the soldiers unparalleled confidence.

It felt like they could easily kill these evil animals even if there were more wild boars!

Before the sun set, teams found a suitable campsite, and the soldiers got busy.

Even if there were a few teams that didn't find a suitable campsite, they could use their sabers to cut out a suitable place to set up tents.

Not long after, a bunch of bonfires were lit near the campsite.

Large pieces of pork were directly placed on the fire, and they were roasted until they were sizzling.

The soldiers gathered in groups of ten, surrounding the bonfire in the middle, and they all drooled at the sight of the fragrant wild boar meat in front of them.

At noon today, because they were busy on the road and wanted to rescue yesterday's comrades as soon as possible, they only chewed a few pieces of dry food.

Now everyone's stomach was growling with hunger.

Everyone hoped that the pork would be cooked quickly so that they could hold it in their hands and feast on it.

Even though there were many soldiers in the camp, there was still enough pork tonight.

Before camping, everyone had just killed a group of more than a dozen wild boars, and the soldiers could eat them to their heart's content.

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