Reborn Aristocrat: Oppressing

Vol 6 Chapter 19: Living under one roof

Tang Yaoyao decided to live in the villa for a while, for Ye Chu.

She soothed Ye Chu's emotions and went to Ye Banxian's room.

Ye Banxian seemed to be meditating.

Tang Yaoyao didn't want to disturb either. When he was about to leave, Ye Banxian suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Yaoyao."

Tang Yaoyao smiled, "Dad."

She still calls him Dad.

In the emotion and reason.

And Ye Banxian was really good to her.

"Sit." Ye Banxian motioned to her to sit on the pure wooden sofa on one side.

Tang Yaoyao sat down.

Ye Banxian let go of his legs and stood up.

He took a sip of hot tea, just drank it, and coughed twice.

Tang Yaoyao looked at him nervously.

Ye Banxian waved his hand, meaning it was okay.

But it really took a long time to cough and then stopped, and said, "What are you looking for me?"

"I'm staying in the villa for a few days now." Tang Yaoyao bluntly, "So let me tell you, and see your opinion..."

"This was originally your home. If you want to live, come back." Ye Banxian said lightly.

Tang Yaoyao was really moved at that moment.

She has never regarded this place as her home, but Ye Banxian has always regarded her as her daughter-in-law.

"Thank you Dad." Tang Yaoyao said sincerely.

"Yaoyao." Ye Banxian called her, with some old voice, Tang Yaoyao vaguely felt that he seemed to be a little gasping when he spoke, but he could speak calmly, "How are you and Ye Heng now?"

"I and Ye Gongzi..." Tang Yaoyao really didn't know how to describe it, and she reluctantly found some words and said, "I and he are people from two worlds. We don't seem to match well, but I really think Ye Gongzi There are changes, and he will definitely be able to stabilize in the future."

"He has stabilized, don't you think about him?" Ye Banxian raised his eyebrows.

Tang Yaoyao hesitated and shook her head, "Dad, he and I are really two worlds. When I was with him, I really couldn't find any feeling that he was my husband..."

Tang Yaoyao was telling the truth.

She knew that Ye Banxian was kind to her, so she never concealed him.

"In the final analysis, it was because I neglected the education of Ye Heng back then that made him so casual." Ye Banxian sighed, "It is really difficult for him to give women a sense of security."

Tang Yaoyao nodded.

Ye Heng did not give her any sense of security.

"Hey." Ye Banxian sighed heavily again.

Tang Yaoyao looked at Ye Banxian, always felt that Ye Banxian at this moment was far from the Ye Banxian she saw for the first time back then. Ye Banxian was still full of energy and aura. Now Ye Banxian is really much older. Ye Banxian also has nearly 70.

"My time should be running out." Ye Banxian said a little old.

Tang Yaoyao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

At the time at the Ye family for so long, Ye Banxian really treated her like a daughter. Ye Heng never cared about her, how to play and how to play, whether or not she was at home, she was even pregnant for a long time. The child and Ye Banxian are living together under the same roof. She and her parents are a little grudged because of her unhappiness with her parents back then. Instead, she did not expect that Ye Banxian would give her father-like warmth, and this warmth never came from her mouth.

"Dad, you must ensure that Yao is in good health. Ye Chu was the one who brought you up. I hope you can continue to grow up with him."

"Life and death are fate." Ye Banxian smiled on some old faces, as if he could see everything through, "Ye Chu, this kid has a personality like me, so he will grow up well. I don't worry about him, but Ye Heng. It made me feel uneasy. When Ye Heng’s mother passed away, I didn’t accompany her because of my own affairs. When I rushed back, I couldn’t see her opened eyes again. I was heartbroken at the time, but I thought I can bear it because I still have a lot of things that I think are my mission. I don’t know why. In recent years, after getting older, I think of his mother more and more, and when she finally died, The trustee told me that she loved me very much and did not regret being with me in this life."

Tang Yaoyao listened quietly.

Ye Banxian said quietly, “Said that I hope I can marry another wife in the future, let me take care of Ye Heng, don’t let Ye Heng be too lonely. I didn’t marry another wife because I don’t want to marry anyone, his mother I didn’t know when I died, but I actually loved her, and I swallowed these words for a lifetime."

Tang Yaoyao didn't expect Ye Banxian to have such a profound past.

Thinking about it now, Ye Banxian should also regret everything he had done.

"Now I think my life is coming to an end. There are a lot of hard work in this life, for the many responsibilities that Beixia Country has shouldered, and for those inevitable missions. Looking back now, I have hardly contributed to the family. Ye Heng grew up. I was thrown into a cruel place to grow up. All I cared about was his fighting ability and his loyalty to Mo Xiuyuan. I never cared about how his private life was. He lived fast or unhappy! For a long time I I feel that Ye Heng is okay. Although I have spent a bit of fun, his personality is not distorted or deformed. But during this period of time, I feel more and more that Ye Heng will one day be tired of his current life. He will also be tired after a certain age. Hope to have a peaceful and stable home."

"If Young Master Ye is settled, someone will be willing to live with him, Dad, don't worry too much." Tang Yaoyao comforted.

In fact, there are some feelings at this moment.

Ye Heng seems to be arrogant, but he really hasn't been cared for since he was a child, so it seems to be understandable that his character has become like this.

When a person cannot get the warmth of his heart, he will always instinctively look for others to comfort him.

In this world, people are really blank from birth.

Most of the reasons that really change a person's character come from the family.

When Ye Heng was a child, he would actually yearn for a healthy and warm home? !

Tang Yaoyao felt that she shouldn't think too much. After all, she and Ye Heng are not people in the same world after all. She has no way or ability to give him warmth. He may need a lot of warmth.

"Yaoyao, now Dad doesn’t mean anything. Dad hopes that you can seriously consider staying with Ye Heng. I have lived such a long time in this life. I only regretted the negligence of Ye Heng until now. I don’t think it is worthy of forgiveness. But I was thinking that at the moment I entered the soil, at least when I saw Ye Heng’s mother, the only thing I could confidently tell her was that Ye Heng had found a good home, and he was living well, which is probably the same. The most reassuring thing when his mother died!"

Tang Yaoyao looked at Ye Banxian, but did not nod.

There are some things that you really can't force yourself.

She has never thought about it until now that she has put her whole life on Ye Heng. She is actually not great, and she will not be shaken by the move at this moment. She understands that Ye Banxian wants Ye Heng to live a better mood. , But she can't wrong her own heart and live with him.

What's more, the current Ye Heng does not mean that he really wants to have a stable family. The colorful world outside is getting richer and richer. It is possible that he feels that the current time is happiness, and she really has no obligation to go. Waiting for him, waiting for his prodigal son to turn around, she really can't be so great.

Seeing Tang Yaoyao's silence, Ye Banxian was not embarrassed.

Yaoyao is a good girl, but it is a pity that Ye Heng would not cherish it.

Once a woman gives up and recognizes one thing, it is really difficult to change.

He can't participate too much in matters of children and grandchildren, especially like it, really can't force it.

Whether Ye Heng can really recover Tang Yaoyao in the future can only be Ye Heng's own good fortune.

Ye Banxian took a sip of hot tea, no longer forced Tang Yaoyao, and said, "Yaoyao, I am taking a break now. If you want to live, you can live there. As long as you call me Dad, this is your home. You don’t need to Tell me."

"Yeah." Tang Yaoyao nodded heavily, "Then I won't bother Dad to rest."

Ye Banxian nodded slightly.

Tang Yaoyao got up and left.

When he left, he turned his head and glanced at Ye Banxian. He always felt that this old man actually lived very lonely, did he often think about what happened to Ye Heng's mother when he was young...

She walked out of Ye Banxian's room.

After walking a few steps, I saw Ye Heng walking towards Ye Chu's room.

Tang Yaoyao didn't even think about it, and felt that Ye Heng must have gone to Ye Chu to settle the accounts. Ye Chu is not very well-behaved today, and he will definitely be scolded by Ye Heng, and Ye Heng doesn't like to preach, and see if he is impulsive. The character knows that he must speak with his fist.

She ran up quickly and grabbed Ye Heng, "Master Ye, what are you doing?"

Ye Heng turned to look at Tang Yaoyao.

He thought that Tang Yaoyao had left, and was planning to beat Ye Chu's stinky boy at the moment. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that Ye Chu was deliberate.

"Don't fight Yechu, he is still young."

"I was facing life and death when I was his age." This means that he is very happy now, and I am embarrassed to give him a moth.

"But now your personality is not good." Tang Yaoyao retorted, almost blurting out.

As soon as I said it, I realized that I seemed to offend Ye Heng again.

She bit her lip.

Ye Heng's face is indeed not pretty.

Word by word, do you just hate him like that? !

Tang Yaoyao saw that Ye Heng's face was very bad, and then cautiously said, "Ye Chu has been educated very well by his dad, and our parents really care too little about him. I really feel that he can develop to the present. I'm very satisfied and guilty. I feel that I have paid too little to him, Ye Gongzi, I hope you can treat Ye Chu a little bit better in the future. Of course, my sister will actually say this to you, because I myself Ye Chu's contribution is limited."

Ye Heng looked down at Tang Yaoyao so tightly.

Tang Yaoyao was a little uncomfortable when she was seen, and she said, "I went to see my dad just now and said that I was going to live here for a few days. Now let me tell you by the way. I am usually too busy to be with Ye Chu. I want to stay here and stay with him for a few more days."

Ye Heng's mood is a bit complicated now.

In short, it is excitement.

It's a jump.

It's all kinds of unspeakable joy, but he has to be tight.

He didn't expect that Tang Yaoyao would still take the initiative to stay. He originally planned to return to the Imperial Capital early tomorrow morning. After all, no matter how he played, he still couldn't rest assured of some business affairs in his heart.

His throat moved slightly, "If you want to accompany Ye Chu, you can accompany you, you don't need to tell me."

"Thank you."

Ghosts like you and say thank you.

But brother is in a good mood now and doesn't care about it.

Ye Heng just stayed and turned and left, and he could still clearly feel that he seemed to be in a good mood suddenly.

Tang Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, even if he arrived, otherwise Ye Chu's cute little face would suffer again.

She opened Ye Chu's door, and Ye Chu played with building blocks in the room.

In fact, Ye Chu rarely played with building block toys, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to play such childish ones. He built a big castle, and his little lips were raised.

"Playing with building blocks?" Tang Yaoyao said naturally.

Ye Chu turned his head and looked at his mother, but he blushed at that moment.

He took down the piled blocks one by one, seemingly carelessly.

Tang Yaoyao was surprised, "The pile is so beautiful, why did you dismantle it?"

"I don't like it too much." Ye Chu said lightly.

Tang Yaoyao always feels that her son is a different kind of maturity.

But she didn't ask too much, because she didn't spend much time with Ye Chu, she didn't know much about Ye Chu's thoughts, and she didn't want to understand too abruptly, which widened the distance between mother and child. She changed the subject and said, I just told your grandpa and your dad that I will stay here for a few days."

"Thank you mom." Ye Chu smiled at her.

She thought, really every mother should not be able to refuse, the child smiled at her face.

She couldn't help but hugged Ye Chu into her arms. She said, "I know you are a mature child, so I don't usually let adults worry about you, but my mother really hopes you can do the same in the future, even if you don't have a complete one. Your family can also grow up healthily. No matter what happens to your mother in the future, you will be the most important existence in her mind."

Ye Chu quietly felt his mother's emotions.

For a long time, he said, "Mom, don't you think about being with Dad?"

Tang Yaoyao let go of Ye Chu and looked at his serious little face.

This is probably the first time Ye Chu made this request to her.

"Do you really miss it?" Tang Yaoyao asked.

"I'm okay, but my dad thinks about it." Ye Chu bluntly.

Tang Yaoyao smiled, "My lord has many complicated feelings, maybe not as simple as you think."

"I know." Ye Chu nodded.

He really knew he still had a lot of unknown things.

"So sometimes my mother doesn't know how to explain to you, and feels that your age is really not suitable for listening." Tang Yaoyao said every word and smiled, "I and your dad's matter, let us solve it by ourselves. , And my mother will tell you first, she feels that mother's true destiny is really not your father."

Ye Chu wanted to say more, but he was afraid of embarrassing his mother.

But he was thinking.

If his dad heard these words, he would be irritable.

Ye Heng was really angry.

He had already left, but later it was surreptitious. Tang Yaoyao was all under one roof. Why did he avoid Yao? Why can't he appear under her nose anytime and anywhere. Anyway, she sent it to the door automatically. When I returned, I saw a half-covered room and heard the conversation between Tang Yaoyao and Ye Chu.

There was a big fire in my heart.

Labor and capital are not your real son, who is who is? !

He endured and endured, turned and left angrily.

On Tang Yaoyao, he was constantly hit by violent blows. He was really sick, and he was guilty of suffering!

The key is that no matter how angry you want to strangle Tang Yaoyao every time you are so angry, after half an hour, you will want to get on this woman.

Just wanted to go again.

It's here to be cheap.

He lay unhappy on his big bed, a little depressed.

I thought there was always a weather to die.

I don't know how long I have been lying down.

A knock on the door suddenly sounded outside the door.

Ye Heng answered lazily, "Come in."

Tang Yaoyao pushed the door and walked in, watching Ye Heng lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, with an expression of hopelessness.

Ye Heng has a lot of emotions, most of the time she is going crazy, and she is used to it.

She walked over with a soft voice, "Master Ye, it's lunch."

Ye Heng turned his head and looked straight at Tang Yaoyao.

He just couldn't understand why he died on the tree Tang Yaoyao, how he died!

The figure and appearance, if you look at Beixia Country, you can find a better one. Why did he fall into Tang Yaoyao's hands? !

"If you want to rest, just rest for a while, let the servant serve you to eat?" Tang Yaoyao asked cautiously.

Ye Heng suddenly turned over from the bed and sat up.

Tang Yaoyao was startled.

Ye Heng got off the bed and walked out swaggeringly.

Tang Yaoyao really felt that Ye Heng's actions were too two to make people feel unpredictable.

She followed out.

On the long corridor, Tang Yaoyao gritted his teeth and approached.

Ye Heng felt that he was following his pace and slowed down a little.

The two went downstairs together.

In the dining room downstairs, Ye Chu sat at the dining table obediently, and Ye Banxian did not go out to eat.

Ye Heng frowned and asked the servant, "Hasn't the half immortal come down to eat?"

"Master said that he was unwell, let's send it to him later."

"What's wrong with Ye Banxian during this time? It seems that his health has been bad for a long time." Ye Heng muttered.

"I went to see my dad just now, and my dad is really not in good health." Tang Yaoyao said to Ye Heng, "please persuade dad to go to the hospital."

Ye Heng's expression was a bit solemn, and he nodded slightly, and then said, "Let's eat first."

"Yeah." Tang Yaoyao picked up the tableware.

Ye Chu ate it obediently.

On a table, Tang Yaoyao had been taking care of Ye Chu, helping him pick vegetables, cleaning shark fins, and serving soup. Everything was too good for him.

No matter how you look at it, Ye Heng feels that he is very jealous and jealous? !

Tang Yaoyao treats herself well, she is always respectful and always flattering, but she always feels that Tang Yaoyao is obviously more caring about Ye Chu than to him, and he didn’t see Tang Yaoyao giving him a clip. Root vegetables.

Some gloomy grilled rice, eyes staring at Ye Chu.

Ye Chuzhen felt that his father's thoughts were not hard to guess at all, so she got up in a small body, took a piece of braised pork from the dinner table and placed it in Ye Heng's bowl.

Ye Heng looked at Ye Chu.

I didn't expect this kid to be so conscientious.

At that moment, in an instant, that touched!

"Dad, don't stare your eyes out, I'll help you pinch what else you want to eat." Ye Chu said.

"..." Ye Heng rolled his eyes.

No good feelings.

Tang Yaoyao suppressed a smile.

I haven't gotten along with their father and son like this before. For the first time, I felt that it wasn't a difficulty, nor was it what I thought, so I couldn't accept it.

She took the initiative to pick up a green vegetable and put it in Ye Heng's bowl, "The nutrition must be balanced."

Ye Heng was moved again.

Since childhood, apart from the subtle memory of his mother being so good to him, I haven’t felt the warmth of the family much. I won’t say anything about the flattering women outside. He was not moved at all, but Tang Yaoyao is such a The small gesture caused him to eat up the plate of vegetables that he didn't like to eat.

Ye Chu didn't like to eat meat. Seeing that the vegetables were eaten by his dad nervously, sometimes he had to guess whether his dad was genuine and mentally abnormal.

A meal was fairly warm and pleasant.

After lunch, Tang Yaoyao accompanied Ye Chu to play at home.

Ye Heng followed the servant to Ye Banxian's room.

Ye Heng looked carefree, and he didn't really talk about feelings with Ye Banxian, but when something really happened, Ye Heng was still uneasy.

He is actually very filial.

According to what Ye Banxian said, most children should hate their father, not love their mother well, and did not give him a happy childhood, but Ye Heng didn’t do that. Sometimes Tang Yaoyao didn’t know if he was this. For a while, because of Ye Heng's transformation, she seemed to see that Ye Heng was getting better and better, or she started to think about Ye Heng in a good direction.

Tang Yaoyao accompanied Ye Chu for an afternoon in the Ye Family Villa.

After dinner.

Tang Yaoyao took Ye Chu back to the room to sleep.

She took the initiative to help Ye Chu wash his hair and take a bath. Ye Chu was only 5 years old, and she didn't think it would do anything for him.

Instead, it was Ye Chu.

Blushing little cheeks, not giving way to life and death, saying that men and women are not getting married.

I don't know who this shy personality resembles, at least not at all like Ye Heng.

Tang Yaoyao waited for him to finish washing in Ye Chu's room.

Ye Chu took a bath quickly, and washed himself in twos or twos, so he picked up a small hair dryer to blow his hair.

Tang Yaoyao looked at his son so indifferently, he really felt that Ye Chu was taken very well by Ye Banxian. He was only 5 years old and could take care of himself.

I imagined that many children as old as Ye Chu should still be nestled in the arms of their parents at this moment, drowning too hard.

After taking a shower, Ye Chu dried his hair, and ran to the bed to sleep.

Tang Yaoyao sat on the side of the bed and looked at him, touched his little face, "Mom will accompany you to sleep tonight."

"Huh?" Ye Chu was a little startled.

"Are you shy?" Tang Yaoyao quipped.

Ye Chu blushed a little, "I like to sleep alone..."

"How can you beg your wife so shy?" Tang Yaoyao continued to joke, "In the future, there are still many intimate things to do between husband and wife, and most of them are the man's initiative."

Ye Chu blushed.

If it is Mo Yinuo, he may not need to take the initiative...

Think of Mo Yinuo.

Ye Chu was embarrassed again, he shook his head, "Mom, I want to sleep alone."

"Well, I won't be embarrassing you anymore." Tang Yaoyao leaned over and kissed Ye Chu's forehead, then smiled and said, "Then mother accompanies you to sleep before leaving."

"Yeah." Ye Chu nodded.

Nodding, sleeping with eyes closed.

The child's sleep was very good, and Ye Chu was already asleep in less than ten minutes.

Tang Yaoyao looked at her son quietly for a while, and finally helped him twist the quilt before she got up and went out.

If you don't live in the same room with Ye Chu, who does she live in the same room with? !

She walked past Ye Heng's bedroom and paused for a while.

When he was a little flustered, Ye Heng suddenly opened the door of the room.

The two met again like this.

Ye Heng looked at her, "Ye Chu won't let you sleep with him?"

"Yeah." Tang Yaoyao nodded.

Ye Heng seemed to have expected it a long time ago.

Although he doesn't know much about his son, he still knows some basic habits of his life.

He said, "I asked the servant to help you prepare the guest room. The innermost room should be cleaned up."

Tang Yaoyao seemed a little dazed at that moment.

According to Ye Heng's normal situation, she should be asked to go to his room, and then...

She thinks she really thinks a little bit more.

He also breathed a sigh of relief, and said sincerely, "Thank you Master Ye."

The tone is clearly joyful.

I knew that this woman didn't want to live in a room with him.

Fortunately, he just called to consult his ace military master Lu Manman's opinion, and asked her Tang Yaoyao sent it to the door, can you ask for it? ! His military adviser said, no.

Let him arrange another room for Tang Yaoyao.

Sure enough, his military adviser is like a god, otherwise he will be passionate about himself again.

Ye Heng glanced at Tang Yaoyao, a little coldly, turned around and walked to Ye Banxian's room.

Ye Banxian is in poor health, so he has to persuade him to go to the hospital for an examination.

This old man is really not ordinary stubbornness.

Looking at Ye Heng's distance, Tang Yaoyao felt a little strange, and she walked to the guest room.

After all, she wouldn't think too much.

It just felt more and more that Ye Heng no longer embarrassed her, they could get along with each other in harmony, and she would no longer look at him with colored eyes.

Early the next morning.

Tang Yaoyao pressed the alarm bell and got up.

Her usual living habits are very bad. Sometimes she goes to bed in the early hours of the night. When she falls asleep, it may be the next afternoon. She also had insomnia for a long time before letting herself fall asleep. If it wasn't for an alarm clock, she would wake up Less than.

Stretching, Tang Yaoyao washed and went out.

Ye Chu also got up early, watching his mother also get up, and said politely, "Good morning, mother."

"Good morning Ye Chu." Tang Yaoyao smiled and took Ye Chu's hand downstairs.

Downstairs, Ye Banxian came out of the room and sat on the sofa to read the morning paper.

Ye Chu walked over obediently, "Good morning, Grandpa."

It's very polite.

Tang Yaoyao also went down, "Dad, early."

"Yeah." Ye Banxian nodded slightly to them, put down the newspaper and said, "Ye Heng hasn't gotten up yet?"

"He usually goes to bed late in the morning." Tang Yaoyao explained.

Ye Heng's living habits are the same as her, often inverted black and white.

"Call him down for breakfast, he is not young anymore, I don't know how to take good care of my body." Ye Banxian ordered the servant.

Tang Yaoyao can fully imagine how irritable Ye Heng was when he was not awake. Looking at the embarrassed eyes of the servant, Tang Yaoyao said, "I'll call him."

"Thank you, Madam." The servant said quickly, fearing that Tang Yaoyao would regret it.

Tang Yaoyao asked Ye Chu to accompany Ye Banxian on the sofa for a while, and went upstairs to call Ye Heng by himself.

Knocked on the door twice.

There was still no movement inside.

The servant also dared not push the door in, but she was the one who came.

She pushed the door and entered.

Ye Heng closed the door when he slept because he didn't have the habit of locking the door.

She walked to the big bed and watched Ye Heng sleeping extremely sweetly. Although she was not sleeping well, the whole person was almost sideways. At that moment, she really couldn't bear to wake him up. She hesitated for a few seconds. , Still said, "Young Master Ye, I have breakfast when I wake up, and Dad is waiting below."

Ye Heng continued to sleep, indifferent.

"Young Master Ye."

Ye Heng seemed to frown, and then went on to sleep.

"Young Master Ye, get up." Tang Yaoyao knelt down and shook his sleeping body.

Ye Heng didn't open his eyes, so suddenly he pulled Tang Yaoyao, and Tang Yaoyao couldn't react at all, but felt that the sky turned around for a while, just lying under Ye Heng's body.

Ye Heng didn't open his eyes, just like sleepwalking, lowered his head and kissed Tang Yaoyao's lips directly.

Lips and teeth stick together.

Tang Yaoyao wanted to resist but inexplicably did not respond at that moment.

I only slowly felt Ye Heng’s tongue stick out, not knowing that he was still in a daze before waking up. It is rare for him to be so gentle, he almost licked her lips and teeth, and then entangled her tongue, warm. The touch made Tang Yaoyao feel a little touched by him at that moment.

Her passive body gradually began to respond instinctively.

Respond to his kiss.

The two kissed deeply.

Ye Heng really felt that he was having a spring dream again, but he felt that this spring dream seemed to be a little bit more real. The touch of his tongue licked, no matter what, he felt that it was so real and so cool.

If it is really a dream, get rid of this time and wait for him to finish before waking up.

Don't wake up halfway, he will be suffocated to death.

But the more I force myself so, the more I wake up.

I woke up, opened my eyes, and looked at Tang Yaoyao's white face and disheveled clothes lying under him, his lips, and he really asked her lips deeply, he even felt it in a daze. The second he stopped, the little tongue actively seduced.

Yes, it's seduce.

Seduced to the point that his heart was trembling.

It seemed to pull out Tang Yaoyao's clothes, and then fight for three hundred rounds.


His military strategist said, be patient.

Women like abstinence men the most, especially in their current situation.

He bounced off Tang Yaoyao suddenly.

Tang Yaoyao also panicked suddenly.

Panicked, looking at Ye Heng clearly at that moment a little shocked.

So Ye Heng regretted kissing her now? !

How come you feel that it is so unpleasant? !

Tang Yaoyao smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, she got up from the bed after finishing her clothes.

Ye Heng had also got out of bed at this moment, leaving him with an indifferent back, and rushed into the bathroom.

Ye Heng, who walked into the bathroom, looked at himself in the mirror fiercely, and saw his blushing and heartbeat look like a spring heart. If he didn’t wake up just now, would he really be on Tang Yaoyao? It’s okay. , Braked in time midway.

He took a deep breath and watched his body react fiercely.

He didn't understand. How could Ashura's servant not need a woman for a few years, he would be suffocated.

It was clear that the moment was so cool.

I remembered that little tongue took the initiative to lick him.

Can't stand it anymore.

Ye Heng turned on the cold water in the bathroom and rinsed it out.

Tang Yaoyao heard the sound of the water in the bathroom. She slowly got up from the bed while tidying up her clothes. She walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. Happy."

"Yeah." Ye Heng replied.

Tang Yaoyao didn't say any more, and went downstairs.

Downstairs, Ye Banxian was talking to Ye Chu, watching Tang Yaoyao go downstairs, and asked, "Have you gotten up?"

"I'm washing, I'll get down in a while."

"Yeah. Ye Heng will start a meal when he gets down."

"Good master." The servant said respectfully.

Tang Yaoyao also sat on the sofa and took a look at the newspaper.

The entertainment headlines in the newspaper reported on Jiangnan, saying that Jiangnan had taken over Wu Yifan’s new play. It is said that Jiangnan was very interested in the filming of the previous movie, so she was given a protagonist status this time. The news is a compliment to her.

Tang Yaoyao looked a little upset and put the newspaper down.


Ye Heng had also finished washing, and came downstairs in a particularly formal dress.

In fact, Ye Heng looks good in formal clothes. He is good. He looks thin and has fleshy clothes. When he wears formal clothes, he looks more masculine, and lacks the usual kind of carelessness.

She glanced.

After the servants respectfully said that they could have dinner, they all sat over to eat breakfast.

"I made an appointment with a doctor for you today, and I will take you to the hospital." Ye Heng said, he didn't mean to say no to Ye Banxian at all, and he seemed very domineering.

"How many times have I told you? No, I know my own body." Ye Banxian didn't give Ye Heng any face either.

"I said Ye Banxian, do you really think your Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva can keep you a hundred years old?!" Ye Heng lost his temper a little.

Ye Banxian's face was also not very good, "I don't want to say more, this is the case."

"Ye Banxian."


Ye Heng stared at Ye Banxian uncomfortably.

Ye Banxian looked at Ye Heng, "Instead of worrying about me, it is better to worry about yourself and the people whose wife can't keep you, and you are not qualified to talk about others!"

Ye Heng's expression worsened.

Tang Yaoyao was also a little embarrassed.

Sometimes Ye Banxian's words were direct enough to hit people.

A meal is not good or bad anyway. After breakfast, Ye Chu doesn’t have to go to class on the weekends and plays at home. He occasionally picks up a thick metaphysical book to read. Ye Chu can recognize him. There are not many words. Fortunately, what Ye Banxian chose for him were graphic explanations, and it seemed that Ye Chu knew a lot.

Tang Yaoyao had been with Ye Chu all the time.

Occasionally, Ye Chu would say a few words to him, and then tell her something about metaphysics, which she didn't understand at all.

I guess Ye Heng didn't understand either.

Ye Heng also looked confused and irritable.

Ye Heng was not patient, but Tang Yaoyao was surprised that he was in the villa so abnormally today.

Besides, seeing him dress so formally, she really thought he would go out.

He was so abnormal, staying with her and with Ye Chu.

It seems that for the first time, a family of three...

I don't know what it feels like.

Anyway, that's the day.

It's Monday.

Ye Chu is going to kindergarten.

Tang Yaoyao got up early and went to see him off.

There is no way to stay with Ye Chu all the time, but for a limited time, she wants to play this role well.

She took Ye Chu out, sitting in the family car.

"What time do you end school in the afternoon?" Tang Yaoyao asked.

"I will leave school at noon," Ye Chu replied.

"Isn't it in the afternoon? Or is there any activity in the afternoon?"

"No, I don't need morning and afternoon." Ye Chu bluntly.

"Who said this?"

"My grandpa said that if I don't like it, I don't have to go." Ye Chu looked at Tang Yaoyao, "I don't like going to school."

"Ye Chu, it's not so good. If you don't like to go to school, don't go to school, how can you do?! So many children grew up all the way." Tang Yaoyao really didn't understand.

"But I just don't like going to school." Ye Chu pouted.

Tang Yaoyao felt that this was very bad.

She felt it was necessary for her to care about Ye Chu's study.

She sent Ye Chu to the school gate and did not leave. Instead, she went to Ye Chu's classroom fully armed and found his head teacher.

The head teacher was also very helpless to Ye Chu, "You are Ye Chu’s mother! It’s usually delivered by your driver, and I can’t contact your parents. Ye Chu really doesn’t like it here, and he doesn’t like it. We interact, no matter how we coax him, he seems to be not interested in anything, and he doesn’t make friends, and then he will go back every day after school at noon without lunch. We are afraid that being too forceful will make Ye Chu even more disgusted, but Ye Chu has always been like this It’s not so good. I still hope that you will be parents and do more ideological work."

Tang Yaoyao felt even more sad.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chu, who was so well-behaved in her mind, would have such a rebellious side.

Moreover, neither Ye Banxian nor Ye Heng felt that there was a problem.

She nodded quickly and chatted with the head teacher before leaving the kindergarten.

She sat in a special car.

From afar, several cameras took several photos.

The average person may not recognize it.

But professional paparazzi can tell at a glance!

It's not in vain to stay here for so long.

Sure enough, a big news!

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