However, in front of him was no one else, but his own sister.

Since she wants to know, it's nothing to tell.

Jiang Wan looked at Huo Shiqin a little embarrassed. His eyes were dark and he said helplessly, "forget it, if you don't want to say it, don't say it!

”After all, Huo Shiqin didn't want to say. No matter how others asked, there was no result.

"When I'm finished, I'll go up first.

”Jiang Wan said with some injuries that even if she was Huo Shiqin's sister, the distance between the two people was so far.

With that, Jiang Wan turned and was about to go out. As soon as he reached the door, he heard Huo Shiqin's voice behind him.

"It seems that you don't want to hear the story. Then go back to your room!

Originally I wanted to tell you about our first meeting. Since you don't listen, forget it!

”Jiang Wan took his feet back from the door, went to the table, sat down skillfully, and looked at Huo Shiqin with his cheek.

"I listen!

Listen to me!

”Jiang Wan said softly. She wanted to see how Xia Yunhan hooked up with Huo Shiqin.

Huo Shiqin sat casually in his chair, looked at Jiang Wan's clever appearance, closed his eyes, and the past scenes flashed before his eyes.

Since it means that they met for the first time, let's start at the first sight.

Huo Shiqin would climb mountains every few months, and the first time he met Xia Yunhan was in the mountains.

Every time Huo Shiqin climbed the mountain alone. Unexpectedly, there was a problem in the prepared rope and he fell off the mountain.

When you open your eyes for the first time, the person you see is Xia Yunhan!

If Xia Yunhan didn't wake him up, tie a rope to him, send him up and help him with the emergency treatment, I don't know whether Huo Shiqin could hold on to the rescue.


”Jiang Wan suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted Huo Shiqin's memory.

Huo Shiqin, who fell into memories, was suddenly interrupted by others, and his face was a little ugly. The other party was Jiang night. Huo Shiqin was not angry, but asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter?" Jiang night looked at Huo Shiqin excitedly, his hands on the table trembled, and his palms were full of sweat.

"Was that afternoon, and then i... Miss Xia was wearing a light pink Ru skirt and was filming a cliff jumping scene?" Jiang Wan tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't hide his inner excitement.

A trace of doubt flashed in Huo Shiqin's eyes, nodded and asked, "how do you know?" perhaps feeling Huo Shiqin's caution, Jiang Wan reacted and found an excuse to prevaricate.

"Mom told me. Go on.

”Jiang Wan said with a smile. Huo Shiqin nodded and continued to speak.

What Jiang Wan didn't know was that he didn't tell anyone about Huo Shiqin's rescue by Xia Yunhan, even Jiang Jingxian was no exception.

Jiang Wan listened to Huo Shiqin's story and occasionally something was wrong. Jiang Wan just frowned slightly and didn't say much.

If Jiang Wan knows so much, she still needs to start with Xia Yunxi, acting as a substitute for Xia Yunhan and jumping off a cliff.

At that time, Xia Yunhan took a shot and fell from the cliff to the bottom of the valley.

Because the shooting was difficult and dangerous, the whole crew naturally sent Xia Yunxi to the edge of the cliff.

Xia Yunxi stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down trembling. While overcoming his psychological pressure, he tried to adjust his mood and strive to pass it once.

Xia Yunhan sat not far away, holding a hot drink in his hand, looking at Xia Yunxi like a good play.

"Are the doubles ready? Turn on when you're ready!

”The director said loudly.

Xia Yunxi nodded to the director, only listened to the script in the director Yiyang's hand and officially started the machine.

"Don't come near me!

”Xia Yunxi looked at the officers and soldiers in panic. He retreated back and looked back at the bottomless cliff behind him. His eyes were full of fear.

The camera advances slowly and directly faces Xia Yunxi.

Because she is similar to Xia Yunhan, it is more difficult to distinguish after makeup.

Therefore, Xia Yunxi appeared in many scenes in Xia Yunhan's roles.


”With a cry of surprise, Xia Yunxi stepped empty and fell off the cliff.



”The director's voice came from above. No one cared about Xia Yunxi hanging on the cliff.

Although the mountain is not very high, the rope prepared for the props is not long enough. People can only hang on the half wall.

If the rope had been longer or shorter, she would not have seen Huo Shiqin falling on the cliff, let alone what happened later.

Xia Yunxi hung his rope on Huo Shiqin and took him to the top of the mountain. The doctor gave him emergency treatment and sent him to the hospital.

But when Huo Shiqin investigated the matter, he found that Xia Yunhan saved him, so he didn't know that Xia Yunxi existed.

"That's how it happened. You should know now!

”Huo Shiqin ends his memory and looks at Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan was holding his small head and looked absent-minded. Although he looked at Huo Shiqin, his heart was not on him. His head was full of memories of her and Huo Shiqin.

After such a long time, Huo Shiqin can still remember that Jiang Wan is really moved. After all, she has always had a place in Huo Shiqin's heart.

"I see!

However, mom said you didn't have a clear mind at that time. Aren't you afraid you read it wrong? "Jiang Wan said deliberately.

The man who really saved Huo Shiqin sat in front of him, but he didn't know.

Jiang Wan sighed helplessly and couldn't help feeling sorry. If she took the initiative at that time, instead of retreating behind Xia Yunhan when Huo Shiqin opened her eyes, would there be different results now? "Wrong?" Huo Shiqin's eyes were slightly heavy, and he couldn't help falling into meditation. He might really forget some details!

After a long time, he said slowly, "well, that's it. I'm finished. If you're tired, go back and have a rest.

”"I see!

”Jiang Wan smiled softly with happiness in his eyes. Today's anger disappeared and jumped back to his room.

Huo Shiqin looked at Jiang Wan's happy appearance and was relieved. He cleaned up Jiang Wan's cake plate left on the table.


”Jiang Wan lay in bed, his head buried in the quilt, turned over and over several times, and his excited heart couldn't calm down at all.

At the thought that the person Huo Shiqin has been grateful for is himself, Jiang Wan couldn't control his heart and buried his head in the quilt. He was very shy.

Jiang didn't have a good sleep all night. He tossed and turned until dawn.

The next morning, when Huo Shiqin came down from upstairs and saw Jiang Wan, he was obviously startled.

"Why, do you still want to be a national treasure?" Huo Shiqin looked at Jiang Wan, looked at her black eyes that can't be covered, reluctantly shook his head and continued: "even if your black eyes are as big as pandas, you won't be as cute as them.

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