Reborn Aristocrat: Oppressing

Vol 5 Chapter 75: Picky eaters can cause malnutrition

In the lobby of Mo Xiuyuan's villa, after all, there are many children in the family, lively and harmonious.

Mo Xiuyuan, Lu Manman and Ye Heng sat on the sofa and watched TV, occasionally looking at the three children over there.

And the three children had a great time together.

No matter what, children will have a child's nature, and there are really not many that are different from birth like Ye Chu did.

Lu Manman returned to his senses and looked at Mo Xiuyuan.

Mo Xiuyuan was chatting with Ye Heng, and the two of them didn't talk about major issues. They were ordinary topics. Mo Xiuyuan felt Lu Manman's gaze and looked back at her, "What's wrong?"

"How did you think of bringing Zixi here?" Lu Manman asked.

Mo Xiuyuan smiled and said, "Zixi called me."

"Did you not hide the fact that you are still alive, Zixi?"

"Don't hide it, but a second person with a convulsive brain is exposed."

And the second person who had no brain convulsions was upset, and he said fiercely, "Why should I and Zixi be kept secret, and why! Why do you treat me like this, why don't I retaliate against you!"

Mo Xiuyuan shrugged.

Seems helpless because he has such two friends.

Lu Manman couldn't help but smile, "In fact, it's not good to hide from Zixi, he is so young, I can see that he is very dependent on you."

"He and A Li are too similar." Mo Xiuyuan said.

When I said that, there was still a trace of sadness deep in my eyes.

After so long, there is still no way to forget.

This is human feelings, given by God, and indelible.

"Ali has relied on me since I was a child. As long as I was at home, he would pester me, just like Zixi. I was very busy back then, and he was taken care of by Nan Yuechun. Whenever I went back, he would try his best to pester me. I, want to stay with me for a while longer, even if I rely on his least favorite homework, sometimes I make mistakes deliberately and hope that I will accompany him more.” Mo Xiuyuan said, seeming to be lost in some contemplation, probably in memory Mo Far from when he was a child, he slowly said, "But Zixi and Ali both know their responsibilities and the mission they need to shoulder, so even if they are acting coquettishly, they also know how to measure. And such a person is really suitable. Candidate for command. Many people say, including Ye Banxian, think I am the most suitable candidate for command, but it is not. My personality is very clear to myself. I can force myself to do something calmly and even unwillingly. Everything is perfect, but I can’t help it. I will reject the unhappy life. Just like this time, I finally chose to leave in a more extreme way. But Zixi won’t, Zixi will do it in the future. Recognize and bear this burden from the heart, and sit firmly in the position of commander-in-chief."

"En." Lu Manman nodded.

Mo Xiuyuan said a lot.

Mo Xiuyuan is very smart, powerful, and capable of being the commander of the Northern Xia Kingdom, but he has a lot of ideas that he does not want to reject and leave. He does not feel that he should stay here for a lifetime. This is what he did in the past. It's a different place from Ali, so Mo Xiuyuan will push Mo Faraway to the position of commander-in-chief without hesitation. Maybe he has never talked about Ali will leave early, and never thought that all the roads that are deeply rooted and paved will be cut like this. It’s the most critical link, but fortunately...

With Mo Zixi.

Take a closer look, Mo Zixi does indeed look like Mo Yuan.

Don't stay away like Mo Xiuyuan.

That's why some people even feel that Mo Zixi is like him.

Mo Xiuyuan seemed to have adjusted his emotions. He pulled Lu Manman's still chubby hand and said, "Zixi called me and said he wanted to see me. I originally planned to come back yesterday, but later made a decision. I decided to bring Zixi to this family and bring it to you. I know you once owed Ali and I also knew that you were afraid that Zixi would hate us because of Nan Yuechun's affairs. I just want you to see, Mo Zixi has been a child who knows right from wrong since he was a child. And my education to him is so good that it exceeds your imagination."

"Are you showing off?" Lu Manman raised his brows.

"What I said is the truth." Mo Xiuyuan bluntly.

Lu Manman snorted.

I was really fortunate that Mo Xiuyuan could think of so much.

Really can think of so many, she feels that ordinary people can't think about it completely.

Mo Xiuyuan is indeed a powerful and fearsome character.

And he really wanted to, for her, retired, and retired ever since.

Looking at Lu Manman, Mo Xiuyuan was a little silent, thinking that he had oversaid, and quickly said, "Yinuo is also very good, and everything is well educated by you. I am very happy that you have educated Yinuo so cute. obedient."

"Cute and good-looking are both born." Lu Manman was speechless.

If you want to praise her, you should find better words.

"Yinuo's personality is also very good." Mo Xiuyuan added, "My education to Zixi is based on his taking the position of commander in chief, so in many cases it will be stricter and more cruel. But Yinuo can be in yours. I am so cheerful under normal education, I am sincerely moved. For me, I don’t need anything, I just need to be happy."

Therefore, I still dislike a promise and won't do anything.

In fact, Yinuo is really not stupid.

She usually looks a little lively and can’t tell that her IQ is actually much higher than that of ordinary people. Her IQ is inherited from Mo Xiuyuan, which is clearly a genius, because she has never particularly wanted to cultivate her high IQ. As a result, she looks just like a normal little girl, and occasionally looks particularly funny. In fact, in her heart, she just wants Yinuo to be a carefree child happily.

"Yinuo makes me feel very warm." Mo Xiuyuan added, speaking very seriously.

In their world, they have experienced too much brilliance and too many disheartening things, and finally being able to return to a warm embrace and feel a warm family is enough, life is enough.

Mo Xiuyuan didn't say many things he wanted to thank, after all.

He hugged Lu Manman in his arms, looking a little bit pampered and affectionate.

Ye Heng sat next to them, his whole person displeased, "Tsk tsk, I'm still sitting here by myself, can't you think about the feeling of being single?"

"Don't advertise yourself as a single aristocrat, okay, you have been married for many years, and your children have been soy sauce. Do you still mean that you are a noble?" Lu Manman couldn't help but said.

Ye Heng's face was bad.

Very bad.

Is it painful to poke him?

Poke him.

Knowing that his marriage was not true, it was not right, and he still went to bed occasionally. It was involuntary, that is, two people lived separately and pressed a marriage certificate.

What kind of marriage is this.

He looked at Lu Manman, who was smiling smugly in Mo Xiuyuan's arms, and said fiercely, "Lu Manman, you have the mind to care about whether someone is single or not, so consider considering yourself as fat. Look at Ashiu. Holding you is like holding a big Buddha, I don’t know if Ashiu is tired or not."

Lu Manman's expression changed at once.

Ye Heng is exactly the same as Gu Xin, always poking her internal injuries.

She looked unhappy.

Mo Xiuyuan's expression became displeased.

Ye Heng received Mo Xiuyuan's eyes and muttered in his heart, what is so great about this beloved wife and crazy demon!

Ye Heng picked up the remote control to switch channels unhappy.

Looking at them with hot eyes, he still can't make him complain, not because his duty is to stay with Mo Zi, he will bring his son here to find anger when he is crazy, and he just presses the stage casually. , Looking at it casually.

Then the TV switched to an entertainment channel in Beixia Country.

Gossip news is being broadcast at the moment.

The name of Tang Yaoyao was mentioned in the news, and the back of Tang Yaoyao was secretly photographed on the TV screen. It was probably taken at night, so the lighting was not good, but people who are familiar with it can recognize it. It is indeed Tang Yaoyao. , She and a man came out of a nightclub, and the two hugged each other, looking extremely close.

The news broadcaster said, "Tang Yaoyao suspects that he has a new relationship. The real boyfriend is the charter of her many cooperations, but the agency of the two people still denies it, saying that it is just a celebration of the film crew. Tang Yaoyao that night The drunk charter sent her back out of courtesy. There is no so-called love affair. And if the two people really get some sparks in the future work together, both parties said that they will tell the fans first and will not hide it."

Then the screen zoomed in on the few photos taken, and it was clear that there was a hand on Tang Yaoyao’s hip in the regulations, which was circled in red by the gossip news, and then Tang Yaoyao was photographed with her head buried. On the chest of the charter, the intimate behavior of two people is hard to believe that there is no substantial love affair. Of course, some media suspect that it is because the new films of both sides are about to be released, so deliberate hype is also very possible.

In fact, not many people dare to really study the truth of the entertainment industry. Sometimes, just look at it and create some entertainment effects.

Gossip news switch to the next one.

Ye Heng still looked at it like this.

In fact, the whole person is really calm. Anyway, the actors in the entertainment industry do everything for the sake of the superior. Tang Yaoyao gave himself to him at the time, also to have a seat in the entertainment industry. On the contrary, he still thinks this is something. Normally, he never thought that Tang Yaoyao would guard him like a jade. Compared to her guards like jade, he actually cared more about whether Tang Yaoyao had plastic surgery. He himself liked Tang Yaoyao’s looks very much, and felt that You don't need to move, but women, especially women who want to do * transactions, will eventually change their body, especially certain status.

He was quite calm when he thought so.

He only felt two eyes around him, looking at him so directly.

He looked terrified.

He turned his head, frowning uncomfortably, "What do you think of me like this?"

The two people still looked at him like this, without closing their eyes.

"Fuck, don't look at me with sympathetic eyes, the most I can't stand is you, I **** feel good. Tang Yaoyao gave me a cuckold or something, bah bah, who said she cuckold me, We are all free people, there is no green hat, OK? What's more, women with me may not be less than men who slept with Tang Yaoyao. Why don't you feel that you are at a disadvantage." Ye Heng felt that what he said was very reasonable.

After speaking, the couple Mo Xiuyuan showed sympathy.

"You don’t understand Brother’s world. Brother, don’t blame you. Like Ashiu, I’ve only tried a woman in my entire life. I’ll never experience the joy of our life and spirits, for example, now we are clearly facing the land. I can’t imagine how you feel like you’re too tired of you but still have to endure you.”

Lu Manman rolled his eyes.

This second item.

Poke her at every turn.

"And I feel that you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want. You don't know how good it will be. I won't tell you the ordinary people, and if you say too much, you won't be jealous." Ye Heng said, picking up the remote control board and changing channels.

He changed channels and watched variety shows.

He glanced at Mo Xiuyuan and Lu Manman secretly, and watched as they flirted and flirted with each other again, and didn't look at him anymore.

These two people are really...

He turned back to watch TV.

Originally, I was busy during this time, and I rarely had time to watch his favorite variety show. At the moment, he was a little absent-minded. It must be the greasy and crookedness of the two that made him uncomfortable, and it would be a bit like sitting on pins and needles.


He felt all kinds of unhappy in his heart but was easy to vent. He was afraid that as soon as he vented as if others had discovered something, he could only bite the bullet and kept trying to make himself watch TV, occasionally he laughed loudly on purpose. He felt his acting skills. Very exaggerated.

I couldn't help gritting my teeth.

Tang Yaoyao, can't he **** restrain this woman? !

Can't you **** be careful when you do things? !

Damn it!

An afternoon was passed away in such a time of joy and joy.

Lu Manman nursed Lu Yicheng on the way, and brought Lu Yicheng down to play for a while. Lu Yicheng is really a very lazy kid. He basically sleeps except eating. He laughed perfunctorily when someone made him laugh, and then went to sleep. .

In the middle of the afternoon, Wang Zhong and Mo Li came back. When Wang Zhong saw that the little commander was coming, he was very busy in the kitchen.

Mo Li was a little upset, but seeing that there were outsiders, it was actually Ye Heng who was not losing her temper, showing her delicacy.

Ye Heng occasionally praised Mo Li.

Lu Manman said that Ye Heng was stupid.

In the evening, it is rare that a large table of people gathered in the dining room of Mo Xiuyuan's villa, of course there were three children.

Several children are well-educated in eating.

Only Mo Yinuo is a bit picky eater, picks out dishes that he doesn't like, and puts them aside.

Lu Manman was a little serious, "Yinuo, you must eat the vegetables you should eat, not just meat."

A promise squeezed his mouth.

But she just doesn't like carrots or this kind of vegetables.

She was a little wronged.

She just likes vegetables like potatoes.

Lu Manman picked up some carrots and put them in Yinuo's bowl. "Carrots contain a lot of vitamins. If you eat them, they are good for your skin. You can be beautiful in the future. Be good. Eat more."

"I don't want to eat..." Mo Yinuo almost cried looking at the carrots in his bowl.

She really doesn't like eating.

Mo Xiuyuan couldn't see Yinuo's grievances, and said to Lu Manman, "Forget it, don't hold her to eat. There are not many children who don't like to eat, let alone I don't eat carrots..."

"Then you can eat more and be a good example." As he said, Lu Manman took a large carrot and put it on Mo Xiuyuan's dinner plate.

Mo Xiuyuan wanted to cry without tears.

You know he never touches carrots.

Ye Heng was gloating beside him.

Sure enough, someone had to be trained to Mo Xiuyuan, otherwise, how could it be so happy.

Thinking of these years seems to have been calculated by Mo Xiuyuan, and finally feel at ease.

"Next time I won't copy carrots." Wang Zhong didn't expect that a carrot would cause such a "blood case", and he said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, Steward Wang, I like to eat it. You will copy two more copies when I come here. You see, I eat so much." Ye Heng, the second product, is definitely deliberate.

It is rare for Lu Manman to stand on Ye Heng's side and say, "The nutrition must be balanced, and Steward Wang does not have to worry about the taste of someone or two of them, which affects everyone's nutritional intake."

"Oh." Wang Zhong nodded.

Mo Xiuyuan pursed his lips just like that, and then he might as well eat carrots.

Mo Yinuo also eats better than life, and the tender little mouth is about to cry in minutes.

Mo Zixi sat on the right hand of Yinuo. He was smiling than Yinuo but his observation ability was much better than Yinuo. He quickly pushed out his small bowl, "Sister Yinuo, if you don’t like it, give it to me. , I will help you eat."

Mo Yinuo's small face was excited, and she blinked, "Really? Brother Zixi, do you want to help me eat?"

"En. I'll help you eat everything you don't like." Mo Zixi said flatly.

Mo Yinuo turned his head and glanced at Lu Manman.

Lu Manman was not good at talking about Mo Yinuo, because he was afraid of hurting Mo Zixi.

Mo Yinuo saw that her mother didn't respond, so she carefully picked the carrots out of the bowl and put them into Mo Zixi's small bowl.

And no one found out.

When Mo Zixi pushed out his small bowl, Ye Chu, who was sitting on the left hand side of Yinuo, made a small move, but he was a step late, and then he didn’t speak anymore. He bowed his head and picked up the rice. Especially well-behaved, especially educated.

The meal ended in a very harmonious atmosphere.

Ye Heng looked at it too early, and he stayed here to keep an eye on the little commander of Mo Zixi, and to bring his son to accompany Zixi. He was really afraid that he would be here. Embarrassing, now that Zixi and Yinuo get along so friendly, there is no such worry, plus, where Mo Xiuyuan is there, Mo Zixi can't do anything more, so he left with Ye Chu.

Mo Yinuo was still a little bit reluctant, watching Ye Chu be taken away by Uncle Ye with eager eyes.

Fortunately, Mo Zixi still played with her at home and didn't say he was leaving, so he quickly cleared up her sad emotions and played with Mo Zixi.

Ye Chu turned his head and took a look when he left, and then saw that Mo Yinuo was very happy and had a great time with Mo Zixi. The expression of disappointment just now was actually pretended, Mo Yinuo was born as a small person. actor.

He turned his head and followed in his father's footsteps.

Ye Heng rarely noticed his son's expression and joked, "Is there a sense of crisis and knows that Xiaoyinuo is very popular?!"

"No, I don't like her. She is so stupid and picky eaters. She will be malnourished when she grows up." Ye Chu said righteously.

Ye Heng pursed his lips.

Is this his own birth?

No matter how he felt that his son's IQ was totally incompatible with him!

Ye Heng and Ye Chu left.

Mo Yinuo and Mo Zixi played until 8:30 in the evening.

Lu Manman urged them, "I'm going to bed, I promise to go to school early tomorrow, and Zi Xi will return to the Imperial Capital tomorrow, so I can't play anymore."

"Can't you just play for a while? It took so long for me to recognize Zixi's siblings!" Mo Yinuo said very emotionally.

What is called……

Sister and brother recognize each other? !

This is the effect of watching too much TV series!

She was speechless and serious, "Yinuo is obedient."

"Okay." Mo Yinuo got up from the ground.

Mo Zixi also stood up obediently, standing next to Mo Yinuo.

Mo Zixi is smaller than Mo Yinuo, but about the same size.

Both of them have dark green eyes, and some of the ecology is really similar.

"Mom, am I sleeping next to you and Dad tonight?" Mo Yinuo asked.

"Well, sleep next to Dad." Mo Xiuyuan who was far away seemed to hear it and said loudly.

Anyway, as long as Mo Yinuo came over, Mo Xiuyuan would let Yinuo sleep with him.

Lu Manman pursed his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Mo Yinuo cheered, "Yeah, I can sleep with Dad again, and play games with Dad again. I love Dad the most."

As he said, he ran with his little short legs and rushed into Mo Xiuyuan's arms over there.

Mo Zixi just looked at the closeness between Mo Xiuyuan and Mo Yinuo. The little man was a little lonely. Lu Manman took Mo Zixi's hand, "Would you like to sleep with us?"

"Yes, okay?" Mo Zixi blushed and lowered his head.

He has never slept with his parents, he has always been alone.

"Of course." Lu Manman nodded.

"Thanks, thank you Auntie." Mo Zixi's small eyes looked forward to, but he didn't dare to be too obvious.

It is estimated that he was educated by Mo Xiuyuan since he was a child, and he must be quiet when doing anything.

But he is only a 4-year-old child after all.

Some emotions can't be hidden.

She took Zixi by the hand and walked to the father and daughter who were having fun on the sofa, and said, "The four of us are sleeping together tonight. Now let's take a bath for Yinuo and Zixi."

Mo Xiuyuan nodded.

He didn't refuse Zixi to sleep with them either.

The family went upstairs.

Lu Manman went to the bathroom to release water to bathe the child.

Mo Xiuyuan accompanied Yinuo to find her little pajamas. Yi Nuo smashed it for a long time. He took the only set of pajamas that was not pink, but it was obviously a girl’s pajamas and handed it to Zixi, "Brother Zixi , Will you wear your sister’s sleep tonight, okay?"

"En." Mo Zixi nodded.

Mo Yinuo found another one for himself, "Dad, shall I wear this one?"

"Okay," Mo Xiuyuan petted.

"Will it be cute?"

"My daughter looks good in everything." Mo Xiuyuan praised without hesitation.

The little girl likes to be praised, her small mouth is close to Mo Xiuyuan's cheek, "Dad is also the most handsome."

Mo Yinuo has a high EQ since childhood.

This really followed Mo Xiuyuan.

She quickly said again, "Brother Zixi will grow up to be as handsome as his father."

Mo Zixi smiled shyly.

Obviously happy to be praised.

"Why can't it come. The water is ready." Lu Manman urged loudly, "Mo Xiuyuan, bring your kids here."

"Here." Mo Xiuyuan replied.

"Sister takes a shower first. You are a boy, so women are given priority." Mo Xiuyuan said.

"Good." Mo Zixi nodded quickly.

He really likes sister Yinuo.

Mo Xiuyuan touched Mo Zixi's head rewardingly, and took Yinuo to the bathroom first.

In the bathroom, Mo Yinuo stripped herself completely and insisted on her father to help her take a bath. After being scolded by Lu Manman for a while, he sat in the bathtub unhappily, letting Lu Manman clean her, her little mouth pouted. Old tall.

Lu Manman did not calm Mo Yinuo's emotions either.

Anyway, it will heal automatically in a while.

For example, after she helped her take a shower and took her out from the bathroom to dry her body, dry her hair and put on her pajamas, she pulled Mo Zixi in vigorously, and told Mo Zixi that her mother’s bath was the most comfortable and warmest. In fact, Lu Manman knew that Mo Yinuo's little girl was afraid that Mo Xiuyuan would wash Mo Zixi, and she would be jealous.

Lu Manman was really speechless. Mo Yinuo was thinking carefully.

She looked up at Mo Xiuyuan, and Mo Xiuyuan was asking her with his eyes. Lu Manman nodded slightly and let him go out with a promise.

Lu Manman and Mo Zixi were left in the bathroom.

Mo Zixi was a little bit shy, he didn't take off his clothes for a long time, and his cheeks were red.

"Undress yourself, Auntie will change the water for you." Lu Manman also knew Mo Zixi's embarrassment, turned and walked to the side.

Mo Zixi's face was red.

He watched Lu Manman turn around before he got up and unzipped his clothes.

Lu Manman put the water down and turned around.

Mo Zixi had walked up to her cleverly, and her little hand was embarrassed to cover his key parts.

Lu Manman held back his laugh.

Let him enter the bathtub.

She knelt down to help him clean.

He has not let go of his hands, his blushing face is too cute.

After Lu Manman helped him wash his whole body, avoiding the place he was blocking with his hands, she said, "Zixi, you free up one hand, and Auntie will give you some foam, so you can clean the place you are holding by yourself. Okay, wash it up."

"Yes." Mo Zixi nodded, but also let out a sigh of relief.

She squeezed a little baby shower gel on his little hand.

Mo Zixi cleaned it up by himself, washing it very seriously.

Looking at her appearance, Lu Manman couldn't help but asked, "Zixi, do you dislike Auntie very much?"

Mo Zixi was startled, then shook his head, "No."

"Auntie is actually very worried that you can't accept auntie." Lu Manman smiled very well, but after all he had some emotions that could not be suppressed.

Sometimes I even want to be better against Zixi, but I am afraid, he is actually just showing acceptance.

Deep down in my heart, she should be rejected.

"Dad and you are very happy. I have never seen my dad smile like this when my dad and my mom are together." Mo Zixi said suddenly, with a serious expression, "Daddy told me that there are so many grown-ups that I don’t want. I understand the relationship but I can understand it when I grow up. I admire my dad very much. I think what he said is right. I want to see my dad happy. My dad doesn’t have much time to laugh, and my mom always forces I wanted my father to change for her. I knew that my father didn't like my mother."

Lu Manman didn't expect that Mo Zixi knew so much in his heart.

"I know that other people also have many families like this, that is, father and mother have to be together because they are willing to be together. In fact, they have no feelings. And I know that father likes you, because every time he sees you and sees me My mother's eyes are different. I often want to persuade my mother, but my mother won't listen. She is very stubborn." Mo Zixi speaks and thinks clearly.

This child has received more things than others since he was a child.

Since I was young, I have been much better than others.

"My mother is lying on the hospital bed now, motionless. Dad said that my mother has become a vegetative and may not be able to open her eyes in the future. I asked Dad why her mother could not die properly. Wouldn't it be more painful for her? I said, everything about my mother waits for me to grow up, and I really have my own thinking and my own ideas to deal with one thing independently, let me make a decision, decide whether to give up my mother's life. Auntie "Mo Zixi called her and looked at her, "Do you think it's right for Dad to do this?"

"Yes, Zi Xi." At that moment, Lu Manman was a little flattered. She didn't expect that Zi Xi would ask her for her opinion. She said, "You are still young now. Some things may be considered at your current age. I don't know, but there is no regret medicine for ending life. Your dad just wants you and treats it more maturely. No matter what, please believe your dad, he really loves you. I really want to think more about you, and I really want to make you better. Auntie also asks you not to blame your father, and take his place in advance."

"Auntie who won't, I am very happy to be able to bear this burden for my father." Mo Zixi affirmed.

This appearance made Lu Manman suddenly think of A Li at that time.

A Li also said this. A Li said that he had lived involuntarily since he was a child, but then he was really fortunate that his existence allowed his brother to fly freely.

This father and son.

It was so plain and plain, which gave her a great emotional conflict.

Her eyes couldn't help but flush.

Red, tears really flowed out uncontrollably.

"Auntie, did I say something wrong?" Mo Zixi asked worriedly looking at Lu Manman's appearance.

Lu Manman touched his head, soothing, "Zixi, auntie thinks you are really great."

------Off-topic ------

The little house caught a glimpse.

Xiaozhai decided to carry out the second more to the end.

In other words, the 27th will be more appropriate.

So Xiaozhai won't say anything about the second watch, you know it!


About 8 o'clock.

What group?

The little house floats away...

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