Unfortunately, the Ma family's dark power master thought very carefully.

But who knew that these two foreign killers would shoot him when he was not paying attention.

"Swish!" "Swish!"

Even though the Ma family's dark power master was quite powerful, the two killers were also very skilled and their shooting skills were extremely accurate.

Although he dodged some bullets, he was still hit by one bullet in the waist and thigh.

"John, George!"

"You dared to attack your employer by sneaking up on him without following the killer's rules!"

The Ma family's dark power master endured the pain, rolled to the corner of the wall, and roared angrily.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!".....

Neither the black tall man nor the white tall man had any intention of answering his question.

The two raised their guns again and fired continuously.

It turns out that the dark power master does not have much room to fight back when facing modern firearms without much dodge space.

A few seconds later, the Ma family warrior was shot in the head and died, and the blood dyed the carpet red.

John and George had no expression on their faces. They had seen too many deaths like this and didn't feel anything at all.

After the two of them packed up, they went downstairs and renewed the room fee for room 508 for a week at the hotel front desk.

Then, they drove the Ma family's dark power master's car straight to Pengcheng.

The next afternoon, a murder case that shocked the world occurred in Penguin Building in Pengcheng.

Two international killers, relying on the identity card of a senior executive of Penguin Group named Ma, broke directly into the top floor of Penguin Building.

And took advantage of the opportunity when the leaders of Penguin Group were meeting in the conference room, took out guns and kept shooting.

As a result, many presidents of Penguin, including Mr. Lu, the technical director of Penguin, Mr. Wang of the intelligence department, Mr. Gao, the general manager of the merger and acquisition department, and Mr. Liu of the public opinion department, died, and more than a dozen ordinary Penguin employees also died tragically on the spot.

Fortunately, Xiao Teng fled in a hurry under the protection of his bodyguards and barely saved his life, only with a shoulder injury.

But his bodyguards were shot in multiple places while protecting him and died.

Afterwards, the two international killers, running out of bullets, engaged in close combat with Minister Ma and others from the Penguin Group Security Department who quickly arrived.

In the end, they were outnumbered and died tragically on the spot.

And the people in the security department also paid a heavy price to capture the two international killers.

Minister Ma suffered a comminuted fracture of his right hand and eight broken ribs.

His elite team members also died and injured three and were almost wiped out.

After the news came out, the stock price of the Penguin Group, which had already fallen to a terrible state, plummeted again.


In a high-rise building in the artistic country of Norway and Ma.


"What are John and George doing!?"

"Aren't they supposed to assassinate the chairman of Feixun?"

"Why did they go to Penguin Group to kill people? You know, Penguin is one of the sponsors of this mission?"

"They are two idiots, how could they make a mistake?"

"Bieber, how do you train them?"

A Norwegian mafia leader smashed the ashtray beside him to the ground.

"It's the same training as training other people."

"It's a mistake to kill someone."

"Now send someone to China to kill again, isn't it?"

Another mafia leader, hearing someone questioning him, didn't care at all and said lazily.

"We can't send assassins to China in the short term."

"This incident is too big, almost wiping out all the senior staff of Penguin Group."

"And Penguin Group is one of the top companies in China, and it must have alerted the masters of China's security department."

"If we send people there again, it is likely that we will fall into a trap."

A mafia leader sitting at the top said.

"What about this mission?"

"The sponsor paid a lot of money, and they are a combination of multiple top technology companies."

"If things are not handled well, it will be difficult to cooperate with them in the future."

Someone asked in a deep voice.

"Contact them and say that this is just an accident."

"Two months later, wait until the storm is over."

"We will definitely send the top ace assassin again to shoot the chairman of Huaguo Feixun Company into a sieve."

The mafia leader at the top continued.


Inside an official building in Pengcheng, many official personnel are holding an internal meeting.

"This Penguin Group is really in trouble."

"In just over a month, we have held a special meeting for them.Two meetings."

An official sitting at the top said with a frown.

"Find out whose ID card the high-ranking executive surnamed Ma of Penguin Group is on the killer?"

"Also, how did these killers get guns in China?"

"Our country has such strict control over guns, I didn't expect that they could get guns and so many bullets."

"It's so audacious!"

The official sitting at the top continued to scold.

"We have found out the ID card of the high-ranking executive surnamed Ma of Penguin Group. It came from a dark power master of the Ma family behind Penguin Group."

"But this dark power master has died in a hotel in Magic City."

"And judging from his injuries and the hotel's surveillance, he was also shot by these two international killers."

Someone in the meeting room answered.

"But what I don't understand is that the guns used by the two killers should have been provided by this dark power master surnamed Ma. "

"But why did these two people kill him?"

"Is it like last time, that there was an internal strife in the Ma family?"

He paused and said the question in his heart.

"The Ma family again! ?"

"These hidden families are really lawless!"

"They even provided guns and ammunition to international killers privately!"

"What do they want to do! ?"

"Contact the Ma family and ask whether the behavior of this Ma surnamed dark power master was instructed by them!"

The senior official sitting at the top was a little upset.

"I have already contacted the Ma family."

"But the other party said that the action of the Ma surnamed dark power master this time was just his personal behavior and had nothing to do with the Ma family."

"And not long after, the secretary of the second leader of Pengcheng called me specially."

"He claimed that this incident must have nothing to do with the Ma family and asked me not to think too much. "

The man in the meeting room said again.

"Secretary of the second leader?"


The senior official at the top sighed and stopped asking questions.

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