Reborn Aristocrat: Oppressing

Vol 6 Chapter 4: I'll return the money to you, don't find me

"Do you just reject me like that?!" Ye Heng's cold voice sounded like that in such a narrow space.

Facing Ye Heng's anger, Tang Yaoyao bit her lips tightly and did not speak.

It seemed that this was the first time she had known Ye Heng for so many years, and she dared to refuse.

So she really didn't know how to face the current situation. She knew that Ye Heng should be very angry now, and if she said something to make him angry at this time, she didn't know what the consequences would be.

She just sat there, dead still, unable to speak a word.

"Tang Yaoyao." Ye Heng's patience was always limited. Facing her silence, his voice became colder again.

Tang Yaoyao lowered his head, some of his tense fingers were knotted.

"I don't know how to speak to the gold master?" Ye Heng asked her somewhat sarcastically.

"Yeah." Tang Yaoyao nodded.

I really don't know.

Ye Heng smiled, so honest this time? !

He pursed his lips.

I don’t know why, it’s obviously raging and I’m going to explode just a second ago, but at this moment, there is no emotion. Not only that, but looking at Tang Yaoyao’s appearance at this moment, I still want to laugh. .

He felt that he was really nervous.

All the actions tonight are somewhat inexplicable.

When I met Wu Yifan on the plane in the morning and agreed to come to the banquet, he felt that he had really started to have convulsions again, and now, it seems that the convulsions are getting worse.

His eyes just looked at Tang Yaoyao in front of him.

Seeing her like a child doing something wrong, her body suddenly feels itchy.

He never denied that he could emit hormones to any magnetic species, so he never concealed his love for bed matters, and now he has that kind of uncontrollable impulse again, especially remembering the last time he was in the car Inside, although simple and rude, he has endless aftertastes.

Inexplicable will be endless aftertaste.

He stretched out his hand.

Tang Yaoyao didn't know that Ye Heng would behave suddenly, and gave a startled "Ah".

In the next second, I felt that I had embraced Ye Heng, and his breath was full of familiar smells, which lingered around her, and Ye Heng had already embraced her before she had any resistance. She kissed her lips directly, deeply.

He didn't know why, but he would think of the chart of kissing Tang Yaoyao...

damn it.

Ye Heng suddenly bit Tang Yaoyao.

Tang Yaoyao was in pain, her tears could not be controlled.

Not only tears, but the body is also out of control.

She is very repulsive, that is, very repulsive, increasingly repelling Ye Heng.

She really endured it before. She always felt that she was a sane person. She always knew that she would never offend anyone if she wanted to stand in one place, especially Ye Heng, so she always forced herself to go. Accept everything Ye Heng wants, including accepting his assault, including taking the initiative to please everything...

After all, she kept telling herself that back then she took the initiative to undress and undress to find Ye Hengqian's rules. If she comes to reject it now, it seems that she is really hypocritical and ironic.

She just endured it, enduring Ye Heng's passion for kissing her.

His tongue drove straight in, always in her lips, deep, entangled...

She knew from the very beginning that Ye Heng’s skills were very good. This kind of man who has experienced many battles does not just want a woman to please him in bed. He also cares about the man the other person feels. , But today, the more sophisticated Ye Heng's skills are, the more she becomes disgusted.

It's true, disgusting.

But she endured.

She thought it was only half an hour at most, and after half an hour passed, she would be at peace again for a while.

She has been letting herself bear it.

I felt that Ye Heng put her down on the back chair. This time she was not as rude as last time, so this time she was not directly pressed to the ground, and the back seat of the car was particularly comfortable, being pressed. It will not be as stiff as last time.


Although she found a lot of reasons, but in fact, the sense of rejection is no different from that day.

She felt that Ye Heng hadn't done too much foreplay, so she pulled down her pants.

That second at the same time.

Tang Yaoyao suddenly clamped his legs tightly together.

Ye Heng frowned.

He broke her legs apart.

Tang Yaoyao didn't have much strength, but he just refused, obviously refused.

Ye Heng's face was obviously not good.

With a little effort, Tang Yaoyao's legs were forced to separate.

Next second...

"Young Master Ye, I don't want to do it." Tang Yaoyao spoke again.

Ye Heng looked at her fiercely.

"I really don't want to do it." Tang Yaoyao said again.

When Ye Heng hadn't really done anything to her, she felt that she couldn't control it.

She really didn’t want to let Ye Heng touch him. She would feel that he was dirty inexplicably. Of course, she didn’t think she was clean, but she really thought he was too dirty. Last time she felt sick for at least a month. Thinking of his ignorance, she even secretly asked her assistant Xiaorong to book a private account for her to do a series of gynecological examinations. After getting the results, she was normal and she slightly forgot the touch that she gave her that night. It's too much like this again tonight.

"Tang Yaoyao, in what capacity are you talking to me now?" Ye Heng's indifferent voice sounded fiercely in her ears.

Tang Yaoyao moved his body.

She thought at least she should sit up.

She is also embarrassed in such a posture.

Obviously, her resistance was ineffective, and Ye Heng had no intention of letting go of her at all.

She pursed her lips and said, "Some relationships are mutual. For example, if I please you, you benefit me. But now, I haven't got any benefits from you for a long time, so I think I don't need to please you. Even, bear you to sleep with me."

"Really?" Ye Heng sneered.

He looked at the woman in front of him, looked at her so fat tonight, with a cold face, "Are you saying that I haven't benefited you for a long time?"

"I did not mean that."

"You know my Young Master Ye has always been arrogant, and generally won't refuse a woman's request. Just Jiangnan, I gave her 2 million, how much do you want?"

Tang Yaoyao actually wanted to laugh.

Jiangnan’s "appearance price" in the entertainment industry is no more than 500,000, and even if he wins a grand prize now, it is no more than 800,000. Sure enough, Ye Heng is a fool with a lot of money.

But she didn't want to remind him either.

She smiled and said, "I don't want it."

Ye Heng's face seemed even worse.

"I really don't want it. I just want Mr. Ye to let me go. I really don't want to do it. I will also ask Mr. Ye not to come to me in the future. In fact, in addition to many famous female artists in the entertainment industry, there are many unknown but absolutely consistent. Ye Gongzi’s woman, if Ye Gongzi needs it, I can help you introduce it.” Tang Yaoyao said every word, really sincerely.

She thinks so, at least Ye Heng shouldn't hate her so much, at least she can develop in the entertainment circle in the future.

Even if she is tired of Ye Heng, she still has to understand the identity and status of the other party.

But after she said those words, Ye Heng in front of her was somewhat silent.

Tang Yaoyao did not dare to take the initiative to speak, so she also remained silent, waiting for Ye Heng's next second reaction.

Ye Heng really took a long time to speak, "Tang Yaoyao, who are you defending yourself like a jade for?"

Tang Yaoyao was startled.

Ye Heng's thinking is really fast enough.

"The charter just now?"

"No, I just feel physically uncomfortable, and I don't need to be like a jade to anyone." She is not stupid, so she knows that she can't stimulate a man's self-esteem at any time. She will never presume any man before Ye Heng, otherwise Would die miserably.

"The charter skills are better than mine?" Ye Heng asked her.

"I have nothing to do with the charter. We are just ordinary friends, so I don't know."

"Really?" Ye Heng sneered.

The tone is distinctly disbelief.

Tang Yaoyao also heard it, and felt that he could not explain it clearly, but only repeated again, "We are really just ordinary friends."

we? !

Ye Heng felt that the word "we" was harsh at the moment.

His slender fingers touched her chest, "The regulations have touched here."

Tang Yaoyao pressed her lips.

His fingers touched her buttocks again, "I've touched it here too, haven't you?"

Tang Yaoyao was a little speechless.

"These are still some pictures taken by the reporter. What did you do for the pictures that weren't taken?" Ye Heng asked her every word.

She can say that the reason why she and the articles of association were photographed was because the brokerage company deliberately let them speculate. In fact, many of them were borrowed, but she really felt that the explanation was not clear. Ye Heng would not believe it after explaining it, not to mention that even if there is no private To do this, in the process of filming, it is true that close contact with the charter is indispensable, and she does not need to pretend.

She just gritted her teeth and chose to remain silent.

She thought that if Ye Heng asked a few times, it would be so dull that he would no longer be aggressive towards her.

"Tang Yaoyao, you really can easily offend me!" Ye Heng said fiercely, and then prepared to approach.

Tang Yaoyao also discovered his actions.

At this moment, her arms were hard, her hips moved back, and she avoided.

She pulled up her pants.

She really doesn't want to do it tonight.

I really don't want to do it.

She didn't know why she was so stunned, as if she had suppressed the emotions in her heart for a long time, at this moment, the ghost was excited.

Seeing Tang Yaoyao's rejection and seeing her obvious rejection, Ye Heng became more and more angry.

He who is paralyzed doesn't mind if she sleeps under other men, is she actually embarrassed to refuse him? !

Embarrassed? !

I really don't want to live anymore.

The most unbearable thing about him is being treated like this, so he started to be rude again.

There is no woman in this world that he wants but can't get.

Tang Yaoyao is really too ignorant of the height of the sky, and he can die very ugly as long as he moves his fingers a little.

He squeezed Tang Yaoyao, who had been resisting, under his body severely, simply keeping him motionless under him without any further effort.

Tang Yaoyao looked at Ye Heng like that.

Looking at his gloomy face, with some ironic smile.

And his body's reaction is really clear, clearly under her...

"Ye Heng, I have had enough!" Tang Yaoyao suddenly roared.

Ye Heng really stopped at that moment.

It was because of Tang Yaoyao's sudden tantrum.

Even if it was a resistance just now, Tang Yaoyao didn't dare to treat him like this. At this moment, through the faint light, he saw the real anger on Tang Yaoyao's face.

She said, "With so many women, do you have to come to me?! I admit that you helped me before, but that was all a long time ago. I can now develop to where I am now, all of them It has nothing to do with you! What's more, I have repaid you for your help before. I accompany you to sleep unconditionally. Unconditionally, I was called in exchange for it when you wanted it. After so long, I I feel that I have already sat down. I don’t want to continue this relationship with you now, and I don’t want anything from you. Let me go!"

Anyway, it's all said.

Tang Yaoyao thought, she had already done this anyway, it would be better to do it all at once.

No matter what the consequences will be after this time, at least she doesn't have to worry about Ye Heng coming to her anymore.

She really, from the bottom of her heart, bored this man very much.

She felt that she might not be able to mention any good feelings to him in her life.

"Tang Yaoyao, are you not afraid that I will destroy all you have now?"

"I'm afraid, because I'm afraid that I will always please you so much, otherwise I will not go to bed with you long ago. I won't want it when you say you want it. If you want to, you will go to me. Ye Heng, you must I think you are very skilled, right?!"

Ye Heng's face was gloomy.

So not anymore.

"Perhaps so." Tang Yaoyao said, bluntly, "but what advantage can there be? There are so many men in this world who will please women and behave well with women, and you are only one of them. Even if you are No matter how good your skills are, it just means that you are just one of the men, no matter how good your skills are. What can you do?"


Tang Yaoyao is really not afraid of death.

"I really don't want to do it with you now, and I don't want to get any benefit from you. I hope that we will be strangers like this. For Ye Chu, I will try my best to be a mother. Others, I hope Ye Gongzi still keeps a distance from me."

"Tang Yaoyao." Ye Heng suddenly pinched her chin fiercely.

Tang Yaoyao felt a slight pain.

Slowly, I feel a lot of pain.

Ye Heng gritted his teeth and said, "It really is, the wings are growing hard!"

Tang Yaoyao did not speak.

Clenching her teeth to endure the pain Ye Heng brought to her.

"Say, did the unspoken rule come to a strong man on the bed, eh?"

Tang Yaoyao just didn't speak.

"Don't tell me?" Ye Heng asked her, with sordid eyes and a hideous expression.

Tang Yaoyao was a little frightened.

She closed her eyes.

"Tang Yaoyao, you really irritated me!"

In the next second, Ye Heng went to her again.

So her resistance just now really counts.

And this man was even more rough this time, and she had been gritting her teeth almost all the time.

The pain made her speechless.

After Ye Heng vented, his mood was still very unhappy.

Thinking of what Tang Yaoyao said to him just now, what he said, so many men with good bed skills are just one of them.

Doesn't the meaning of this sentence mean that Tang Yaoyao has experienced a lot of men with very good skills? !

He looked hard at the woman under him who bit her lip and turned white, and watched her put on her clothes hard after he finished venting. He was not talking, but there was something obvious on his face. Disgust that can be seen.


This woman hated him and hated his body.

Damn it.

Ye Heng had all kinds of unhappiness in his heart, but he didn't vent his temper at that moment.

The car is very quiet.

At this moment, the driver doesn't know the destination, so he can only drive non-stop on the street, back and forth in circles.

Tang Yaoyao put her clothes on, and she was really enduring the sticky feeling of her body very uncomfortably. She said, "Master Ye, you gave me a role back then, and then you gave me 2 million, plus Interest, and other things, I will give you 10 million back, is that enough?"

Ye Heng was stunned for a second.

He frowned and looked at Tang Yaoyao.

What's the nerve of this woman.

"Although I have been mixing well in the entertainment industry these years, I actually don't make much money. My contract share is not high. Then sometimes I have to pay for some packaging for public relations in order to manage the relationship. So I also I don’t have much money to save. Ten million is a lot for me. This is almost all my income from deposits in the past few years. I have to sell a house I invested in before to be able to make up so much money."

So what does she want to do? !

Ye Heng looked at Tang Yaoyao fiercely.

"I'll give you all the money, don't come to me. I thank you for your help back then." Tang Yaoyao said seriously.

Ye Heng just looked at her like that.

Just looked at her coldly.

For a moment, this woman wanted to give him money and then return when he had helped her.

Predictably, Tang Yaoyao really only regarded him as an unspoken object.


I feel a little unhappy.

I feel a little unhappy.

I was so upset that I wanted to strangle Tang Yaoyao.

But he can't show it.

I always feel that it will be particularly low when showing up. He is the little prince in the nightclub. Does it really feel that he will stalk any woman...


Tang Yaoyao watched Ye Heng kept silent, her face getting colder and colder, she couldn't help but said again, "Are you too little?"

"So you think I'm really short of money Tang Yaoyao?!" Ye Heng gritted his teeth.

Don't force him.

In a hurry, he would really kill Tang Yaoyao and then throw the corpse directly into the wilderness.

Seeing is clear.

Of course Tang Yaoyao knew that he was not short of money.

But she took the initiative to approach him for his money. Now she leaves first. Isn't it fair to leave with money? !

At least it's fair to her.

"Young Master Ye, what do you need?" Tang Yaoyao asked him.

"What do you think I can need from you?!" Ye Heng sarcastically, "I suddenly feel that you are also very reasonable. There are so many men and women in this world. You can find a man with better skills than me. Of course I You can also find women who are much better than you."

"Yeah." Tang Yaoyao nodded quickly, it was rare that Ye Heng could figure it out.

Ye Heng looked at her and nodded, his depressed mood became even more angry.

Damn it.

He knew that Tang Yaoyao had found another man with better skills than him.

That's why he hated him and touched her.

"So you really don't want me to touch you anymore?" Ye Heng asked her seriously.

Tang Yaoyao nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "I also hope that Ye Gongzi can achieve it. In fact, there are really many female stars in the entertainment circle that meet your appetite, and many people hope to have unspoken rules, especially many newcomers, their bodies It’s also relatively clean. Unlike Jiangnan, there are too many men who have slept in Jiangnan. Try to wear a cover when you are doing it with her. It is also a kind of protection for your body."

Does he still need her to remind him of this? !

"Hey, when I say so much, I just want to say that you are still very popular in the entertainment industry, and many people are waiting for you to follow the unspoken rules. As for me..." Tang Yaoyao smiled, "I don't need to dive right now. The rules are set, because the development is quite good. Although this may be a little selfish, I also have my own plan for my life. I also hope that Ye Gongzi will not really embarrass me."

"What is your plan?" Ye Heng asked her.

"Just acting well in the entertainment industry."

"and then?"

"Get the award I want."

"And then?"

"Maybe one day I may really leave the entertainment industry, and I will find a man to be a husband and a child." Tang Yaoyao said, "but those are all too far away, and all I can think of right now is to make a good film."

"Do you have such a big conflict with me when you make a good filming?" Ye Heng really kissed his teeth.

Where did he hinder her life plan.

"No, it's because I don't want to sell my body anymore." Tang Yaoyao smiled, "You may find it ridiculous when you say it, but in fact, many artists have been subjected to unspoken rules before, if they are true Once it develops, I think about putting the clothes that I took off again."

Ye Heng really found it ridiculous.

It seems that a woman is really a bitch, and she still has a chastity memorial.

"Since you are talking about it, just do it with you. I never force any woman." Ye Heng said every word.

When Tang Yaoyao heard it, her heartfelt joy really radiated from the depths of her inner life. Even the rude treatment she had just received by Ye Heng felt worth it. No matter what, she was really afraid of offending Ye Heng. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Heng was even more upset, but after he agreed, he was really upset to see Tang Yaoyao's heartfelt joy.

Is getting rid of him so happy? !


"By the way, Young Master Ye." Tang Yaoyao said, "Look at our divorce..."

"You find Ye Banxian about this matter. Getting married was not what I wanted. He promised me and immediately went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with you." Ye Heng said coldly, unhappy.

"Oh." Tang Yaoyao nodded.

I also know that the marriage is indeed because of Ye Banxian. Ye Heng looks carefree, but he is very filial.

She figured it out. She waited for a while, or waited for Ye Chu to be a little bit more happy before mentioning divorce. Anyway, she had been married for so many years, and she really didn’t mean to rush to marry another person. .

Maybe Ye Heng will take the initiative to divorce her one day, which will save her more trouble.

Thinking of this, Tang Yaoyao couldn't help but smile.

Ye Heng couldn't figure it out, what on earth is this woman so happy about? Is he so annoying about her? !

The more I think about it, the more I become angry.

He suddenly asked the driver to stop.

"Get off!" Ye Heng faced Tang Yaoyao.

Tang Yaoyao was startled.

"Get out of the car." Ye Heng repeated, "Since everyone is too old to talk to each other, what qualifications do you have to sit in my limousine?"

Tang Yaoyao felt that Ye Heng made a lot of sense.

She hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car. She wanted to say goodbye.

I saw Ye Heng suddenly stretched out his hand to close the car door, banged, and then the car drove away.

She pursed her lips.

Ye Heng's temper is still the same.


Finally got rid of this man.

She really couldn’t be in a good mood. She really didn’t expect it to go so smoothly. She looked around. Fortunately, the street was very deserted now, and no one really noticed her. She reached out and took a taxi back. To the apartment.

Take a good bath tonight, wash yourself inside and out, and then go for a gynecological examination.

I always feel that life is better from now on.

And Ye Heng.

Ye Heng, who was full of fire, sat in the car, feeling upset with all kinds of hairs.

Tang Yaoyao just said so much and said it so high-sounding, in fact, he didn't really listen to it in his heart, so he confirmed the fact that Tang Yaoyao must be in bed with a man with better skills than him. Relationship, it will be so repulsive and disgusting to him.

Damn it.

How good is it, how good is it? !

How many times can I let her do that in one night!


The more I think about it, the less it feels, the more I think about it, the more I want to kill Tang Yaoyao's woman.

The first time I was questioned my abilities, and the first time I was questioned.

Thinking of him, Ye Gongzi, who has been in the night market for so many years, has a reputation for being so famous, and he was hit so hard by Tang Yaoyao, the firewood girl...

What a fuck, what a fuck!

He took out his phone, thought about it, and wanted to call, "Axiu."

"What time is it for Ye Heng?" Some indifferent voice came from there.

"I want to drink." Ye Heng said.

"What time is it now?" continued to ask over there.


Ye Heng hung up the phone.

It's just 11 or 12 o'clock in the evening.

I'm not afraid of cramps when I go to bed so early.

He flipped through his mobile phone address book again.

I don't know, he only now remembered how many years he hadn't had fun with his friends, but he didn't feel abnormal.


He is now Chief Ye, a bunch of corrupt old officials, chanting scriptures in his ears like crazy every day, saying that he should pay attention to his behavior, especially his private life!

Forget it.

Who made him suffer like this.

The so-called celestial will be the same as the people...

He asked the driver to drive directly back to the villa.

He thought he had always been heartless, maybe after two days, he couldn't remember that Tang Yaoyao was the fairy in the silk cave after all!

Tang Yaoyao also felt that she and Ye Heng would never have anything to do with each other anymore. When she went to see Ye Chu, she would also call the servant in advance. If Ye Heng was with her, she would try to avoid him. Eyes, and then two people had better never have the opportunity to meet again.

She really always planned that way.

But she really didn't expect that when she went to the Imperial Capital to join the crew on the first day of filming, she saw Ye Heng sitting on the set.

Sitting swaggering in the pomp.

But it feels like 10,000 grass and mud horses floating overhead.

She glanced at Ye Heng.

Ye Heng gave her a look too.

The two people looked at each other, and they separated naturally in the next second.

Tang Yaoyao felt that it was also possible that Ye Heng was fancying which female star of their crew.

She went to the dressing room to make-up.

The personal make-up artist who helped Tang Yaoyao put on makeup said gossiping, "Yaoyao, did you just see Young Master Ye? Sitting next to Director Wu."

"Uh, I seem to have seen it."

"I don't know why he came to the crew suddenly. It seems that he came here early in the morning, and then he and Director Wu have been sitting and chatting together." The makeup artist said, "Everyone is telling you that Ye Gongzi might have been watching someone from the crew. An actress."

Tang Yaoyao guessed it too.

"I don't know if it is Jiangnan." The makeup artist said, "I heard that Ye Gongzi seems to have a very close relationship with Jiangnan."

Tang Yaoyao smiled.

She didn't know either.

However, Jiangnan's tricks to please men are absolutely superb. It is only natural for people like Ye Heng to be bewitched by her, but I don't know if Ye Heng listens to her advice, and remember to wear a condom when doing it.

"I don't want it to be Jiangnan." The makeup artist lowered her voice, and said some gloat. "If it were other female artists, Jiangnan would probably jump up, and the picture would be good."

"You are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

"Whoever makes Jiang Nan so coquettish all day is that he really wants to look naked when he sees a man. There may not be many people in the circle who have a good impression of her, of course, except for the man who accompanies her to bed. I always think Jiang Nan can get it. The role of the female number two is probably the reason why the director slept." The makeup artist speculated.

Who knows what Jiangnan has done.

Anyway, being able to win the Best Actress Award was originally a matter of unclear explanation.

Tang Yaoyao and the makeup artist just wanted to talk a bit.

Because it's not a fashion show, it actually made Tang Yaoyao a little uglier than when she didn't wear makeup.

She put on her makeup and watched her lines for a while, and someone from the staff came over and told her to start filming her first scene.

She picked up the script and went out.

As soon as I walked out, I saw Ye Heng standing there, directly facing her.

She pursed her lips and walked towards the director.

Ye Heng glanced at Tang Yaoyao, then suddenly smiled.

I really didn't expect this woman to be so ugly after removing her makeup.

Could it be that when they went to bed, this woman was still wearing makeup, and as expected, the female artists were quite scary.

Thinking about it this way, I felt a little more comfortable in my heart.

Tang Yaoyao didn't know what Ye Heng was thinking.

She and the director discussed how to shoot the first scene. Tang Yaoyao has always been serious about his work.

The two seemed to have reached a consensus, and Tang Yaoyao began to film her first scene.

Wu Yifan's play is always standing on the body of a small person to reflect a real problem in society. In the play, she acts as a migrant worker who has no culture and comes out of the countryside and wants to work in the city. From being innocent and having no time to being forced by life to be dyed in many colors by the dye vat of the metropolis, she is a movie very close to reality. , With Wu Yifan's usual black humor.

The first scene is to film her from the countryside into the city, and encounter the discrimination and resentment of the city people.

Ye Heng had never seen Tang Yaoyao filming.

This is really the first time I saw her acting, she was still talking to the director in the last second, and the next second was really an "action". She instantly entered the role, completely like a different person. Similarly, Ye Heng was really surprised.

He sat next to Wu Yifan and looked into the camera. Tang Yaoyao explained the protagonist and even the details of the movie very well. The habits and habits of those rural talents, Tang Yaoyao seemed to radiate from his body. Not feeling any contrived elements in her, Ye Heng had always thought that filming should be done in the later stages of technical repairs, but he didn't expect that Tang Yaoyao's acting skills could be so good without those effects.

Tang Yaoyao's first scene, one time.

Tang Yaoyao politely expressed his gratitude to the on-site staff, and then went to watch the playback shot under the camera.

While watching and chatting with the director about the plot and the direction of the characters, Ye Heng felt that it was really unnecessary to be there. Tang Yaoyao didn't even look at him at all when he started working, and didn't even look at him at all.

The discussion between the two people is still a bit long.

Ye Heng couldn't help coughing twice.

The two people seemed to react suddenly.

Wu Yifan hurriedly introduced, "Master Ye, you were born, you met last time. He has raised money for this movie and has become the biggest producer of our movie, and he is our boss."

Tang Yaoyao called him with a smile, and really didn't put her eyes on him. She also deliberately found an excuse to say that she was uncomfortable and went back to the car to take a rest, and waited for the second scene to be filmed.

Ye Heng just watched Tang Yaoyao leave.

In fact, I feel a little upset, very upset.

Tang Yaoyao returned to the car, feeling a little depressed in her heart.

Ye Heng is still in the shadows.

Is he really too much money to spend? ! He actually invested money in movies and became a producer.

She was a bit uncomfortable.

Thinking of the 10 million that he had finally saved, I gave it to Ye Heng, thinking that I had sold a house to save enough money, so that he would spend it on a whim, even though it’s a big producer. It was nothing, but after all, she still felt that Ye Heng was a prodigal.


"Yaoyao." A knock on the door sounded outside the babysitter's car.

Tang Yaoyao opened the car door.

The regulations appear.

He looked at her Yaoyao and said, "I heard that your first scene was well filmed, but it made me feel more stressed!"

"You should have no pressure, Jiangnan will have pressure." Tang Yaoyao smiled.

The regulations also felt that Tang Yaoyao made sense.

His acting skills are very good, recognized, as for Jiangnan...

It should be good in the general crew, but in such a high-quality crew, she is really not complimented.

The two laughed and talked for a while.

The regulations were urged by the on-site staff to film his first scene.

When Tang Yaoyao was about to close the car door and continue to figure out the next scene, the car door was suddenly pulled.

Tang Yaoyao pressed her lips.

She looked at Ye Heng in front of her.

Ye Heng looked at her in the same way.

Tang Yaoyao really had already scolded Ye Heng's ancestor for the eighteenth generation in his heart, and his face was still smiling cheerfully, "Is there anything wrong with Ye Gongzi looking for me?"

Ye Heng really disdains Tang Yaoyao's appearance of inconsistency. He stared at her and said, "Is the charter skills better than me?!"

"..." Tang Yaoyao knew that she couldn't keep up with Ye Heng's rhythm.

Ye Heng waited silently for Tang Yaoyao for a while.

Suddenly shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Don't tell me, I will always know."

Then I saw Ye Heng leaving very coolly.

Tang Yaoyao looked at Ye Heng's back, completely dazed.

She had stimulated Ye Heng's self-esteem before, so this man who often commits two acts and is occasionally naive has always been imbalanced? !

At that time, she was so angry that she was a little bit unstoppable, but inexplicably wanted to hit his self-confidence and then really wanted to leave him immediately, so she has said a lot. In fact, how are other men and their skills? She really doesn't know whether she is capable or not, and although filming is a real kiss, the charter is a gentleman, a male artist, and she will never do things like sticking out his tongue!

Tang Yaoyao sighed, she always felt that Ye Heng might be a little imbalanced in her heart, and she would just wait for the decisive time.

She lowered her head and continued to read the script. Waiting for the next scene.

In the next scene, she thought Ye Heng might be gone, because Ye Heng's patience with one thing, especially his patience to pass the time, really won’t be too long. Where do you know, that guy is still sitting There, like a Buddha.

The key is to make an intimate scene in this scene. In fact, this is the story behind the movie, but because this drama was originally female-dominated, there are not many scenes in the charter. The charter agent communicated with the charter first and filmed the charter part, and the charter took another scene. There is a certain conflict. Tang Yaoyao and the regulations are very familiar with each other. There is no need to cultivate feelings, so if you don't have any comments, you can naturally shoot first.

But now.

Can she say that she has an opinion?

She faced the Buddha Ye Heng, and she was afraid that she would not be able to kiss him!

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