"Let's get a divorce, we have been married for almost 20 years, from the time we got married to now, the house has been sold, the car is still ten years ago, and now that my son is older, you still lost the money from the sale of the house, I can't hold on"

His wife Liu Faxia whispered with tears.

"Well, I'm sorry for you and my son". Ye Xiaogang said. "I'm sorry, but I also want you and your son to have a good life. I'm sorry

" "Xiaogang, don't speculate in stocks in the future, okay, we will sell the house to you and pay it back for the money you owe, you let me and my son go, and I will lend some of the rest of the money to my son to buy a house." You also find a class. Your mom is getting older, don't let me and your mom worry anymore

" "I'm sorry for you, I agree to a divorce. Xiaoxia. I'm sorry for you." After Ye Xiaogang finished speaking, he took out his household registration book and ID card and said to his wife. "Let's go, let's get a divorce, I'm dragging you down.

Liu Faxia looked at her husband, who had lived together for 20 years, and burst into tears.

"Well, let's go. Ye Xiaogang lowered his head

and said that two hours later

, Ye Xiaogang and Liu Faxia came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau and said to his wife, who had lived together for 20 years, "Xiaoxia, I'm sorry, if I can go back to the past, I will definitely not borrow money to buy stocks." I regret it, I'm most sorry for you and my son, if we hadn't speculated in stocks, our life would not be like this.

"Don't talk about it, my son is getting out of school, I'm going to pick up my son and go to my mother's house." I also gave the house to the intermediary, don't play stocks in the future. Liu Faxia whispered with tears

in her eyes, "Well, you go, I'll go back and take out all the money in the account and pay it back, and I'll pay it back when the house is sold, I'll find a job and take good care of my parents" "

After looking at his wife who had lived for twenty years, he slowly turned his head and walked to the parking lot, his mind was blank. Until it is out of sight.

Turning around and looking at the traffic on the road, Ye Xiaogang turned around and walked home.

At night, I took out all the leftovers in the refrigerator and fried three dishes, and the small half bottle of wine left over from the New Year was opened, thinking that from 2000, I forced my mother to hand over the stock account to myself to speculate in stocks, and in 2000, 130,000 yuan could buy two suites, but in just over a year, there were 20,000 yuan left in the second half of 2001. The girlfriend who had been talking for three years did not dislike getting married, and she didn't even give a bride price, so she got a marriage certificate and didn't do the wedding. A few years later, he was laid off from the factory and borrowed more than 100,000 yuan with a one-time buyout money and entered the stock market, and in 2008, he lost all the money he borrowed. The demolished house was sold before it was repaid.

Unconsciously, I drank most of the bottle of wine, and I felt that my head was getting heavier and heavier in the haze, and my heart slowly pierced my chest like a sharp thorn. It hurt more and more, and suddenly I felt that my body became lighter, and I slowly floated away from my body and floated towards the roof. Confusion ......

My mind flashed like a movie fast shot from school and work to the process of knowing my wife, flashing faster and faster, until this year I borrowed all kinds of small loans to buy stocks, and now I am not even qualified to take out a loan to buy a house for my son, and suddenly I am like a big bell slamming into my heart, my consciousness disappeared completely, and I fell to the ............ under the table

"Xiaogang, I haven't gotten up yet, I'm going to work, follow me to the company. I'll give you the stock account, the securities company is opposite our store"

I heard a familiar voice in a daze, Ye Xiaogang opened his eyes, and suddenly opened his eyes, it was his mother, a young mother.

"Mom," Ye Xiaogang shouted in a low voice.

"It's eight o'clock before I get out of bed," the young mother said, going back to her room to get her bag and bicycle keys.

Ye Xiaogang sat up, and what caught his eye was the small single room he lived in twenty years ago, and outside the window were rows of two-story buildings when they were not demolished twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago? Rolled over and rushed to the small desk, on which the calendar was dated May 2000.

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