Reborn Aristocrat: Oppressing

Vol 7 Chapter 9: I just have the patience to dictate your life

"There is no divorce, right!" Mo Yinuo said, "So you cheated in marriage, did you?!"

Lin Zixi's face looked a lot ugly.

She looked at Mo Yinuo coldly, "What do you want to say?!"

"What else can I say." Mo Yinuo sneered, "I'm just looking at things outside the standard as a citizen of Northern Xia Country and the laws and morals of Northern Xia Country."

"Mo Yinuo, what the **** do you mean!" Lin Zixi stood up from the sofa, very angry.

She was deliberately angry with Mo Yinuo, but now she is humiliated by her.

"You also feel that what you are doing is silly now, so you become angry!" Mo Yinuo asked her, calmly.

"Where do you look at others with the dignity of a daughter, you think you are noble but you are noble, everyone in the world will be envious and jealous of you?! Ridiculous!" Lin Zixi said, "The man you like is not me. You can call to and fro!"

Mo Yinuo just looked at Lin Zixi's deliberate display of bravado.

She said, "If you are now in a free status, if you are divorced from Ye Chu now, I admit that I will be very jealous of you. After all, I really feel like you are second-hand goods. It is indeed a thing for someone to take over. It’s a good thing. It’s a pity that you still have a marriage, and you can’t wait for a marriage, Lin Zixi, you said I filmed this scene and showed it to the media, what will happen to you? Drowned by Beixia’s saliva?!"

"Mo Yinuo, dare you!" Lin Zixi jumped up.

The whole person is not calm anymore.

She walked towards Mo Yinuo, looking at the phone in Mo Yinuo's hand with some panic.

Even if Mo Yinuo didn't do anything at this moment, it would make her very uneasy.

"So you also know that you are doing morally corrupt things! So..." Mo Yinuo looked at her, "Since you know what you are doing so badly, what right do you have to show up in front of me, do you think I am I will be jealous, I will be envious. I will only think that you are cheap and Qi Qing is stupid. As for me... I am certainly not smart. I should really doubt my own vision."

"I know that your eldest lady is the best way to say it, but it really doesn’t do much to me. In my opinion, it’s enough to get it. I don’t need to know what the process is like. This is the case in our poor world! And since you So pay attention to moral corruption. Since it is so elegant and so great, then you and Qi Qing broke up!" Lin Zixi said word by word, "You break up with him, he doesn't love you at all. Qi Qing had feelings for me when he was in junior high school. , I’m with you because I chose Ye Chu to retreat. For so many years, even if you were abroad for a few years, I still have contact with Qi Qing!"

"It's really not a big deal for me to break up with Qi Qing. If it weren't for Qi Qing's sudden whim yesterday, I might have really broken up with him. Now thinking about it, it turns out that I take my feelings too seriously. The one that arrives is always the best. He gave me a melting candy, but I took it as a reassurance!" Mo Yinuo smiled sarcastically, "I'm just really worthless for Ye Chu, how can he? Will marry someone like you."

"Ye Chu?!" Lin Zixi was even more ironic when she said this name. "He's not worth it? You and Ye Chu were childhood sweethearts, but how much do you know about him!"

"How much can I know, I only know that he is not a half-hearted person!"

"Yeah, he is really not a half-hearted person, but you will never know the secret of how dirty he is and who is missing!" Lin Zixi said fiercely, "You think I really don't want to have a good time with him Do you live? I have tolerated it even after knowing his secret. I have done my best to him, and what he did to me, I can't do anything to revenge him now!"

After speaking, Lin Zixi basically roared out.

It can be imagined, it is really anger!

Mo Yinuo frowned, "Is it interesting to find such an excuse for my derailment?"

"Since you and Ye Chu advertised that they grew up together since childhood and have such a good relationship, go and ask him carefully what kind of man he is!" Lin Zixi said every word.

"Lin Zixi, did you know that when you slandered Ye Chu like this, I was actually very hot?!" Mo Yinuo's face was really ugly, and his heart was really so hot. "I really didn't understand. In the beginning, which eye was blind and fell in love with you! I really think you are very vulgar and not self-sufficient!"

"Mo Yinuo, you're enough!" Lin Zixi really couldn't bear being looked down upon. "Aren't you just because you have a terrific family environment, what's so great about you in other places!"

"That’s why I know that family relationships are really important! My brother said that a person’s temperament really has nothing to do with whether or not he has money. At this moment, I think it’s quite a big relationship, because the poor are really small. Lin Zixi, If you look down on other people’s family background, what are you doing when you marry Ye Chu?! Don’t tell me it’s true love, I can see it clearly. All you want is Ye Chu’s money and power!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Zixi looked at Mo Yinuo fiercely, "I don't care about your stinky money at all!"

"That's good." Mo Yinuo sneered, "I will tell Ye Chu that I will let you go out of the house when you get divorced! You should be very clear that if Ye Chu lets you go out of the house, you will only go out of the house. ."

Leaving a word, Mo Yinuo intends to leave.

That's enough.

She and Lin Zixi had nothing to talk about, and she didn't want to stay in this place full of obscene atmosphere.

She is disgusting.

And she won't really make herself so stupid anymore!

"Mo Yinuo is paralyzed, you are insane! Why did you intervene in the matter of Ye Chu and I!" Lin Zixi was anxious, probably because he was really afraid that Mo Yinuo would give Ye Chu some idea, and suddenly stepped forward to block the person who was about to leave Mo Yinuo.

Mo Yinuo looked at her fiercely.

"I don't care about Ye Chu's affairs too!"

"Scared?" Mo Yinuo sneered.

"What am I afraid of?! I have been following Ye Chu for so many years, so why should I not want anything! I'm not stupid!"

"Don't you think your words are inconsistent?" Mo Yinuo was even more ironic. Of course, he also took it for granted that if Lin Zixi would really get divorced, he would definitely bring Ye Chuhao a large sum of money.

The more I think about it, the more I really feel that it's cheaper for this woman, Lin Zixi.

"Anyway, you don't care about me and Ye Chu's business."

"What qualifications do you have to ask of me!" Mo Yinuo asked her, sneered.

In his smile, he was really disdainful.

Mo Yinuo sneered, "Speak straightforwardly, leaving Ye Chu, you are just a third-rate star. If I hook my finger, you can die without a place to bury you!"

Lin Zixi looked at her fiercely.

"I have the ability to use the family background that your poor people look down upon, to refer to your so-called life!" Mo Yinuo said every word, loudly and very loudly.

Lin Zixi turned her eyes and saw Mo Yinuo behind her.

Mo Yinuo looked back.

So Qi Qing heard everything she said, right?

Despise it.

Look down on it.

Anyway, she felt enough.

She didn't even want to explain or ask why Lin Zixi appeared here and what they did last night.

Some people disperse when they say they are separated!

She got up and left.

"Mo Yinuo." Qi Qing called her.

Mo Yinuo glanced at him.

She stepped away.

"Mo Yinuo." Qi Qing threw away the two shopping bags and grabbed her.

Mo Yinuo pursed her lips, took a deep breath, and looked back at Qi Qing, "What else Qi Qing would like to say!"

"Apologize." Qi Qing said.

Mo Yinuo sneered.

"Apologize to Zi Xi." Qi Qing said every word.

Mo Yinuo looked at him, "Why?"

"Don't you think you are too much?" Qi Qing's face sank.

"When you and Lin Zixi lie down on the same bed, do you think it's too much?"

"What are you talking about?!" Qi Qing frowned, his face seemed a little ugly.

"In fact, it doesn't matter anymore. For me, it really doesn't matter." Mo Yinuo pushed Qi Qing's hand away. The older ones can’t get together at all. I’m so self-righteous. I think I can pursue true love and get rid of the world, but reality really gave me a very loud slap in the face. A slap helped me wake up!"

"Mo Yinuo, am I so fun to play with?!" Qi Qing roared.

His eyes were red, and he was really angry to the extreme.

Mo Yinuo no longer wanted to answer Qi Qing's questioning sentence. She hadn't played with his feelings before, he knew better than her. She got up and left.

After just taking two steps, she turned her head and said to Lin Zixi, "I advise you to divorce Ye Chu first, otherwise the Ye family really understands the truth. You can not only go out of the house, but also think about other fate!"

"You threaten me!" Lin Zixi gritted her teeth.

"It's up to you if you don't listen." Mo Yinuo said.

After speaking, he turned and left.


She thinks that's it, enough.

A relationship, ending with such a riddled taste, can be regarded as the greatest memorial to it.

She swears that she will never want it again, she will be tempted first.

Never again, who do you like first.

This kind of taste is really better than death.

She walked to the elevator and pressed the elevator.

Just stepped in.

Qi Qing suddenly chased him, shackled Mo Yinuo in the elevator, and violently pushed her against the elevator wall, "Mo Yinuo, don't you listen to my explanation?"

"What explanation is needed?"

"None has happened to Lin Zixi and I, why don't you ask me!" Qi Qing asked her angrily.

Why ask.

If you really care about something like this, shouldn't it be yourself who will take the initiative to explain it? !

She really didn't want to remind Qi Qing how active she is and how passive he is in this relationship.

"I haven't done anything with Lin Zixi. Last night it was because she was in a bad mood to stay at my house, and I took her in as a friend. Today I thought she was gone. I didn't expect that you would run into her and have an unpleasant relationship with her! Qi Qing explained, word by word, seeming to be explaining with suppressed anger.

So what can be said even if this is the case.

She looked at Qi Qing, "If you need to choose between me and Lin Zixi, who would you choose?"

Qi Qing looked at her fiercely, his face was ugly, he really wanted to tear her appearance, and said, "Why do I have to choose? I just treat Lin Zixi as a friend now."

"Friend?" Mo Yinuo smiled, "Qi Qing, I'm very selfish. I can't be my boyfriend and I'm disconnected from the one I loved."

"Do you know that you are really good at it?" Qi Qing's face was gloomy.

He explained so much to her, what is Mo Yinuo still not satisfied with!

He stayed with Lin Zixi yesterday.

Because of Lin Zixi's kiss, I thought a lot about it.

He didn’t want to admit it, but he had to admit that he really liked Mo Yinuo, and it was past to Lin Zixi. He just regarded her as a friend. Because of the feelings for so many years, he was treated as a friend. In fact, I struggled for a long time, and finally decided to give up his so-called masculine dignity and decided to stay with Mo Yinuo.

right now.

Now Mo Yinuo is so unreasonable to make trouble.

"Count me out!" Mo Yinuo said coldly, "Fortunately, I won't have the chance to get an inch on you in the future. Please let me go, I'm leaving!"

"Why is your heart so cold!" Qi Qing said fiercely.

Why, when she said to leave, she could really turn around and leave.

But he began to reluctantly leave.

"I learn it from you."

"Mo Yinuo." Qi Qing suddenly bent over and kissed her.

Mo Yinuo was startled.

Rebellion began in the next second.

The more she resisted, the more a man's instinct was stimulated.

Qi Qing's power to shack her is getting stronger and stronger.

Unable to kiss her lips, she kept on her face indiscriminately...

"Ah!" Qi Qing's body suddenly tightened.

Mo Yinuo gritted his teeth and looked at him.

Watching him suddenly cover his lower body.

The kick just now is really not light.

Mo Yinuo has a lot of self-defense techniques, her father taught her.

She looked at Qi Qing.

Qi Qing also looked at Mo Yinuo so angrily, and he could see that his entire face was blushing from the pain.

Mo Yinuo turned and walked out of the elevator.

She ran directly to the safety elevator and rushed to the underground garage in one breath.

She sat in her sedan, venting her breath.

While breathing, tears fell so inexplicably.

She wiped her cheek fiercely, wiped the place where she had just kissed, wiped the tears all over her face.

Is it really so hard to like someone? !

How could her father and her mother be so affectionate.

She drove, kicked the accelerator, and slammed to the end.

She hung up the Bluetooth while driving, and dialed, "Xiao Xia Xia."

"Yes, what's the matter with you?" Hearing the voice, there was obviously a cry.

"I want to drink."

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"What do you mean?!"

"Where?" Xiao Xia Xia did not shirk.


"Floating over right away."

Mo Yinuo hung up the phone, she wiped her tears, the throttle was slightly higher.

In one breath, Mo Yinuo asked the lobby manager to open a luxurious private room for her, ordered a bunch of wine, and placed it in front of her coffee table.

She asked the waiter to open it, and drank it herself.

In fact, she doesn't drink well, but she just wants to vent.

Want to vent.

When Xiao Xiaxia rushed over, Mo Yinuo almost got herself drunk, drinking and crying.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Xia Xia was frightened by Mo Yinuo's appearance, "Have you ever cried so miserably."

"..." Mo Yinuo glared at Xiao Xiaxia, "It's a broken love."

"Did you break up with Qi Qing?"


"Oh." Xiao Xia Xia was calm at once, "If there is anything so sad, you have to celebrate, come and come, I will accompany you to drink."

"Why are you as bad as my brother."

"We just think, a good Chinese cabbage, why give it to the pig."

Mo Yinuo bit her lip and said nothing.

But they are really uncomfortable.

"Yes, I can't stand your aggrieved expression. Anyway, I will stay with you tonight." Xiao Xia Xia took a bottle of wine for herself, and started drinking.

Mo Yinuo really drank a lot.

When she was young when she broke up for the first time, she could hold her mother and cry for a while.

She really didn't want her parents to see her embarrassed this time.

She threw up after drinking.

Xiao Xia Xia also drank a lot, but fortunately, she was still sane, and knew that she had to send Yi Nuo home safely at this moment. If something happened to Yi Nuo, she would have to be drowned by the saliva of her elders. .

He supported Mo Yinuo, and the two of them strayed away from the charm.

Xiao Xia Xia dumbly called Ye Chu.

Ye Chu is his elder brother.

He prefers to play with Ye Chu than against Da Beibei.

I like smoldering the most in my life.

Sometimes I feel doubtful about my hobbies.

He picked up the phone and said loudly, "Ye Chu, I and Yinuo are drunk..."

"With whom?" The voice was lower over there.


"where is it?"


"I'll be there soon."

Xiao Xia Xia looked at the phone like this, with a dazed expression.

He didn't even say anything, how did Ye Chu know what he was going to do!

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